Men Kill 22 Women in October

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 22 women, 16 raped, 20 battered and 6 harassed in October 2013.
While 23 percent of slain women were seeking divorce, one third of women were severely battered by their husbands. One woman was slain and two were severely wounded despite court restriction order.
In October, 69 percent of women were raped by their acquaintances while 50 percent of rape cases took place in apartments.
Overall in 2013, male perpetrators left 168 women dead, 148 raped, 170 battered and 123 harassed.
In September 2013, male violence left 24 women, 5 children and 5 men dead, 14 women raped and 9 battered.
In October, men killed 22 women in 16 cities across Turkey. One slain woman had filed complaint against her husband with officials issuing a restraint order.
54 percent of women were slain by either their husbands or fiancees. October’s murder perpetrators included husband (9), fiancee (3), lover (4), father (2), neighbor (1) and various close relatives (3).
23 percent of slain women were seeking divorce. While one woman was slain by her father due to her lover, another woman (19), who was forced to marriage at the age of 17, was killed by her husband.
While 59 percent of murders in October were performed with guns, 31 percent were held with knives. October’s murder instruments included pistol (10), knife (7), strangling (1) and torture (1).
Following the incidents, 3 killer men committed suicide and surrendered to the police.
The murderers were aged between 30 to 62 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 18 to 70 in October 2013.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara (2), Antep (2), Aydın, Batman (3), Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır (2), Iğdır (2), İzmir, Kayseri, Konya, Mersin, Sivas, Şırnak, Uşak and Zonguldak.
In October, men raped 16 women and teenager girls in 10 cities across Turkey.
69 percent of women were raped by their acquaintances. October’s rape perpetrators included husband (3), father (3), neighbor (2), co-worker (3) and strangers (5).
50 percent of rape cases took place in apartments. October’s rape venues included apartment (8), abduction house (3), workplace (3) and on the street (2).
One rape incident in the pregnancy of a 16 year old teenager girl. While the rape victim applied to a prosecutor saying that her family would kill her, a court denied her request for identity change.
It also turned out that 40 teenager girls were forced to prostitution at Care and Social Rehab Center in Istanbul under the umbrella of Family and Social Policies Ministry. While the center was closed down, the ministry made defense by saying that it was a temporary refuge.
Most rape cases were reported from Istanbul in October. Rape cases have been reported from the following cities: Afyon, Aydın (2), Bolu, Çorum, Diyarbakır, İstanbul (5), Kocaeli, Siirt, Rize and Zonguldak (2).
The rapists were aged between 25 to 45 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 13 to 83.
In October, men battered 20 women in 13 cities across Turkey.
One third of women were severely battered by their husbands for seeking divorce. Two were severely wounded despite court restriction order.
80 percent of women were subjected to violence from their husbands and ex-husbands. October’s violence perpetrators included husband (14), ex-husbands (2), father (1), brother (1), son (1) and harasser (1).
65 percent of women were subjected to violence perpetrated either by knife (5), pistol (6) or torture (1).
Following the incidents, one woman had a miscarriage and one man committed suicide thinking that his wife was dead.
While violence perpetrators were aged between 25 and 47, violence victims were aged between 16 and 70.
Violence cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (2), Adıyaman, Denizli, Giresun, Iğdır (2), İstanbul, Kocaeli, Kütahya, Mersin, Muğla (3), Ordu, Urfa (4) and Zonguldak.
In October, 6 harassment cases were reported in 5 different cities across Turkey.
October’s harassers were strangers (4), friend (1) and employer (1).
Harassment cases in August were reported in the following venues: on the street (4), school (1) and abduction (1).
October harassment cases were reported in the following cities: Antalya (2), Balıkesir, Istanbul, Izmit and Kütahya.
Harassment actors were listed as follows: teacher (3), stranger (2), relative (1), co-worker (1).
The nature of harassment were listed as follows: sexual (4) and verbal (2). One man reportedly crushed a woman with a car after his verbal harassment.
Retaliation to male violence
In October, three retaliation to male violence cases were reported.
In Ankara, a domestic violence victim woman killed her husband as he was sleep. The woman committed suicide after the incident. In Zonguldak, one rape victim woman killed her relative who allegedly helped the rapist. In Izmir, one man severely wounded another man who harassed the former’s relative.
Regional distribution
In October 2013, 59 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported across 32 provinces across Turkey.
59 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (12), Aegean (12), Mediterranean (6), Black Sea (6), Eastern-Anatolia (5) and South-Eastern Anatolia (13). Most cases were reported from Istanbul. (ÇT/BM)
While most violence cases were reported from Istanbul, southeastern region was listed as the most male-violent region in October 2013. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.