Lift of Curfew Doesn't Mean Everything is Back to Normal, Health Minister Warns

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After the government announced that the weekend curfews in 15 larger cities would not continue after Sunday (May 31), Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has warned the citizens that this doesn't mean "everything is back to normal."
"If you do not secure yourself against the virus with precautions, you will not know the result you will face," he said in a tweet.
"In Turkish: what a coronavirus patient experiences in intensive care is strange to you like Chinese," he continued, posting an image with Chinese text.
Sokağa çıkma kısıtlamasının kalkması, her şeyin normale döndüğü anlamına gelmesin. Eğer tedbirlerle kendinizi virüse karşı güvenceye almazsanız, karşılaşacağınız sonucu bilemezsiniz. Türkçesi: Bir Koronavirüs hastasının yoğun bakımda yaşadıkları size Çince kadar yabancıdır.
— Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) June 2, 2020
As of yesterday (June 1), Turkey has more than 165,000 confirmed coronavirus cases while the country's death toll stands at 4,563. Daily cases have recently dropped below 1,000 from 4,000s in mid-April during the peak of the epidemic.
As part of the reopening efforts, the government yesterday resumed domestic flights, eased intercity travel restrictions and opened cafes, restaurants, parks and recreation areas with new rules to prevent the transmission of the virus. (EMK/VK)