Male Violence August 2012

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 16 women and 3 men dead, 18 raped, 31 women, 4 men and 1 child injured and 11 sexually harassed in August 2012.
Overall in 2012, male violence left 114 women dead, 78 raped, 171 battered and 106 harassed.
1 August
* In İstanbul province, Y.T. (58) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Ayten Taşdelen (56) with a pistol. It turned out that she filed a complaint for domestic violence and her husband received a restraint order previously.
* In Konya province, a masked man carrying a knife sexually harassed in a park.
* In İstanbul province, Ç.Ş. (30) pushed his wife F.Ş.(28) out of the balcony of a 3-story building, leaving her with various broken bones. She will go through a surgery. Ç.Ş. was charged up to 5 years of prison.
* In Erzincan province, Y.Y. (46) assaulted his wife H.A. (40) with a knife after coming across with her on the street.
2 August
* In Yozgat province, H.İ. (38) murdered his wife Gürcü İlbay (28) with a knife. Police detained H.İ.
3 August
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, M.G. murdered his father B.G. with a knife after B.G. relentlessly battered his mother E.H. and sexually harassed his girlfriend (19). It turned out that B.G. battered his mother even though she divorced him but lived together for the sake of their children.
* In İstanbul province, E.Y., a former convict of rape who was released from prison last year, reportedly broke into the apartments of 4 solitary living women at night through balconies or windows for sexual harassment. Police captured E.Y.
* In Adana province, D.B. committed suicide after she was forced to face the lovers of sister and two cousins. While the preliminary autopsy revealed traces of assault in her body, police detained all suspects.
* In İstanbul province, U.B., R.L., M.K. and B.K. raped L.B. after abducting her to an apartment and tying her hands. The woman was saved after crying for help outside by tying bed sheets.
4 August
* In Antep province, E.D. assaulted his separated wife S.D. in a bus terminal with a knife. A bus hostess, S.D. is still critical condition.
* In İstanbul province, E.Ö.Ç. (54) assaulted his divorced wife M.Ç. (33) with a knife as he was visiting to see his children. He left M.Ç. and his 12 year old child injured. While police captured E.Ö.Ç., all injured family members were hospitalized.
* In İzmir province, Y.D. (36) attempted to rape his niece B.D. (16) in his apartment by threatening with a pistol. Survived the attempt, B.D. ran away and told the incident to her family and then to the police. Y.D. has been arrested and sent to a prison.
5 August
* In Aksaray province, İ.K. (75) assaulted his wife K.K. (49) in their apartment after arguing with her at fast-breaking dinner. While the woman’s condition still remains critical, police detained İ.K.
6 August
* In Çorum province, İ.A. (36) murdered Hülya Gençoğlu (28) on the street with his unlicensed pistol, saying that she turned down his hand.
* In Hatay province, D.D. was known to beat his wife Sadiye Döner. In one instance, she refuged to a neighbor’s apartment where she fainted. “I am dying, so forgive my sins,” she cried. An asthma patient, Sadiye Döner lost her life despite medical intervention upon police alert.
* In Muğla province, T.G. (28) attempted to rape his fiancee Ö.A. (18). Two families agreed that “she could not separate from her fiancee if she is raped”, locking them up in a room. Resisting the attempt for three hours, Ö.A. ran away from the room by jumping off the window when T.G. left briefly. 9 members from the families were arrested.
* In Samsun province, K.G. (59) has been detained for battering his wife F.G. (54). He was transferred to a court.
7 August
* In Antep province, F.K. assaulted his religiously-wed wife B.P. (17) who left home due to domestic violence after convincing to meet her in a park for compromise. The woman’s condition still remains critical.
* In Trabzon province, The woman filed a complaint to a police station, saying that she relentlessly suffered from domestic violence.
8 August
* In Kayseri province, T.Y., battered his wife H.Y., leaving her with a broken jar. While the woman filed a complaint, T.Y. was released pending a trial.
9 August
Retaliation to male violence
* In Ankara province, F.S. (24) raped his niece S.Ç. (17). While the woman gave birth to a child in women’s shelter, S.Ç.’s father murdered his niece with a pistol at a hospital before the eyes of several policemen.
11 August
* In Antalya province, R.B. (26) and B.N. (30) raped M.H.E., a tourist woman, at a hotel room. Police detained two male suspects.
* In Antalya province, two men raped L.E. who ran away from Children’s Orphanage. They reportedly forced L.E. to prostitution. Captured by the police, suspects were arrested by a court.
* In Aydın province, Y.K. battered his wife A.K. Upon the woman’s complaints, a prosecutor ordered his testimony. He was arrested as he resumed his insults and threats at the prosecutor.
