Male Violence April 2012

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 9 women and 1 child dead, 10 raped, 17 women, 2 teenager girls and 1 men and 1 child injured and 11 sexually harassed in April 2012. In addition, 26 child abuse cases were reported.
While women were slain by their husbands mostly, knife marked the most frequent murder instrument.
Overall in 2012, male violence left 56 women dead, 38 raped, 77 battered and 67 harassed.
1 April
* In Antalya province, upon a complaint, police raided bidonville house and saved L.Y. (16) and N.M. (29) who were forced to prostitution. N.K. (27) and İ.K (30) have been detained for “forcing to prostitution. Suspects were arrested for “forcing minors to prostitution, arranging prostitution and providing space for prostitution”.
* In Bursa province, police detained Y.G. (33) and M.S. (32) who presented themselves as policemen, inspected massage salons and raped women after asking for further information. Suspects were charged with “title hack” and “sexual assault”.
* In Diyarbakır province, a man forced three women to prostitution. He was arrested with “forcing to prostitution, providing space for prostitution and premeditated assault."
Child abuse
* In Zonguldak province, music tutor A.U. (50) sexually harassed his student by showing his sexual organ. Upon the complaint of girl’s father, A.U. was detained. Pleaded not guilty, the suspect was released pending a trial.
2 April
* In Maraş province, K.C (19), İ.F. (25), Z.O. (26) and İ.A. (21) murdered Ş.D. (12) after raping her. All suspects were charged with life sentence.
* In İstanbul province, mechanical engineer H.K. battered his academician wife Doç. Dr. G.B.K. After the incident, the woman filed a complaint. He was charged with a prison sentence from 6 to 18 months of prison. H.K. will stand trial at İstanbul Peace Court.
Child abuse
* In İstanbul province, police detained M.D. (35) for flashing his sexual organ to two teenager girls (12 and 19). Bakırköy Prosecutors Office released M.D.
* In Samsun province, teacher S.Y. (57) has been detained for caressing his student M.Y. (10)’s legs. While a vacation court released him pending a trial, S.Y. was charged with a prison sentence up to 15 years.
* In İstanbul province, sports teacher Y.C.A. (29) raped his student D.A. (17). Following her family’s complaint, Y.C.A. was detained and then arrested by a court. He was charged with up to 22 years of prison for “child abuse”. The suspect will stand trial at İstanbul High Criminal Court.
* In Tekirdağ province, S.Y. (20) raped his lover G.Y. (17) after tying her hands at his villa. G.Y. filed a complaint to the police. A court arrested S.Y. for “abducting a minor and sexual assault”. He was jailed in Tekirdağ Prison.
3 April
* In Uşak province, M.İ. (17) sexually harassed D.P. (18), Z.Ç. (23), N.A. (22) and K.N.Ş.(19) on the street. He was caught in action upon the women’s complaint. M.İ. was arrested after standing trial.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Antalya province, N.G. (46) assaulted his working partner A.B. (57) with a knife, saying that he attempted to rape her. While the woman was released pending a trial, she was first detained and then arrested again as A.B. died during hospitalization.
4 April
Child abuse
* In Mersin province, M.C. sexually abused his daughter H.C. (13). It turned out that the girl previously file a complaint on her father and then reportedly withdrew her filing. She filed a complaint again as her father resumed abusing. Arrested by a court, the father is facing prison sentence up to 15 years.
5 April
Child abuse
* In Aydın province, G.Ö. (23) was arrested for raping H.T.A. (14), a teenager girl.
* In Zonguldak province, 5 local business owner were detained for raping E.K. (13). While E.K. was put under protection, Gökçebey Prosecutors Office will carry out the prosecution.
* In Sakarya province, T.C. (16) was subjected to rape. Prosecutors ordered the detention of 11 suspects upon her uncle’s complaint. They claimed that the girl willingly had intercourse with them.
6 April
* In Konya province, bank manager A.G. (56) murdered his wife Hülya Gümüş'ü (50) with a knife in their apartment. Following the incident, he surrendered to the police.
* In Antalya province, Ö.Ö. (22) murdered sex worker Nükhet Kızılkaya (26) in his apartment with a knife. A court arrested Ö.Ö. after a trial.
