Men Kill 302 Women, Inflict Violence on 532 Women in 324 Days
* Infographic and video: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 302 women in several provinces of Turkey in 324 days between January 1, 2019 and November 20, 2019.
At least 10 murdered women were not citizens of Turkey (one woman was from Azerbaijan, two women from Syria, two from Afghanistan, one from Iraq, one from Ukraine, one from Morocco and one woman was from Uzbekistan).
64 percent of women were killed by their husbands/ex-husbands or boyfriends/ex-boyfriends.
198 women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or ex-boyfriends. While 31 women were murdered by their family members such as fathers, brothers or sons, 20 women were killed by their neighbors or friends and eight women by their relatives. 19 women were killed by their ex-sons-in-law. One trans woman was killed by a police officer, one woman by her customer, one woman by a man whose child goes to the same school with hers and one woman was killed by her boss. The acquaintance/relation between the women and perpetrators in at least 23 feminicides was not reported in the press.
Men killed 49 percent of women with firearms.
Men killed 149 women with firearms and 74 women by stabbing them. While men killed 25 women by strangling them, they beat 20 women to death. Men burned four women to death and killed one woman with acidic water. Men crushed the heads of two women with a stone and ran over one woman with a vehicle. Men threw two women off the balcony. How men killed 24 women was not reported in the media.
CLICK - bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report
Violence/Homophobic attack against LGBTI+s According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least four transgender women from January 1, 2019 to November 20, 2019. The names of killed transgender women: Hande Kader Şeker, Esra A., Gökçe S., Defne K. Men also led trans woman Didem A. to commit suicide. Men wounded one trans woman and inflicted violence on at least seven trans people. Prison officers also addressed homophobic remarks to arrested transgender people and harassed them in different prisons. |
Some highlights and details from the feminicides documented by monthly bianet male violence monitoring reports between January 1 and November 20, 2019 are as follows:
CLICK - Men Kill 23 Women in January
In January 2019, four women suspiciously lost their lives. The perpetrators who killed three women could not be identified.
Men also attempted to kill four women and one child. The perpetrators who killed two immigrant children from Afghanistan could not be identified.
CLICK - Men Kill 23 Women in February
The deaths of two women (in Ankara and Aydın) were reported in the press as "suspicious". Men threatened two women with "death" if they break up with them.
While the deaths of three women were reported in the news as "unidentified murders", the murderer of Shakila Q. (38) and her children Navid (8) and Maryam (3) was understood to be A.Q. (28), the husband of the deceased woman, in February 2019.
Men also attempted to kill two women.
CLICK - Men Kill 22 Women in March
Men attempted to kill two women (in Adana and Ankara). Two women suspiciously lost their lives in İstanbul and Ankara.
Men threatened two women with death in Samsun and İstanbul.
The perpetrator who killed a woman in Antalya 14 years ago could be identified in March 2019. One woman attempted to commit suicide in Antalya (The woman was dissuaded from suicide; afterwards, she told that she attempted to commit suicide as the man who raped her three months ago was released).
CLICK - Men Kill 31 Women in April
In April 2019, nine women suspiciously lost their lives (in Batman (2), Çorum, Kocaeli, Aydın, İstanbul, İzmir, Adana and Erzurum).
Killed in İstanbul on March 30, Najıa Arabzai's death was reported in the press in April after the man who killed her was caught. The death of Dudu Çeştepe, who was killed in Zonguldak in August 2018, was also reported in the news in April after the murderer was caught.
Moreover, in Aksaray, one man led one woman to commit suicide. One man attempted to kill one woman in Batman. The deceased bodies of two women were found in Dersim and Konya (both incidents were reported in the press as unidentified murders; while the name of the woman could not be identified in Konya, the name of the woman killed in Dersim was Gülsüm Taş).
CLICK - Men Kill 27 Women in May
In May, at least six women suspiciously lost their lives (in Ankara, Rize, Konya, Ordu, Tekirdağ and Denizli).
Men led two women to commit suicide (in Sakarya and Denizli). The suicides of at least four women (in Diyarbakır, Niğde, İzmir and Elazığ) were reported in the news as "suspicious".
The deceased bodies of two women were found in İstanbul and Şırnak (both incidents were reported in the news as unidentified murders; while one of the women was found burned in her car, the name of the woman killed in Şırnak was Aslıhan U.).
One of the women killed in May was a trans woman (in Antalya) and at least three women were killed despite protection orders.
CLICK - Men Kill 34 Women in June
In June, at least 12 women lost their lives in a suspicious manner (in Hakkari (2), Antep, Sivas, Tekirdağ, Erzincan, Çorum, Kütahya, Malatya, Burdur, Manisa (2)).
The suicides of at least four women (in İstanbul (2), Urfa and İzmir) were reported in the press as "suspicious".
The feminicides of two women were also reported in the news as "suspicious murders".
CLICK - Men Kill 24 Women in July
In July, at least 12 women suspiciously died (in Van, Manisa (2), Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, Antalya, Samsun (2), Muğla, İstanbul, Adana and Ankara).
The suicides of at least five women (in Bodrum, Urfa, Antalya, Van and İstanbul) were reported in the news as "suspicious".
Men also attempted to kill one woman (in İstanbul).
In July, the deaths of one woman and one child (in Hakkari) were reported in the press as "unidentified murders".
At least two women were killed despite protection orders. At least three women were systemarically tortured before they were killed. One perpetrator who killed a woman was a specialized sergeant.