12 August
* In İzmir province, T.K. (51) committed suicide after murdering his ex-wife Feride Aydın (50) with a pistol.
* In Mersin province, A.Ü. battered his wife Kamer Ünel, leaving her dead at hospital bed.
* In Ankara province, a man battered his lover at a park after a quarrel. The couple was detained by the police after onlookers’ complaint.
* In Balıkesir province, İ.A. (55) raped Z.A. (30) in an apartment. While İ.A. was captured, the woman was hospitalized.
* In Adana province, C.S. (45) raped his employee A.Ç. (32) in an office. Captured by the police, C.S. was arrested and sent to a prison.
13 August
* In İstanbul province, S.H., hairdresser in a shopping mall, sexually harassed his customers B.Ç. and İ.Ç. while washing their hair. A prosecutor charged S.Ç. with 4 to 14 years of prison for "sexual assault”.
14 August
* In Manisa province, S.A. (23) assaulted his wife with a knife as they were quarreling on the street. While S.A. ran away, the woman was hospitalized.
* In Kayseri province, A.B. battered his wife H.N.B. in a park despite a court restraint order. While the police detained A.B., the woman was hospitalized.
* In Adana province, M.E. (34) and S.Ç. (24) raped Ö.K. (23) in a corn field after abducting her as she was sitting with her lover in a park. While M.E. was arrested, S.Ç. was released pending a trial.
15 August
* In Antalya province, M.U. battered his ex-living partner F.T. with a club after she rejected her compromise offer. M.U. was released after his testimony.
* In Zonguldak province, B.K. (26), a kick box champion, raped his gym customer E.T. (17) after inviting her to his apartment. B.K. was released by a court.
* In İstanbul province, a man sexually harassed H.Ş.A., an advocate who was doing her morning jogging. While the woman dialed the police for complaints and ran after the aggressor for 1.5 kilometers, police captured the male suspect.
16 August
* In İstanbul province, two women reportedly ran away in the southern province of Antalya. Their husbands tortured two individuals who helped them. Following the incident, they filed a complaint to the police. The women’s families also found out their daughters and allegedly pressured them to file a complaint against those who helped them run away. Police released them after their testimony. However, one of the husbands murdered their wife. Prosecutor Adil Özder declared the case as confidential.
* In İstanbul province, S.M. (42) battered his wife YM (37). Regardless of the woman’s initial complaint and then withdrawal, Y.M. was fined 3,000 liras for ill-treatment and minor assault.
* In İstanbul province, C.Y. (20) raped his internet friend S.Y. (17) after she ran away from home and refuged to his apartment. S.Y. filed a complaint agaist C.Y.
* In İstanbul province, M.C. sexually harassed his neighbor E.S. after breaking into her apartment. While M.C. also robbed her, a court arrested M.C.
17 August
* In Manisa province, E.S. (37) assaulted his divorce-seeking and separated wife M.T. (32) as she went out shopping with her sister Ö.T. It turned out out that M.T. filed for divorce four months ago. While the two women were hospitalized after the incident, E.S. ran away.
* In İzmir province, N.Ö. assaulted S.Ö. with a knife, saying that she turned down his concubine proposal. The woman was reportedly severely wounded after the incident.
19 August
* In Bursa province, R.G. (31) murdered his ex-wife Arzu Korkmaz (25) with a knife on the street. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In Balıkesir province, M.A. assaulted his wife A.A. with a knife on the street. It turned out that she left him. While the woman was hospitalized, M.A. was detained by the police.
* In Antalya province, İ.F. (32) attempted to rape H.S., a nurse at Akdeniz Medical School. Confronted by screams and resistance, he reportedly ran away after stealing the woman’s cell phone. While H.S. was hospitalized, İ.F. was captured thanks to H.S.’s help.
20 August
* In Adana province, V.D. raped his lover Z.C.G. after threatening her with a pistol. Later on, a promise ceremony has been held between V.D. and Z.C.G. In addition to that, V.D. has raped her again after throwing Z.C.G.’s mother out of the car on their way to wedding shopping. Prosecutors charged V.D. with 28.5 years of prison.
* In Adana province, Ö.B. battered his mother, saying that she didn’t lend him the money that he asked. The woman was hospitalized after the incident.
21 August
Murder- Battery-Assault
* In İzmir province, A.K. started battering his separated wife H.K. after she turned down his compromise offer. Attacking with a knife, A.K. murdered H.K.’s sister Menice Mutlucan who was in between the arguing couple. Mutlucan's husband was also severely wounded. Police detained A.K. and his brother.
* In Bartın province, T.A. (30) murdered his ex-wife Sema Çelikoğlu with a rifle.
