Men Kill 37 Women in September

* Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 37 women and seven men accompanying them in September 2019. Three of the murdered women were immigrants.
CLICK - bianet Male Violence Monitoring Reports
In September, at least 15 women (in Adana, Artvin, Antalya -2-, İstanbul -4-, Balıkesir, Aydın, İzmir, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Erzincan, Muğla) lost their lives in a suspicious manner. Men attempted to kill at least four women (in Aydın, Karaman, Konya, İzmir) in September.
The deaths of seven women (in Ankara, Samsun, Kayseri, Aydın, Van, Samsun, İzmir) were reported in the press as "suspicious suicides". One of these suspicious suicides was that of a domestic worker from Uzbekistan. It is understood that the woman was employed without insurance.
Men also threatened to kill at least five women (in İstanbul -2-, Ankara, Samsun, Düzce) in September. The attempted suicide of one woman (in Adana) was reported in the news as suspicious.
In September, men led two women (in Bursa, Kocaeli) to commit suicide.
Men inflicted violence on at least 71 women in September. Raping at least three women, they forced 33 women to sex work. Men also sexually abused at least 26 children and harassed 13 women.
In the first nine months of 2019, men killed at least 261 women, raped 40 women, forced 400 women to sex work, harassed 165 women and abused 184 children. Men also inflicted violence on 472 women.
In the first nine months of last year, men killed at least 183 women and 10 children, raped 50 women, harassed 162 women, forced 375 women to sex work, sexually abused 279 girls and wounded 316 women.
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 37 women and seven men accompanying the deceased women in September 2019. Last September, men killed 23 women.
Three of the women killed by men in September 2019 were not citizens of Turkey. While one woman was from Ukraine, one woman was from Morocco and one woman was from Uzbekistan.
One of the men who killed women had a restraining order. One of the killed women had a physical disability. In at least two feminicides, the perpetrators mugged women afterwards.
Women killed by men in September Asiye T., Aysun B., Ayten A., Bilem D., Birsen M., Esin Ö., Figen K. Gamze K., Görgün G., Gülseren Y., Gülşah K., H.K., Hafize K., Hülya Ü., İnan B., İrem A., Lütfiye Y., Melahat T., Melike D., Meral G., Nazlıcan A., Kader A., Neslihan T., Ozodkhon A., Özlem S., Rajee A., Sebahat A., Seher A., Sibel Ç., Sibel K., Sultan B., Tuğçe B., Tülin B., Türkan K., Yeter B., Yuliiia B. and one woman who cannot be identified. |
Provinces where men killed women Adana (3), Ankara (2), Antalya (4), Bursa (2), Denizli (1), Edirne (1), Elazığ (1), Eskişehir (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (3), Konya (1), Manisa (2), Nevşehir (2), Niğde (2), Sakarya (1), Sinop (1), Van (3), Yalova (1), Zonguldak (1). |
Men killed four women under the "pretext" of economic problems. Men killed three women because they wanted to separate/did not want reconciliation, two women out of jealousy and one woman under the pretext that she was exerting pressure. While one woman was killed in a row that erupted while she was pasturing animals, the pretexts of 26 feminicides were not reported.
At least 15 women were killed by their husbands/ex-husbands, five women by their sons, four women by their boyfriends, three women by their cousins/relatives, two women by their brothers, one woman by her friend and one woman by her brother-/uncle-in-law. The relation/acquaintance in at least six feminicides was not reported in the press.
Men killed 18 women at home and 11 women in public places such as streets, derelict buildings, parks, fruitsellers. The scenes of incident in 8 feminicides were not reported in the news.
Judicial process There were 42 perpetrators in total. While 22 of these perpetrators were arrested, 11 of them were detained. One perpetrator was released on probation, one perpetrator was referred to courthouse and one perpetrator committed suicide. Five perpetrators were reported in the press as "fugitives". The judicial process of one perpetrator was now reported in the press. |
Murder of children - Violence against children
A father led her child to commit suicide in İstanbul. The father was released after being taken into custody. A school principal battered a student with a door handle in Denizli. A criminal complaint was filed about the incident.
One child was forced to marriage. The judicial process of the responsible parties was not reported in the news.
News of rape came from three provinces of Turkey in September. In the same month last year, this figure was four. Men also attempted to sexually assault one woman (in Tekirdağ).
While one of the perpetrators was the husband of the woman, one perpetrator was her maternal uncle. The relation/acquaintance between the perpetrator and the woman in the third incident was not reported in the news.
One raped woman had mental disabilities.
Men raped two women at home. The scene of incident in the third incident was not reported in the press.
One incident of rape was unveiled after the woman got pregnant. In one incident, it was understood that the man raped the woman systematically.
Provinces where men raped women Ankara (1), Çorum (1), Samsun (1) |
Judicial process One woman killed the man who raped her. One perpetrator was released on probation. One perpetrator was arrested. |
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men harassed at least 13 women in September. This figure was 22 in the same month last year.
Two women were harassed by politicians, one woman by the hairdresser where she went as a customer, one woman by the principal of the school where she works and one woman by her relative. The relation/acquaintance between at least eight women and the harassers was not reported.
Men harassed two women by taking their photographs. They harassed at least 11 of them verbally and physically.
Men harassed eight women in public places such as markets and streets. The scenes of incident where at least five women were harassed were not reported in the news. In one incident, the man was systematically harassing the women in the neighborhood (in Adana).
