Men Killed 16 Women and Raped 18 Women in August

According to the news reports compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news portals and news agencies, men killed 16 women and three men; injured 31 women, four men and a child; raped 18 women; and sexually harassed 11 women in August.
Two of the murders took place despite the fact that the women had complained to the police. Two men committed suicide after the murders.
In the first eight months of 2012, men killed a total of 114 women, injured 171 women, raped 78 women and sexually harassed 106 women.
In July, 20 women, three men and two children were killed; 24 women were injured; 11 women were raped; and seven sexual harassment cases took place.
Men killed 16 women and three men in 14 provinces in August. Two men committed suicide following the murders.
The highest number of woman murders took place in İzmir. The murders took place in the provinces of Ankara, Aydın, Adana, Bartın, Bursa, Çanakkale (2), Çorum, Hatay, İstanbul (3), İzmir (3), Samsun, Urfa and Yozgat.
In August, women were mostly killed by their husbands. Five women were killed by their ex-husbands, five by their husbands, two by men they refused to be with, one by her sister's husband, one by her son-in-law, one by her son and one by her boyfriend.
A woman, who was killed by her ex-husband, had previously complained to the police and the ex-husband had a restraining order against him. Another woman, whose father had been killed, had complained that her husband is threatening to kill her and her family.
In August, knives and guns were the widest used murder weapons. Five men killed with knives, five with firearms (three pistols, two hunting rifles), three beat women to death, one strangled, and one stoned a woman to death. The details of one murder were not reported by the media.
The ages of the murderers ranged between 25 and 74. The ages of the victim women ranged between 25 and 75.
In August, men injured 31 women, four men and one child in 15 provinces. Women were subjected to violence mostly by their husbands. The provinces with the highest number of male violence cases were İzmir and Adana.
12 women were subjected to violence by their husbands, three by their ex-husbands, three by their husbands they had been separated from, one by her husband she was married to in a religious ceremony, four by their boyfriends, one by her ex-boyfriend, two by their mothers' boyfriends, two by their son-in-laws, one by her brother-in-law, one by her son, and one by the man she had rejected. At least 14 women were hospitalized.
Sixteen men beat women up, nine injured them with knives, one was pushed out of a car and got injured and another was pushed down from a balcony and got injured.
One man found his girlfriend, who was living in a shelter, on the street and beat her up; another man, who had a restraining order against him, beat his wife up in a park; one man injured his girlfriend, together with her two daughters and her son-in-law, who were on their way to the court house to complain about him.
In the male violence cases in August, one man was arrested; and one man had a restraining order issued against him. Four women complained about the men, who were subjecting them to violence.
The ages of the men, who resorted to violence in August, ranged between 23 and 75. The ages of the victim women ranged between 23 and 54.
Men raped 18 women in 10 provinces in August. The highest number of rape cases took place in Antalya. Out of 24 people who raped 18 women, only five have been arrested.
The rape cases took place in the provinces of Adana (3), Ankara, Antalya (4), Balıkesir, Eskişehir (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir, Mersin, Muğla and Zonguldak.
Six women were raped by men they didn't know, four by their friends, one by her relative, one by the prison guard, one by a man she had met over the Internet, one by her co-worker, one by her boss, one by her boyfriend, and one by her sports trainer.
Two of the men raped the women on gunpoint; two raped by threatening them with knives; four raped by tying the hands of the women, one drugged a woman before raping her; one threatened a woman with photographs; one forced her to do prostitution. One woman was locked in a room with her fiancé, who had raped her, by her family.
Seven women were raped at home, five women were raped on the street, one woman was raped at a house she was being withheld, one was raped in her business place, one was raped in a hotel, one was raped in a bar, and one was raped in the prison.
The ages of the rapists ranged between 20 and 55, while the ages of the raped women ranged between 16 and 30.
Sexual Harassment
At least 11 women were sexually harassed in August. The highest number of sexual harassment cases took place in İstanbul.
Men mostly harassed the women they already knew. One man, bearing a knife, sexually harassed women on the street. Another man entered the homes of women, who lived alone and sexually harassed them.
The highest number of sexual harassment cases took place on the street. At least seven women were sexually harassed by men they didn't know; one was harassed by her hairdresser; one was harassed by the masseur; and one was harassed by her neighbour. One of the perpetrators face 14 years in prison and another one faces 12 years in prison.
Violence leading to violence
One man killed his father, who had beaten up his mother; one man killed his brother-in-law, who had raped his daughter; one woman killed a man, who had continuously raped her.
By regions
In August, 78 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, sexual harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury cases took place in 26 provinces. The highest number of violence cases took place in the Marmara Region again.
Out of 78 violence cases, 23 took place in the Marmara Region, 18 in the Mediterranean Region, 16 in the Aegean Region, six in the Black Sea, two in South-eastern Anatolia, and one in Eastern Anatolia Region. The male violence cases in Eastern and South-Eastern Anatolia were not fully reflected in the media. The highest number of violence cases took place in İstanbul (18), İzmir (10) and Adana (9) respectively. (ÇT)