Kürkçü Submits Official Inquiry to Interior Minister on RedHack Cables

Peace and Democracy Party deputy Kürkçü submitted an official inquiry to Interior Minister Muammer Güler regarding the recently released Redhack cables on the twin blasts in Reyhanlı that left 51 people dead.
In his inquiry, Kürkçü stated that the cables released by RedHack seemed authentically intelligence reports and continued:
“The cables cite that the aforementioned plots were obtained on April 25 and it confirmed parallelisms with Al Nusra Front’s (one of Syria’s most efficient armed opposition group) plans to place bombs in 3 vehicles to be used against Turkey.
“While it is claimed that the files belonged to Gendarmerie Intelligence Office Administration and they contained information on the details of vehicles with explosives to be delivered to pro-Al Qaeda groups in Syria, it is also stated that these vehicles were being searched by Syria.
“Furthermore, a cable contains an intelligence report saying that certain individuals from separatist and extreme leftist organizations would attend the “Democracy and Peace Conference” organized by Democratic Congress of People (HDK) in Ankara on May 25-26.
“This shows how a conference attended by Turkey’s pro-peace deputies, authors, intellectuals, artists and activists is regarded as a criminal case, an object of crime.
Departing from the arguments above, Kürkçü’s official questions included:
* Are the aforementioned cable authentic?
* Do the aforementioned files belong to Gendarmerie Intelligence Office Administration?
* Why did our 51 citizens die in Reyhanlı blasts despite the existence of intelligence reports on the plot?
* Have the law enforcement officials done any investigation on the bomb-deployed vehicles possessed by pro-Al Qaeda groups?
* Is it the opinion of your ministry that Democratic Congress of People - an entity that is openly active with the participation of political parties, environmental organizations, folk and faith groups and democratic people organizations - is criminal? If not, why do security units under your ministry consider a conference attended by Turkey’s pro-peace deputies, authors, intellectuals, artists and activists as a criminal case, an object of crime?
* Has your ministry yet launched an official/administrative investigation on the leakege aforementioned files? If yes, what is the current status of the investigation? (EKN/BM)