Controversial death
* In İstanbul province, K.K (81) has been caught as he was throwing out the dead body of his wife Müküme Keskin (90) wrapped in blanket with a baby stroller. Detained by the police, he said he lived with the body for 5 days. He even claimed that he had taken the body to a walk. He also added that he wanted to wash her body in the mosque sanitary room and bury her himself. While K.K. was transferred to a mental institution for assessment, an autopsy on Müküme Keskin’s body will have the final say on her death cause.
* In İstanbul province, orthodontist Prof. Dr. İ.H.Ö. physically and verbally harassed his ex-wife Doç.Dr. E.N.Ö. as he was visiting her apartment to see his son. The woman filed a complaint to a prosecutor, saying that his ex-husband battered her. Prosecutors completed their investigation and charged İ.H.Ö. with 2 to 5 years of prison sentence for assault.
7 April
* In Zonguldak province, H.Ç. (34) battered his wife S.Ç. (34). Upon the woman’s complaint, he was detained. It turned out that the husband was unemployed and came home drunk and battered his wife.
9 April
* In Mersin province, C.S. battered his lover S.Ç. (29). Following the incident, the woman filed a complaint to the police, saying that her life was in danger and she could be killed anytime.
* In Adana province, authorities reportedly launched an investigation on expert physician Ş.Ş. for allegations of sexually harassment on nurses and interns.
11 April
* In Bolu province, İ.K. (22), a drafted soldier on weekend permit, raped mentally-disabled K.K. (19). The incident came into surface as she felt uneasy and went to the hospital. It turned out that she was 7 months pregnant. Pleaded guilty, İ.K. was arrested by a court.
* In Samsun province, N.Y. (38) filed a complaint, saying that Y.K. (57), a friend of her husband’s, raped her. Arrested, Y.K. was released later on due to lack of evidence.
* In İstanbul province, N.B. (35) abused his wife S.B. (26) physically and sexually. The woman filed a complaint against her husband and sued for divorce.
* In Adana province, H.K. (30) assaulted his religiously-wed wife S.Ü. (29) with a shotgun. The argument reportedly broke out after H.K. asked for a land which was registered under his wife. While released him for pending trial, prosecutors charged H.K. with up to 8 years of prison for "firing a gun that would create fear, panic, threat and anxiety”.
12 April
Child abuse
* In Bolu province, F.T. (29) raped his wife’s sister Z.B. (15). While F.T. was arrested, the teenager girl was put under state shelter.
* In Antalya province, H.Ç., a mother, filed a complaint against her husband Y.A., saying that he sold their daughter S.Ç. (13) for 30,000 liras in order to compensate gambling debts. The woman wrote a letter to authorities as police and authorities took no action.
13 April
* In Adana province, B.D. (35) murdered his divorce-seeking and separated wife Özlem D. with his unlicensed pistol.
* In Çorlu province, H.Ç.(43), S.G. (43), K.Ç.( 28) and R.S. raped D.K. (25) on a farm. While R.S. was arrested for "depriving one from freedom and sexual assaulted”, other suspects were arrested for "depriving one from freedom”. All suspects were sent to Tekirdağ Prison.
* In Urfa province, G.B. (40), I.A. (45), G.A. (40) and Ç.B. (22) filed a complaint to the police due to domestic violence. Detained, 4 suspects were transferred to court for “ill-treatment on family members”.
Child abuse
* In Adıyaman province, police detained F.I. (17) for allegedly sexually harassing A.T. (5). Transferred to a court after his testimony, F.I. was arrested and sent to Adıyaman Prison.
* In Adana province, police detained E.A. (47), M.A. (21) and S.K. (35) for sexually abusing H.K. (17). Suspects stood trial for “providing space to prostitution, organizing prostitution”. E.A. and M.A. have been arrested by a court and sent to prison.
14 April
* In Van province, M.N.S. murdered his 9 months pregnant wife Gülcan Sütçü (23) with a rifle.
15 April
* In Antalya province, A.A. (50), a retired security guard, battered his cashier wife H.A. (44) and showed its footage to his lover Z.İ. though a 3G system. While the woman was hospitalized, she filed a complaint and divorce.
* In İzmit province, B.Y. (20) raped his lover M.Ç. (19). Upon the woman’s complaint, he was ordered to stand trial.
Harassment-Sexual violence
* In Kocaeli province, a man attempted to rape H.A. (39) on her way back from an infirmary. He ran away as the woman resisted. Police took notice and launched an investigation.
