Private Arrested As “Reyhanlı Cables Leak During Shift”

Utku Kalı, a private on compulsory drafting serving in a prison headquarters under Gendarmerie in the northern province of Amasya, has been arrested on May 24 for “leaking top secret documents”. He is currently jailed in a military prison in Sivas province.
Family members and advocates of Utku Kalı held a press conference this morning, providing updates on his current situation.
Kalı has been detained along with another private after the cables were released by RedHack. The two privates were transferred to a military prosecutors in Sivas province.
Kalı has been arrested for “high suspicions of involvement” as the “leaked top documents arrived to the system at the time of Kalı’s night shift”.
The other private, on the other hand, has been released and sent back to his barracks as the “leaked top documents did not arrive to the system at the time of Kalı’s night shift”.
Reminding that Utku Kalı was arrested under the suspicions of “running away and concealing evidence”, advocate Ceren Kalı emphasized on the impossibility of such scenarios as he was already serving in a military barracks.
“No conditions have occurred for supporting his arrest,” she said.
“His arrest is devoid of jurisdiction”
Speaking at the press conference held in Cezayir Meeting Hall in downtown Istanbul, she continued:
“Utku was arrested without a veritable judicial ground. When he was detained, he did not even know the reason. And then we also heard on the news the detention of a private soldier who is charged with involving the leaks case. These statements were made state officials.”
“It is unacceptable to see statements as if my brother was tried and convicted, as if the action and its doer is certain already. An investigation is underway.”
“Likewise, giving my brother a hero status is also very dangerous and unreal. Everybody should be very vigilant.”
He served as military driver
Utku Kalı was arrested for charges under “crimes against state” according Turkish Penal Code. However, his advocate said his file did not specify exact charges:
“Utku served as transportation private in the Gendarmerie. He was technically a driver. He is claimed to be at the phone center between 8am - 8 pm on May 22. They claim that the top secret documents arrived around those hours, and that Utku secretly snapped their photos and sent them out.”
After some journalists pointed out that “a transportation private could not be on the night shift for phone center and these allegation had no grounds”, advocate Ceren Kalı said the charges also contained several contradictions and they were yet to be informed in detail.
She also underlined that his brother had no access to internet or phone as he was serving in the army.
Appearing before the prosecutor, Utku Kalı did not testify and denied all charges in the court.
Ceren Kalı responded to the media allegations that his brother was tortured under detention, saying that they would not make a statement on the matter yet.
“RedHack knew before us”
Advocate Kalı claimed that Redhack knew about his brother’s detention before them and added that she did not understand how it was possible.
“When we heard the incident via twitter, we weren’t even officially notified. It was claimed that the informant was Utku but it was impossible for him to send out cables under detention.
“One of the most important evidences on Utku Kalı’s innocence is that Redhack maintained to send out information as he was detained. Certainly, it is impossible to think that Utku sent out the cables under police detention.
“We want our son back”
Utku Kalı (26) was born in Ereğli in the northern province of Zonguldak. He majored in electronic communication technologies in Balıkesir University. Prior to his compulsory drafting, Kalı worked at a GSM firm as technology consultant and provided technical support to a call center.
“We sent our son to the army with smiles, but we are very upset now,” Gönül Çeçen, Kalı’s mother and a retired teacher, said in the press conference.
“We gave our son to the state to be in good hands. This is important for us. We want him back unharmed,” father Mahmut Kalı said. (AS/BM)
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