Amid Easing of Lockdown Measures in Turkey, Health Minister Insists: #StayHome

* Photos: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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"Today, there were long queues in front of shopping malls and crowds at their doors. The social distance rule was not observed most of the time. There were even the ones who did not wear masks. Neither masks nor social distance is protective in itself. Measures must be fully observed. Risk continues. Let us stay home unless absolutely necessary."
In the face of the government's economic "normalization" policy, Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, with his Twitter posts, keeps reminding people that the pandemic is not yet over and "the danger has not passed."
Bugün, AVM önlerinde uzun kuyruklar, AVM kapılarında yığılmalar oluştu. Sosyal mesafe kuralına çoğunlukla uyulmadı. Maske takmayanlara bile rastlandı. Ne maske, ne sosyal mesafe, tek başına koruyucu değil. Tedbirler tam olmalı. Risk devam ediyor. Mecbur değilsek evde kalalım.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 11, 2020
Opened yesterday (May 11), barber and hairdresser shops as well as shopping malls are already full of people all around the country.
We have compiled some of the sometimes romantic, sometimes humorous "stay home" messages of Health Minister Fahrettin Koca in May:
'Keep struggling without easing the measures'
May 11: "If we abide by the measures, the number of new cases a day will be lower than 1,000. The number of our patients in need of intensive care and respiration support keeps decreasing. The number of our deaths is 55 today. Let us not forget that imprudence will have a heavy price."
May 10: "We have changed this picture together with 83 million. By observing the measures insistently! Let us keep struggling seriously and without loosening it. The number of our recovered patients will soon reach 100 thousand people. The number of our deaths and cases will drop. Isn't it worth a bit more self-sacrifice?"
'Err on the side of caution'
May 9: "One can stay away from the virus with a mask and social distance. Wear a mask outside the home and keep social distance. You cannot know who has the virus. Err on the side of caution. #SeeTheRisk"
Virüsten uzak durmanın yolu, maske ve sosyal mesafedir. Ev dışında mutlaka maske takın ve sosyal mesafeyi koruyun. Kimin virüs taşıdığını bilemezsiniz. Tedbiri elden bırakmayın. #riskigörün
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 9, 2020
May 8: "Our warnings about masks and social distance are mixed and spread with the sharp wit and wittiness of our people. But, let's be careful at the bazaar: Someone can give you some coronavirus along with money."
Maske ve sosyal mesafe uyarılarımız, halkımızın pratik zekâsı, hazırcevap konuşmasıyla mevzu olup yayılıyor. Pazar yerinde dikkatli olalım. Biri, para ile birlikte bir miktar Koronavirüs uzatabilir.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 8, 2020
"Come without money, but don't come without masks'
'If it is not to the home, then it is not good'
Again, May 8: "Eminönü [district in İstanbul] seems to return to the times before the outbreak. Including the traffic congestion! Let us avoid any rush while everything is getting better in the fight against the outbreak. Automobile might be safe, but until you open the door and get off the car."
Eminönü, salgın öncesi günlerin hareketliliğine dönmüş görüntüsü verdi. Trafik sıkışıklığına kadar! Salgınla mücadelede her şey daha iyiye giderken, aceleci olmayalım. Otomobil güvenli olabilir. Ama kapıyı açıp, dışarı çıkana kadar.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 8, 2020
May 6: "The new period is not a typical period of normalization. It is a partial liberation of our lives, just to the point that can guarantee our health. The new period consists of precautions and longings. The days that have started is the prize of our efforts since March 11. But, it is not the grand prize."
'The threat is still there, try to stay home'
Again, May 6: "We are in the second stage of our fight against coronavirus, we are in the first days of the new period. Success depends on some conditions in this period. Abiding by the measures guarantees success. Acting recklessly means we assume that the virus is no more. Measures are a must, because the threat is still there."
'It is too early for that many people to fit into a picture'
"İstiklal Avenue [in Taksim, İstanbul] did not look good today. It is too early for that many people to fit into a picture. Every picture from daily life should support the Daily Coronavirus Picture of Turkey. Let us try to stay home. If we go out, let us use a mask and observe the social distance rule."
May 4: "We cannot be as close as before. Let us keep some distance."
Eskisi kadar yakın olamayız. Araya mesafe koymalıyız.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) May 3, 2020