* In İstanbul province, ophthalmologist E.D. (63) sexually harassed his secretary Ş.Ş. (22). Prosecutors charged E.D. with up to 7 years of prison.
17 April
Child abuse
* In Burdur province, T.U. (14) filed a complaint against A.Ç., Ç.Y., M.B., S.C., M.T., K.R. and an undisclosed high school student for sexual abuse. All suspects were interrogated for two days by officials and sent to Burdur Prison for “sexual assault” charges. Taken from her family, T.U. was put under shelter.
18 April
* In Samsun province, A.C. (47) murdered his wife Birsen Candan (42) with a knife. Witnessing the incident, their 12 year old son ran away and told the police what happened. Detained, the husband said he murdered his wife as she was chatting online.
* In Zonguldak province, A.Ç. battered his wife G.Ç. and daughter (14) as the former filed a complaint to a prosecutor on domestic abuse and the latter protested him for beating her mother. A prosecutor issued a 15 day restraint order.
* In Karabük province, E.Ö. (22) attempted to rape a tourist woman (20). While the woman resisted, E.Ö. was initially detained and then arrested upon her complaint.
19 April
Retaliation to male violence
* In İzmit province, E.Ö. (39) battered his wife S.Ö. (39). S.Ö.'s daughter B.K. (11) assaulted his stepfather with a knife after the incident. While E.Ö. was hospitalized after neighbors alerted emergency services, police escorted the woman and her daughter to a police station for testimony.
21 April
* In İstanbul province, police held simultaneous raids on 52 different locations in Kemerburgaz district after 10 foreign women alerted authorities through 157 hot line regarding forced prostitution. It turned out that 80 women were forced to prostitution after signing contracts in exchange for their debts. 168 suspects were detained related to the incident.
Harassment-Sexual violence
* In Erzurum province, Ü.B. sexually harassed a university student. Captured by the police, Ü.B. was arrested by a court for “sexual assault” and sent to Erzurum Type H Prison.
22 April
* In Bursa province, İ.Ö. (46) murdered his wife Nurcan Özcan (43) with a rifle, saying that she was playing online games. Following the incident, he committed suicide and sent to Bursa Forensics Institute Morgue.
* In Adana province, Ş.D. (54) battered his daughter G.D. (21) with a bat, saying that she attended a wedding in their neighborhood. While the woman reportedly filed a complaint on her father, authorities released him pending a trial.
* In Bursa province, A.F.(24), a construction vehicle operator, attempted to rape M.H. (32). Upon the woman’s screams, A.F. ran away in panic. M.H. identified the suspect from his cologne. A.F. was ordered to stand trial for sexual assault.
Child abuse
* In Samsun province, H.D.(15) raped the 6 year old daughter of his relative after taking her to the cellar for playing. The young girl told the incident to her family. After an examination, doctors alerted the gendarmerie. Police captured and detained the suspect.
* In Samsun province, police detained F.A. (27) for allegedly raping B.Ç. (14). “I was dreaming to marry her. I raped her to force her into marriage,” F.A. said in his testimony. He was arrested by a vacation court after prosecutors charged him with prison.
24 April
* In İstanbul province, M.İ. (34) brutally murdered his separated wife Ayşe İnce (34) by cutting her throat after attending their 8 year old daughter’s national kid’s parade on April 23. It turned out that Ayşe İnce filed a complaint a week ago against her husband who was threatening her with death. However, he was released after testifying to a prosecutor.
* In Kırklareli province, S.Ç. (44) assaulted his ex-wife N.S. (40) and her new husband E.S. on the street with a knife. While N.S. and E.S. were hospitalized, police captured and detained S.Ç.
* In Antalya province, H.U. (40) battered his ex-wife Ş.T. (34) who wanted to take her children to April 23 Kid’s Parade. He reportedly used a metal spike to attack her.
* In İstanbul province, 7 unidentified man reportedly attacked M.D., an LGBT activist, on the street.
Child abuse
* In Samsun province, police detained E.M. (19) for allegedly raping M.K. (14). He was arrested and sent to a prison after his testimony and trial.
25 April
* In İstanbul province, a taxi driver reportedly raped, T.M. an Australian tourist woman who was visiting Turkey for Anzac week celebrations. While T.M. filed a complaint against the suspected taxi driver, police launched an investigation by searching surveillance camera recordings.
