Men Kill 23 Women in October

* Infograph: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 23 women and one man accompanying them in October 2019.
CLICK - bianet Male Violence Monitoring Reports
In October, the death of at least 17 women (Antalya (3), Konya, Rize, Aydın (2), Bursa, Kocaeli, Konya, İstanbul (3), Ankara, Denizli, Hatay, Adana) was reported in the press as suspicious.
One man led three women in Samsun and Adıyaman to commit suicide. A man living in Germany "hired a killer" to murder his wife living in Turkey. One man attempted to kill his wife in Aydın.
The death of two women in İstanbul and Erzurum was reported in the news as "unsolved murders". In Bursa, one man threatened his wife with death. The man violated his restraining order for four times.
The suicide of a woman at a metrobus station in İstanbul was reported in the press as "suspicious".
In Manisa, one woman killed her brother-/uncle-in-law who sexually assaulted her. Using her right of self-defense, the woman turned herself in to the gendarmerie after the incident.
Inflicting violence on 41 women in October 2019, men also raped two women, forced 85 women to sex work, sexually abused at least 33 children and harassed 13 women.
In the first 10 months of 2019, men killed at least 284 women, raped 42 women, forced 485 women to sex work, harassed 178 women and abused 217 children. Men also inflicted violence on 513 women.
In the first 10 months of 2018, men killed at least 203 women and 12 children, raped 54 women, harassed 169 women, forced 468 women to sex work, sexually abused 306 girls and wounded 341 women.
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 23 women and one man accompanying the women in October 2019. Last October, men killed 20 women.
Two women murdered by men had protection and restraining orders. The protection order of one woman expired one week before she was killed. Two killed women were subjected to systematic violence of their husbands.
Women killed by men in October Asena A., Ayşe A., Belma Ç., Birgül B., Cevahir Ç., Çiğdem T. , Dilber K. , Emel Ö.G, Fatima K., Gizem V.D., Güllü Y., Gülören A., F.İ., Huriye H., Işıl A., Keziban K., Nuran G., Özden D., Özlem S., Saime S., Sebahat T.,Ümmühan G., Z.İ. |
Provinces where men killed women Çanakkale (1), Ağrı (2), Kayseri (3), Balıkesir (1), Sinop (1), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (2), Diyarbakır (1), İstanbul (3), Tekirdağ (2), Afyon (2), Mardin (2). Muğla (1), Samsun (1). |
One man killed his wife and daughter "because he wanted to marry one more woman". While men killed one woman due to "theft", two women "because they did not give money" and one woman "out of jealousy", the "pretexts" of 17 feminicides were not reported in the press.
At least 14 women were killed by their husbands/boyfriends, four women were killed by their ex-husbands/ex-boyfriends, two women by their sons-in-law, three women by their friends, one woman by her tenant, one woman by the man that her husband had a row with, one woman by her father and one woman by her step grandson.
Men killed 11 women inside the house and six women in public places such as a workplace, street, automobile, bus stop and public office. The scenes of incident in six feminicides were not reported in the press.
Men murdered 12 women with firearms, five women with sharp objects, one woman by strangling and two women by burning. Men killed one woman by crushing her head with a stone and one woman by battering her. The method of killing in one feminicide was not reported in the media.
Judicial process There were 23 perpetrators who killed women in October. Only four of the 23 perpetrators were reportedly arrested. Six perpetrators were take into custody. The media reported that four perpetrators "committed suicide" or "died" after the incidents. The judicial process of nine perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
Murder of children - Violence against children
Men killed two children in October. One child was killed by the father and one child by her elder brother. The father who murdered his child committed suicide, the elder brother was taken into custody. One of the killed children was with down syndrome. One child suspiciously died in Trabzon.
In Hatay, a man battered H.Y., his stepdaughter with disabilities. The father of the child filed a criminal complaint against the stepfather.
An unidentified man attempted to abduct a child in İzmir. In Diyarbakır, a father burned his child. The child was taken under medical care.
Children killed by men in October Sude Naz A., Z.Y. |
Provinces where men killed children Afyon (1), Kocaeli (1). |
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men raped at least two women in October 2019. Last October, this figure was four. One of the women was raped by the research associate at university.
The research associate man raped the woman at home. The scene of incident in one rape case was not reported in the press.
At Mehmet Akif Ersoy (MAKÜ) in Burdur, women students announced that two lecturers attempted to rape several women students.
Three people, including two women, who were taken into custody in Diyarbakır due to their social media messages announced that they were threatened with rape in detention.
Provinces where men raped women Kocaeli (1), Zonguldak (1) |
Judicial process There were three perpetrators in total. One perpetrator was arrested on charge of "sexual assault". The judicial process of two perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
Forced sex work
In October, men forced at least 85 women to sex work. Last October, this figure was 93. 15 of the 85 women forced to do sex work in October 2019 were not citizens of Turkey. Three of the ones subjected to forced sex work were children. One woman was with disabilities.
Judicial process There were at least 109 perpetrators who forced women to sex work. Only 21 of these perpetrators were arrested. 75 of them were taken into custody. An administrative fine was given to two perpetrators. Three perpetrators were released on probation. The judicial process of eight perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
The news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies have shown that men harassed at least 13 women in October 2019. This figure was seven last October.
One woman was harassed by the assistant of an intercity bus, one woman by the worker of a courthouse and one woman by the owner of a photo studio. The acquaintance between the women and perpetrators in 11 incidents was not reported in the news.
Men harassed at least one woman by videotaping her and harassed two women by masturbating in front of them. One man harassed one woman by showing his sexual organ. Men physically and verbally harassed 9 women.