CLICK - Men Kill 40 Women in August
At least 12 women lost their lives suspiciously (İstanbul [2], Çorum, Kütahya, Mardin, Adana, Uşak, Edirne, Ardahan, Siirt, Niğde, Bayburt).
One woman was driven to suicide in Çanakkale. Deaths of two women in İzmir and Aydın were reported as "suspicious suicide" in the press.
There was a protection order against a man who killed a woman. One woman applied for protection at least twice before she was killed. Her applications were rejected.
One of the killed women was staying in a women's shelter. Two of the women had mental disabilities. Two men had been systematically torturing the two women they killed.
CLICK - Men Kill 37 Women in September
Men attempted to kill at least four women (Aydın, Karaman, Konya, İzmir).
Deaths of seven women (Ankara, Samsun, Kayseri, Aydın, Van, Samsun, İzmir) were reported as "suspicious suicide" in the press. One of them was a domestic worker from Uzbekistan. She was revealed to be uninsured.
Men threatened to kill at least five women (İstanbul [2], Ankara, Samsun, Düzce).
The attempted suicide by a woman in Adana was reported as "suspicious" in the press.
Men drove two women to suicide (Bursa, Kocaeli).
CLICK - Men Kill 23 Women in October
Deaths of at least 17 women were reported as "suspicious" in the press (İstanbul [3], Antalya [3], Konya [2], Aydın [2], Rize, Bursa, Kocaeli, Ankara, Denizli, Hatay, Adana).
One man drove three women in Samsun and Adıyaman to suicide. A man living in Germany hired a contract killer to kill his wife. A man attempted to kill his wife in Aydın.
Deaths of two women in İstanbul and Erzurum were reported as "unidentified murder." A man threatened his wife with death. He violated a protection order against him four times.
A woman's suicide at a metrobus station in İstanbul was reported as "suspicious" in the press.
A woman killed her uncle-in-law after he sexually assaulted her.
There were protection orders against the men who killed two women. A woman was killed one week after the protection order against the men who killed her expired. Two of the killed women had been systematically subjected to violence from their husbands.
At least 18 women were killed between November 1 and 20.
Deaths of at least 10 women were reported as "suspicious."
Men attempted to kill two women.
One woman was driven to suicide in Antep.
Men used violence against at least 532 women in 324 days between January 1, 2019 and November 20, 2019. The medical condition of at least 12 of the women who were subjected to violence was reported as "serious" in the press.
285 women were subjected to violence from their ex-boyfriends, husbands or boyfriends, 45 women from their relatives, 17 women from their employers and friends. The degree of the acquaintance of 42 women to the men who used violence against them was reported as "not known" and of 43 women was reported as "known."
The degree of acquaintance between 85 women and the men who used violence against them was not reported in the press.
Significant details in the cases of violence and injury
*One man inflicted violence on a woman despite a protection order against him. *Men inflicted violence on more than one trans woman in January. *Men used violence against one trans woman in February. *Three of the women who were subjected to violence from men in February were not citizens of Turkey. The country where one woman came from could not be identified. One woman was from the UK and one was from Ukraine. At least three injured women's condition was serious. *In March, three women were injured by the employees of the venue they went, one woman was injured by a customer who came to the store where she works. *One of the women who were subjected to violence from men was transgender in April. A lawsuit was not filed against the man for his transphobic speech while the trans woman was sued for "resisting an officer." *In May, men used violence against two children who were with the women. *Men killed at least three children in May. All three of them were with their mothers while they were being subjected to violence from the men. In Adana, D.A. (22) battered his/her sibling B.A. (7). In İstanbul, a man drove toward a child and battered him/her. *Men killed at least one child in June. In İzmir, a man injured his two daughters. A man kidnapped his 11-month-old baby. *A man killed his sister on the excuse that "she didn't want to marry" in Adana in June. *In July, a man battered his wife in Kayseri, killing the baby she was carrying. In Diyarbakır, two men battered a girl with clubs after an argument with the women who were with the girl. *In July, H.Y. (14) battered R.H. (14), who was four months pregnant. The two children were forced to live together with their families. (Peer violence) *One of the women who were subjected to violence from men in July was mentally disabled. Men had been systematically using violence against at least two women. Men threatened at least three women. *" The woman should know her place," a man told a woman who was driving a car in July. *In August, three men inflicted violence against their children in Kayseri, Antalya and İstanbul. Men in Denizli and Çanakkale attempted to kidnap girls who were playing on the street. *An August, a girl was kidnapped in Samsun. A man who was in the process of divorce kidnapped his two daughters. A man battered his daughter in Bursa. A man battered his two children in Eskişehir. One child was driven to suicide in Diyarbakır. The death of a child in Bursa was reported as "suspicious" in the press. Two children jumped off a building under construction, the incident was reported as "suspicious" in the media. *A 17-year-old boy killed a 15-year-old girl in Denizli in August (Peer violence). Two girls went missing in Denizli. *There were protection orders against the men who used violence against four women in September. Men had been systematically torturing three women. * In September, men also burned down the houses of the women whom they used violence against. One of the men had served 10 years in prison for killing a woman and was released with an amnesty. Men also robbed the women in at least two cases of violence. *At least six women who were subjected to violence from men are still in life-threatening conditions. The men who used violence against three women had protection orders against them. At least five women were subjected to systematic violence. *One of the men who used violence against women in October was a judge and another was a brigadier general. *One of the women who were subjected to violence from men was a citizen of Syria, another was a citizen of Jordan. |
Explanation The bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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