LGBTT March For Slained Transsexual İnce
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite and Transsexual (LGBTT) Rights Platform held an activity in Kızılay, Ankara and protested the death of Dilek İnce, who was killed by a gun attack.
After İnce’s funeral, a group of about hundred people marched down the Yüksel Street wearing shrouds and protesting the hate killings against the member of the LGBTTs.
“We do not know who is next”
Reading the press release on behalf of the group, Serra Can asked, “how long are you going to watch our getting killed by fueling homophobic and transphobic hatred.”
Stating that İnci was killed by the hetero-sexist hatred, Can said, “We are sad and angry, because we have come here from the cemetery. We are angry, because we do not know which one of our gay and transsexual friend is next.”
“Who killed transsexual İnce at the Capitol by a pump-gun and will they be caught? Who killed gay Ahmet Yılda by a gun and why the Istanbul police has not found the killers yet? Who forced gay Ege Tanyürek to suicide in Adıyaman.”
“Prime Minister, is it not a crime to discriminate between the citizens?”
Saying that they are in fear and anxiety, Can called out to the Prime Minister.
“Mister Prime Minister we are asking you if the homosexuals and transsexuals are not citizens. Is it not a crime to discriminate between the citizens? We are asking you if their killers will be found. Will the prosecutors and the judges quit releasing them because of excessive provocation? We are asking you who will protects our lives and provide our security. We are in fear and anxiety, because we do not know how many homosexuals and transsexuals will the Prime Minister’s citizens who lost their patience kill? We are curious if Mister Prime Minister will create the just and peaceful society by using fear?
Can said the doors their knock to receive justice are not opened to them.
“We have knocked their doors, we have screamed, we have worn shrouds…They kill us just because we are homosexuals, just because we are transsexuals. We seek justice, but we do not get any. It is not much we want; we just don’t want to be killed for out identities of sexual orientation.”
Announcing that “The killing of homosexuals and transsexuals is a political act, we know the killers, the platform leader said, “We will not quit going after these events.”
After the press release was read, the participants marched to the building of the Prime Ministry Human Rights Presidency, clapping their hands and chanting slogans. Demanding the murderers must be caught, they left a symbolic shroud in front of the building.
Her friends and her husband bid farewell to İnce
İnce was killed by a gun shot received at an attack in Etlik, Ankara. More than 70 people, including her friends and her husband, were at the funeral.
Umut Güner of Kaos GL told bianet that despite the belief that the people of LGBTT orientation die alone, İnce was not alone. (BÇ/EÜ/TB)
*This news report was prepared with the help received from