* In Adana province, H.A. and Ö.A. has been battering their religiously-wed and sister wives. The women refuged to their father’s apartment. H.A. and Ö.A. murdered their brother.
* In Antalya province, F.L.G., a flower-seller, raped J.B., a hotel maid, after giving her a ride to her apartment. Police detained F.L.G.
22 August
* In Çanakkale province, E.Y. (25) abducted his separated and domestic violence victim wife M.A. (23) from her father’s apartment. During the incident, E.Y. murdered M.A.'s father Hüseyin Altan and mother Mediha Altan with a rifle. Police captured E.Y.
* In İstanbul province, H.D. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife D.D., her father and her sister’s husband. D.D.’s father Adem Yurdakul died at the crime scene.It turned out that the woman filed a complaint to the police, saying that H.D. made threats to her and her family. H.D. was arrested for murder.
* In Samsun province, O.Ö. stormed the apartment belonging to the father of his ex-wife N.E. and assaulted her father R.E. and brother S.E., leaving them with several injuries. R.E. and S.E. were hospitalized after the incident.
23 August
* In Samsun province, M.Ö. murdered Songül Yılmaz by smashing her head with a heavy object. It turned out that he asked for hand twice and got rejected. On the day of the incident, he convinced her to meet by a river front. Following the incident, M.Ö. went missing.
* In İstanbul province, B.G., a bar staff, raped customer G.Y. in the toilet. While B.G. and another worker were detained, a rape investigation has been launched right away.
24 August
* In Urfa province, E.A. murdered his ex-wife Zuhal İbşanoğlu with a knife in her office. It turned out that he was previously convicted of murder and recently released from prison.
* In Aydın province, F.T. (40), a schizophrenic, battered his mother Emine Tuna (75) to death. Pleaded guilty, F.T. was detained.
* In Ankara province, B.E., a guard at Sincan Prison, raped female inmate T.K. as she was transferred to the infirmary for a broken leg.
Harassment- Assault
* On ferry in Çanakkale province, M.A. verbally harassed F.E., a stranger woman. He assaulted her husband B.E. with a knife after an argument broke out. M.A. was captured at the end of the journey.
25 August
* In İzmir province, A.T. (74) strangled his lover Nebahat Özyağan (54) to death. Saying that he killed her as she wanted to break up, A.T. was detained by the police.
* In Mersin province, A.A. (25) raped his internet friend Ö.S. (18) in a deserted area. In addition to that, he took her nude photos, which he used to blackmail her for more rapes. A.A. was captured by the police upon Ö.S.’s complaint.
26 August
* In Şırnak province, M.D., a Koran teacher at a cram school, allegedly raped several girls aged between 11 and 16 years old, saying that he would “darken their lives by writing a talisman.
* In İzmir province, A.T. (69) battered his lover S.S. (42). While the woman filed for a complaint and received protection, A.T. received a 30-day restraint order.
28 August
* In İzmir province, T.Ö. attempted to run over his lover G.D. as she was on her way to submit a complaint. Then he assaulted the woman, her two daughters and her son-in-law, leaving them injured.
29 August
* In İstanbul province, Ş.M., a masseur, sexually harassed İ.Y. who came for medical treatment. A high criminal court ordered Ş.M. to stand trial for “sexual assault”. He is facing prison sentence from 7 to 12 years.
* In Mersin province, M.C. battered his wife N.C. The woman said she would file a complaint after going to photo studio and documented the damages and bruises.
30 August
* In Ankara province, H.Y. (51) murdered his ex-wife Dilber Elgin (53) with a knife in park. Police captured H.Y.
* In Adana province, B.S. battered his lover S.Ç. on the street. It turned out that she previously filed a complaint against him and moved to a women’s shelter. Found by patrol police, the woman was transferred to a hospital. Adana 2nd Peace Court ordered B.S. to stand trial for sexual assault and threat. He is facing 9 years of prison.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Isparta province, N.G. (35) raped N.Y. (25) whose husband went out of town for work. Later on, the woman murdered N.G. with a rifle on the street after convincing him for a conversation. She also chopped his head off and hang it in village hall. Police detained N.Y.
* In Trakya province, B.K. raped his ex-wife. It turned out that the couple divorced four months ago and they started living together after they learned that the woman was pregnant.
31 August
* In Adana province, A.Ş. battered his newly-wed wife and her mother, saying that they wanted to go to a vacation together. While the two women were hospitalized, police detained A.Ş.
* In Eskişehir province, E.Y. and S.B. raped their friends M.Y. and A.B. in a picnic area. Detained, two suspects were released by a prosecutor after their testimonies. (EZA/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.