Men harassed 12 women in public places such as ferry, university campus, street, courthouse, workplace and bus stop. The place where one woman was harassed was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men harassed women İstanbul (7), Malatya (1), Yalova (1), Isparta (2), Muğla (1) İzmir (1) |
Judicial process There were at least 15 perpetrators. Only two of them were arrested. Not any legal action was taken against three perpetrators. The woman filed a complaint in one case of harassment. One perpetrator was dismissed from duty. Five perpetrators were released after detention. The legal situation regarding two perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
Past incidents of harassment that were reported in October F.T., who works as a manager at a municipality in Adana, called a woman subordinate to him for a meeting outside the workplace and harassed her in his car. The incident that happened on September 23 was reported in the press on October 8. Female students from Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Burdur stated that two lecturers harassed and attempted to rape many female students. The incidents, which were investigated in March, were again brought to the rectorship and the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). YÖK High Disciplinary Council ruled for the dismissal of one lecturer from public service on October 17. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 33 children, including boys, in October. This figure was 27 in the same month last year.
50 perpetrators sexually abused children. Children did not know 36 of them. Three children were abused by a cleaning worker, two children by their stepfather, two children by their grandfather, one child by his/her teacher, three children by their elder brother, one child by a dentist, one child by his/her neighbor, one child by a man in charge of an illegal Quran course, and one child by the man whom she is married.
In at least two cases, men were abusing children systematically. One of the children was from Syria. One child was forced to marry the man who abused her. One child went to a police station and the state took him/her under protection. One man who harassed a child had a criminal record for similar offenses.
Men abused nine children in public places (gaming arcade, yard, metrobus, street, private public bus) men abused five children at Quran courses and schools and one child at home. Where men abused 18 children were not reported in the press.
Provinces where men sexually abused children Adapazarı (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Edirne (2), Erzurum (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (1), Karaman (1), Kocaeli (5), Konya (3), Manisa (1), Mardin (4), Nevşehir (1), Samsun (2), Şırnak (2), Tekirdağ (1). |
Judicial process There were a total of 50 perpetrators who abused children. 33 perpetrators were arrested. At least three perpetrators were taken into custody. Families of the children filed a criminal complaint against three perpetrators. Investigations were opened against three perpetrators. One perpetrator was reported as "sent to the courthouse", and another was reported as "suspended from duty". It was reported in the press that a perpetrator was released after the family, under pressure from him, withdrew their complaint. A judicial control decision was ordered against two perpetrators. A perpetrator was sued for "abusing children". The legal situation about two perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Past incidents of child abuse that were reported in October The police were notified about a baby's corpse in a cemetery in Kırklareli. A woman, A.D., said that A.C. raped a 14-year-old girl and buried her baby after he/she died. Six people, including A.D., the mother of the girl, and A.C., were detained. A.Ç., a mathematics teacher in Antalya, was detained on suspicion of sexually harassing two girls whom he was giving private lessons. It was revealed that R.E. (31) had been sexually harassing his sister H.E., the child was impregnated and had her child aborted after the baby died in the womb. The defendant was arrested and faces 56 years in prison. The child, her mother and father did not file a complaint against the perpetrator. H.E. was taken under state protection. A high school student in İstanbul stated after being graduated from the school that one of her teachers harassed him. Students started staging protests after any action has not been taken against the teacher, whose identity has not been disclosed. |
Men used violence against at least 41 women in October. This figure was 25 in the same month last year. At least six women are still in critical condition. At least three women had a protection order against the men. At least five women were subjected to systematic violence.
One of the men who used violence against women was a judge and another was a brigadier general.
One of the women was a citizen of Syria, another was a citizen of Jordan.
25 women were subjected to violence by their husbands/ex-husbands, boyfriends/ex-boyfriends, or the men whom they married in an unofficial religious ceremony. One woman was subjected to violence by her husband's father, two women by their friends, one woman by an apartment building manager, one woman by her client, one woman by her son, one woman by her uncle, one woman by her brother, one woman by her father, and one woman by a former mayor. The degree of acquaintance between six women and men who used violence against them was not reported in the press.
Men used violence against three women because they wanted to break up, two women because of "jealousy", one woman on the excuse of "not paying the due", one woman on the excuse of "saying I will have a daughter,'' and one woman "for her not to work". Men's excuses for using violence on at least 30 women were not reported in the press.
Men used violence against 17 women in public places (street, gas station, cafe, city hall, staff shuttle) and 13 women inside home. Where men used violence against 11 women was not reported in the press.
Men battered at least 23 women, injured at least five women with firearms, and stabbed at least 13 women.
Provinces where men used violence on women
Adana (1), Aksaray (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Bursa (2), Çorum (2), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (2), Edirne (3), Eskişehir (1), Gelibolu (1), Gemlik (1), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Konya (4), Kocaeli (1), Mersin (2), Niğde (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1), Trabzon (3), Uşak (1), erkeklerin bir kadına hangi şehirde şiddet uyguladığı basına yansımadı. |
Judicial process
There were a total of 36 perpetrators. Only three of them were arrested. One of them was arrested after public pressure and he was released after saying in prison for nine days. Any action was not taken against two perpetrators despite women filed a complaint against them many times. Investigations were launched against three perpetrators. Two perpetrators committed suicide. Eight perpetrators were detained. Two perpetrators were reported as "caught", one reported as "ran away". One perpetrator was sent to the courthouse. An electronic bracelet was tethered to a perpetrator. The legal situation regarding 12 perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
Past incidents of violence against women that were reported in October In Mersin, her two elder brothers battered F.S. to force her to a renunciation of inheritance. The incident happened on September 30, reported in the press on October 7. In Adana, Ş.Ş. From the Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association battered G.A. in August. The incident was reported in the press on October 29, after a statement at the Human Rights Association (İHD) Adana Branch. |
Explanation The bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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