Transgender Derya Y. Killed in Antalya

Transgender Derya Y. was stabbed to death at her home in the Altındağ district of Antalya on the Mediterranean coast. The police has launched an investigation into the matter.
The LGBTT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual) Rights Platform has scheduled a press release for today (10 February) at 3.00 pm in the centrally located Yüksel Avenue in Ankara. The platform will read out an announcement concerning Derya Y. and transsexual woman Zuhal who was stabbed in Ankara on the night of 6 February.
As reported by, website of the Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association (KaosGL), Derya Y. was killed at around 11.30 pm on Monday night (8 February).
The murder was reported by phone. When the police arrived at Derya Y.'s home, they talked to the victims friend İ.Ö. The body of Derya Y. was found in her bedroom.
The police declared that Derya Y. was stabbed and died of loss of blood.
Friends of the victim remained in front of her home until the morning. The police investigated the scene of crime and took Derya Y.'s body to the forensic medicine morgue. (BÇ/VK)