“Pink Istanbul” against Homophobia and Transphobia

For some people Amsterdam is the homosexual capital of Europe, known for its liberal attitudes, while Istanbul stands for socio-political dynamism, night life, art and culture…
However, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals (LGBTT) want to draw attention to the discrimination people experience because of homophobia and transphobia in both cities.
The Pink Istanbul /Pink Amsterdam event will take place in Istanbul for the first time tomorrow (Saturday, 4 April).
The event, which brings together politicians, rights activists and artists, has been organised under the name “Pink Istanbul” in Amsterdam twice before, and is now coming to Istanbul as “Pink Amsterdam”.
The event has been organised by the Pera Foundation, as well as gay rights organisations COC Amsterdam, COC Netherland, and Lamdaistanbul and the Ghetto nightclub. The Dutch Consulate is also supporting the event.,
There will be a conference held at the Madison Hotel, discussing and sharing the LGBTT efforts and struggles in Istanbul and Amsterdam.
2 pm Representatives from Lamdaistanbul and COC Amsterdam: Opening speech and description of how Pink Istanbul- Pink Amsterdam came to Turkey
2.15 pm Dennis Boutkan (president, COC Amsterdam): Gay freedom and policies, Turkish community in Amsterdam, multiculturalism and LGBTT rights in Amsterdam and the Netherlands
2.45 pm Bjorn van Roozendaal (COC Netherlands, IGLYO): Good and bad practice in terms of gay freedom, examples and policies from different countries
3.15 Short film
3.45 Lambdaistanbul: What are the policies and the general situation in Turkey? What is needed and what can be done?
DJs against dscrimination on stage
From 10 pm onwards, the Ghetto nightclub will host DJ Joost van Bellen, DJ İpek İpekçioğlu, When Harry Met Sally & Tess, DJ Lupe, DJ Kivanch, DJ WannaBeStar, Monsieur Plastique and video art group Artificial Eyes at its Pink Amsterdam party. (BÇ/AG)
* The Madison Hotel,Talimhane, Reşatpaşa Cad. No: 15, Beyoğlu
* Ghetto, Kalyoncu Kulluk Caddesi, No:10, Beyoğlu