‘These Days Have Three Hardships, First is the Belief That the Outbreak Has Ended’

Photo: Aytuğ Can Sencar - Ankara / AA
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Following his meeting with the Science Board, Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca addressed the reporters in Ankara yesterday (June 3).
Commenting on the recent situation in the country amid coronavirus outbreak, Minister Koca has reminded the audience that Turkey has entered a phase of normalization starting from June 1, warning that this process of normalization does not mean that the outbreak has ended.
Noting that the level of welfare around the world is now worse than it was six months ago, Koca has indicated that the economy of Turkey has also been adversely affected by the pandemic.
"Observing the measures does not only mean protecting our health and curtailing the spread of the disease any longer," he has said and added, "Now, it also means increasing the welfare of our country and enabling the normalization of conditions for education."
Reiterating the importance of abiding by the rules of face masks and social distance amid normalization, Koca has briefly said the following:
Three hardships
"These days have three hardships of their own. The first hardship is the belief that the outbreak has come to an end.
"The second hardship that we will face in our struggle is to forget the seriousness of the disease by relying on our success in treatment.
"The third factor that will cause difficulties for us is the easing of measures for the ones in risk group.
"These three hardships are the test of these days. We need to pass this test. We need to keep in mind that we have not returned to normal conditions, but we are trying to return to them in a planned manner.
'Differentiate the ones who respect public health'
"It will not be enough if it is only you who observe the measures. Hold yourselves at a distance from those who violate the rules of mask and distance, in addition to social distance. Use this right of yours.
"Make a differentiation between the businesses that respect public health and that do not. Show your reaction or appreciation.
'We do not expect a second wave'
"In the current conditions and relying on your understanding of the outbreak and measures, we can say that we do not expect a second wave.
"The transition to a controlled social life plays an important role here. Now, we need to observe the measures more insistently.
"If we do not observe the measures, all areas of life that have started to normalize will turn into risk zones.
"In this period, the course of the outbreak will more depend on the ones who carry the disease without showing symptoms. The disease transmitted from a person that does not have the symptoms might lead to severe consequences for the infected one."
Shopping malls, bazaars
Referring to the shopping malls, which have been reopened as part of normalization steps, Minister Fahrettin Koca has warned that the crowds that might gather in front of the malls need to be prevented.
"Our Science Board recommends taking temperatures before entering the malls and not allowing the ones with high body temperature or looking ill into the mall," Koca has noted and underlined that rules regarding face masks and social distance need to be observed in all closed spaces.
"When you go to crowded places such as a shopping mall, please do not spend more than three hours there," Koca has urged the citizens.
Referring to the bazaars, he has also said, "Bazaars are also risky places in terms of transmission of the disease. Since the very first days of the disease, rules to be observed in bazaars have been set up."
Hospitals, curfew for the young and elderly
Concluding his remarks, Koca has also referred to the current situation in hospitals as well as the demands of citizens aged 65 and over and 18 and younger for the easing of curfews still in place for them:
"Our hospitals are now gradually starting to offer their usual services. Our polyclinics will attend to regular patients and illnesses more, they will give appointments for postponed treatments.
"The necessary guide for our hospitals and healthcare personnel has been issued. These rules will be strictly observed.
"In this process, our elderly aged 65 and over and our young people have been the ones who have made the greatest self-sacrifice. Still restrained from going out, our elderly are allowed to go out once a week and our young people twice a week between the specified hours.
"There is also an approach that it would be better to increase it, especially for the aged who have problems such as restriction of movement."
Accordingly, Minister Koca has announced that a further easing of the curfew for them "will be brought to agenda next week." "An adjustment has been added to the agenda," Koca has noted.
'Restrictions could be lifted on a provincial basis'
In response to a question whether the curfews at the weekend and for the ones aged 65 and older and 18 and younger will remain in effect, Fahrettin Koca has indicated that "there is no approach for a general weekend curfew in the upcoming period," warning that it will be discussed again if there are changes in the numbers of cases by provinces.
"It can always be brought to the agenda on a provincial basis depending on the number of cases," he has added further. (EKN/SD)