Redhack Releases Cables on Reyhanlı Blasts

Redhack, a hacker group from Turkey, released a series of cables that revealed the dawn of Reyhanlı twin blasts through the top secret files of Turkey's Gendarmerie Intelligence Office Administration.
The group announced the release of cables via twitter, pledging for answers behind the Reyhanlı twin blasts.
The top secret files released by the group dated May 20 - 9 days after the deadly incident that killed 51 civilians in the southern city of Reyhanlı, Hatay.
One cable revealed the details of several vehicles loaded with bombs and explosives to be delivered to pro-Al Qaeda groups in Syria.
The bombs and explosives may be used in a plot against Syria, it said.
Another cable reported that militants from Al Nusra Front organization replaced bombs and explosives in 3 different vehicles to be used in a plot against Turkey - an information that confirmed the first.
A third cable claimed that officials in Hatay Police Headquarters received an anonymous phone call which alerted the upcoming plot and informed on some of the allegations that appeared in the media. (AS/BM)
* Click here to access Redhack cables (in Turkish).