Men Killed 9 Women in April

According to a data collection surveyed by bianet based on news of local and national newspapers and news agencies, 9 women and a child were killed by men in April; 17 women, 2 girls and a man injured; 10 women raped and 11 harassed; 26 children were abused.
The majority of cases of violence against women occurred in the Marmara region in north-western Turkey.
In the first quarter of 2012, 56 women were killed, 77 women were exposed to violence, 38 women raped, 67 harassed in total.
Male culprits in Turkey killed nine women and a child in ten different provinces in April 2012. One of them committed suicide after the offence; two men surrendered to the police.
Most of the women murdered in April were killed by their husbands. Two women killed by their husbands were asking to divorce, one woman by her lover as she wanted to leave him, one sex worker woman by her customer. Four men raped a 12-year-old girl and strangled. Two women had complained about their husbands. After their husbands testified and released, they killed their wives with knives. One of them confessed that he killed her wife as she had complained about him to police station. Two men killed their wives as "they used the internet".
Most of the slain women were killed with knives this month. 5 murdered by knife, 2 by shotgun, 2 by gun.
The murders occurred in Adana, Antalya, Bursa, Elazığ, Erzurum, İstanbul, Konya, Maraş, Samsun and Van.
The male culprits were between 19 and 56 years old; the slain women were between 20 and 50 years of age.
Violence - Injury
17 women, 2 girls and a man were injured by males in April 2012. A man who believed he killed his wife committed suicide. The most cases of violence against women happened in Istanbul. Over all, incidents of violence were reported in the provinces of Adana (2), Adıyaman (2), Antalya (2),Edirne, Istanbul (5), Izmir, Kırklareli, Mersin, Samsun ve and Zonguldak(3).
The majority of cases of violence against women involved their spouses. 9 women injured by their husbands, one of them was living separate, two of them asked to divorce. Three women by their former husbands; one by her husband in imam marriage; one by her father; one by her lover, one by a store employee. One transgender woman was attacked by men unknown to her.
According to the data compiled, 11 women were beaten; four were injured with a knife; one was injured with a gun; one with a pump rifle. A man made her lover watch how he'd beaten his wife via his mobile phone. One of the women had complained about his husband for five times before.
Six men were faced with a lawsuit; a man was sentenced to move away from home. Four women lodged a complaint, one sued for a divorce.
10 women in eight provinces were raped by men in April. As a result of police operations, 85 women working as sex workers by force were disclosed.
Rapes were reported in the provinces of Ankara (2), Batman, Bolu, Çorlu, İstanbul (2), İzmit, Samsun and Yalova.
Six women were raped at home, 4 women at the street, a woman at the rehabilitation center. 4 women raped by men unknown to her, one by her husband, one by her friend, one by her lover and a woman was raped by a friend of her husband.
171 people were arrested in charge of "forcing women to sex work", 8 were arrested to commit rape. A woman sued for a divorce. Two women were robbed after the rape, one was beaten.
The attackers were in between 20 and 57 years of age; the women were in between 16 and 38 years old.
Harassment - Sexual Violence
11 women in seven provinces experienced harassment and/or sexual violence in April. Incidents of harassment and sexual violence came up in the news in the provinces of Adana, Bursa, Erzurum, İstanbul, Karabük, Kocaeli and Uşak.
The majority of women were harassed by strangers. 8 women were harassed by men unknown to them, two by her colleagues and one woman experienced harassment by her boss.
8 women were harassed at the street, 3 in the work place, one at the hospital. One man was suspended, 4 men arrested, one man was released by the court pending a trial.
The attackers were between 17 and 63 years of age; the women were between 20 and 39 years old.
Child Abuse
23 girls and 3 boys were abused in 15 provinces in April 2012. The majority of children were abused by their teachers and strangers.
9 children were abused by their teachers, 9 by strangers, 3 by their fathers, 3 by their relatives, one child by her doctor, one child by school bus driver.
27 men were arrested, 4 men were released by the court pending a trial.
The male perpetrators were between 15 and 57 years old; the children were aged between 5 and 17 years.
Violence causing violence
A woman knifed her colleague who attempted to rape her. The woman was arrested as the attacker died at the hospital. 11-year-old girl knifed his stepfather as he beat her mother.
Regional Distribution
In April 2012, 64 women in 28 provinces were reportedly imposed to violence, murder, attempted murder, rape, harassment and injury and child abuse. Again, the majority of incidents of violence against women were reported in the Marmara region.
Out of a total of 64 reported cases, 21 incidents happened in the Marmara region; 15 in he Black Sea region, 13 in the Mediterranean area; 5 in Eastern Anatolia; 3 in Central Anatolia and 2 in South-East Anatolia.
The city where most of the incidents of violence against women were reflected in the news was İstanbul with 11 incidents. (ÇT)