Provinces where men harassed women Adana (1), Aydın (1), Bilecik (1), Erzurum (2), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (3). The province in one incident was not reported in the press. |
Judicial process Two politicians who harassed women were discharged from their political parties. Three perpetrators were arrested. Three perpetrators were taken into custody. An investigation was launched against one perpetrator. One perpetrator was reported in the news as "fugitive". One perpetrator was killed by the boyfriend of the woman that he harassed. |
Previous incidents of harassment reported in the press in September A technician harassed a woman patient at a hospital in Maraş. The man was laid off from his job and an investigation was launched against him. While the incident took place in July, it was reported in the press in September. V.G., the district chair of a political party in Elazığ, harassed M.D. for six months. The incident was reported in the press after S.K., the ex-husband of the woman, complained to the provincial chair of the party about the incident and S.K. was abducted and battered by V.G. and his nephews. An investigation was launched against V.G. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 26 children. This number was 19 in the same month last year.
19 of the men were not known by children. Two children were abused by a cleaning worker at school, one by his/her stepfather, one by his/her cousin, one by a relative, one by a grocery shop owner, and one by a neighbor.
Men abused 12 children in public places (school, school bus, grocery shop), three children at home, and one child on social media. The places where 10 children were abused were not reported in the press.
One of the children had mental disabilities.
Provinces where men abused children Ağrı (1), Aksaray (1), Ankara (1), Bartın (1), Çanakkale (5), Çorum (1), Diyarbakır (1), Erzurum (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (3), Kayseri (1), Kocaeli (3), Muğla (1), Nevşehir (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1), Trabzon (1), Urfa (1) |
Judicial process There were 34 perpetrators. 13 were arrested, at least 11 were detained. Five perpetrators were reported as "wanted." An investigation was launched against one perpetrator. One was given 90-day home confinement. The legal situation of three perpetrators was not reported by the press. |
Previous incidents of child abuse reported in the press in September F.A. (37) abused his daughter N.A. (14) and later on, he forced her to do sex work in Tekirdağ last year. He was arrested while three other men were released on probation. Ü.A. (17) abused his relative H.Ç. (15) in the last year and in February. He was arrested in the first hearing of the cease. The incident was revealed after the girl gave a statement to the press. |
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 33 women to do sex work. This number was 24 in the same month last year. 16 of the women were not citizens of Turkey.
Judicial process There were 31 perpetrators. 23 of them were sent to the courthouse. Six of them were detained and two were arrested. |
Men used violence against at least 71 women. This number was 36 in the same month last year.
Men used violence against four women had protection orders against them. Men systematically tortured at least four women.
In three cases, the men burned down the houses of the women. One of the men had served 10 years in prison for the murder of a woman and was released after an amnesty. In two cases, men also mugged women.
43 women were subjected to violence by their husbands/ex-husbands and seven women by their boyfriends. One woman was harassed by the driver of the taxi she was a passenger in, one woman by a fellow academic, one woman by her father, one woman by a municipal worker, one woman by the boyfriend of her daughter, one woman by a relative, one woman by her brother, and one woman by her son-in-law. The degree of the acquaintance of four men was not reported in the press.
Men used violence against five women on the excuse that they wanted to break up, one woman because she was late in washing the dishes, one woman for yelling at her children, one woman because of 'insult', one woman because she was late in making food, and one because she wanted to see her relatives. One man used violence against a woman while he was mugging her. Excuses for using violence against 59 women were not reported in the press.
Men used violence against 28 women in public places (street, hospital, apartment building, vehicle) and 26 women at home. Places where 17 men used violence against women were not reported in the press.
Men battered at least 62 women. In the four cases, the men also burned down the house of the women. Men injured at least three women by gun, stabbed five women and pushed one woman into an elevator shaft.
Provinces where men used violence against women Adana (5), Adıyaman (3), Ankara (4), Antalya (3), Aydın (1), Batman (1), Bolu (3), Bursa (2), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (2), Düzce (1), Edirne (8), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (12), İzmir (4), Kayseri (1), Kırıkkale (2), Kocaeli (1), Konya (2), Manisa (2), Maraş (2), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Sakarya (3), Samsun (1), Trabzon (1), Uşak (1), Zonguldak (1). |
Judicial process There were 73 perpetrators 19 of them were arrested, 15 were detained and six were released. One perpetrator was released after the first hearing. An investigation was launched or a complaint was filed against 16 perpetrators. A protection order was issued against five men. One woman stabbed the man who used violence against her and was arrested. One perpetrator was stabbed by the son of the woman. One perpetrator was reported as "at large." The legal process regarding eight perpetrators was not reported in the media. |
Previous incidents of violence reported in the press in September C.A. (49) stabbed his ex-girlfriend N.K. (42) on the street. The man was arrested after an attempted lynch by people around. The incident happened on August 19. C.T. battered his girlfriend and threatened her with death. The man was released after giving a statement at the police station. A six-month protection order was issued against the man. Despite that, he went to the house of the woman and seized her phone. The incident happened on August 26. A.Ç. (32) injured her ex-wife B.B. (22) with a sharp object. He was released by the court. It was revealed that he systematically used violence against her after their divorce. The incident happened on August 31. F.Ç. was battered by her husband's ex-wife A.D. and her son Y.Ç. They also attempted to kill the woman's six-year-old child. The incident happened on June 7. It was revealed that Y.Ç. has been threatening F.Ç. since then. A lawsuit was not filed against the mother and son. D.M. battered G.E because she did not accept him to marry a second woman. The man was arrested. The incident was revealed after the woman talked to the press. |
ExplanationExplanation Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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