Child abuse
* In Muğla province, it turned out that T.K. (52), a former local education ministry supervisor and teacher, raped his student G.K. (14) who got pregnant and had to go through abortion. He was ordered to stand trial for “sexual assault” and “sexual abusing a minor”. A court arrested him and sent to a prison.
26 April
* In İstanbul province, Y.Y. (31) assaulted his wife H.Y. (34) with a pistol, leaving her wounded. Following the incident, he committed suicide, assuming that she was dead. Alerted by neighbors, police transferred H.Y. to a hospital.
* In Ankara province, Ş.Ç. (23), his brother I.Ç. (14), F.A. (28), A.C.(36) and Y.D. (34) raped two trans women and ran away after stealing their belongings. Upon the women’s complaint, police launched an investigation and detained three suspects. While Ş.Ç. and F.A. were arrested by a court, I.Ç. was released due to his age.
Child abuse
* In Adıyaman province, physician A.T. sexually abused his patient A.B. (16). Following his testimony to the police, he was ordered to stand trial. Later on, he was arrested and sent to a prison.
27 April
* In Erzurum province, Ö.K. murdered his pregnant wife Elif Karanlıkbulut (20) in her father’s apartment with a knife. It turned out that she had filed a complaint against her husband prior to the incident. Released after his testimony, the husband reportedly got furious.
* In Zonguldak province, T.G. (32) battered his wife Ö.G. (28) on the street after an argument. While the woman was hospitalized, it turned out that since 2009 she has filed 5 previous complaints against her husband Ö.G. regarding domestic violence.
* In Samsun province, M.Ç. (34) assaulted his separated wife S.Ç. (29) at a cafe before the eyes of their 4 children, saying that she left him. While she was hospitalized due to bread knife injuries, onlookers reportedly stopped M.Ç. to kill his wife.
* In İzmir province, M.K. (35) assaulted his separated wife H.K. (29) with a knife as she was on her way back home from visiting their children at a shelter. Surveillance cameras recorded the moments of M.K.'s attack on his wife as well as police fire in the air for warning and onlookers lynch attempt on the husband. Arrested, M.K. said he regretted his actions.
* In Batman province, S.Y. (35), a married man with two children who was working at a rehabilitation and family counseling center, reportedly raped mentally-disabled Y.B. (19). While, a court arrested S.Y., Family and Social Policies Ministry launched an investigation.
Child abuse
* In Erzurum province, S.S. (29), a national athlete and sports teacher with two children, reportedly abused his female students G.B. (13) and K.Y. (14) as well as male students Ç.Y. (14), Y.F. (14) and H.K. (15) sexually. While the families filed a complaint, police detained S.S. Later on, he was arrested.
* In Aydın province, school shuttle driver S.B. (42) reportedly forced H.K. (16) to rape for three years by threatening with a pistol. Initially detained by the police, he was later on arrested and sent to a prison.
28 April
Child abuse
* In Antalya province, M.Ç. (26) brought his child S.Ç. (2) to a hospital, saying that she fell from her crib. However, a doctor examination revealed that she had fractures in her skull as well as bite traces and bruises in her body. Suffering from brain hemorrhage, the baby died. Police detained father and his partner S.S. (24).
29 April
* In Elazığ province, M.A.Y. (25) murdered his separation-seeking lover Medya Oral (20) with his father’s pistol. Following the incident, M.A.Y. surrendered to the police.
* In Yalova province, M.Y. (27), M.Ç. (25) and İ.Ü. (25) raped Z.Y. (27) in the woods. Run away after battering her, suspects were captured by gendarmerie forces. They pleaded guilty. While suspects were escorted to a court, the woman’s situation reportedly remained critical.
* In İstanbul province, E.A. and his daughter A.A. were assaulted by a shoe-repairer as they asked for a return. Two women filed a complaint against the shoe-repairer man.
* In Edirne province, S.C. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife A.C. with a knife, leaving her injured on the left cheek. While S.C. ran away, the woman was hospitalized.
Child abuse
* In Afyon province, E.D. (16) was subjected to a rape. Along with her mother, she went and filed a complaint. After launching an investigation, police detained 14 men between 17 and 35 years old. While 7 suspects were arrested for rape charges, two were released pending a trial. Other were acquitted.
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.