Male Violence October 2013

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators 22 women and 2 men dead, 16 raped, 20 battered and 6 harassed in October 2014.
54 percent of women were murdered by their husbands or fiancées. 23 percent of them were murdered because they were seeking a divorce.
69 percent of these women and teenager girls were raped by someone they knew. 50 percent of women were raped in their own house.
80 percent of the women experienced domestic violence from their husbands or ex-husbands, 65 percent of the women were battered with knives and guns.
Protection orders were issued before one of these women were murdered and two of them got severely wounded.
On the first 10 months of 2013 men murdered 168 women, raped 148, battered 170, and harassed 123.
1 October
* In Batman province, Z.T. (claimed to be schizophrenic) shot his wife Emine Tavlar with a gun. Emine Tavlar died on October 1st after being hospitalized at the intensive care unit for two weeks. It was stated that Z.T. murdered 2 other people before.
* In Sivas province, M.E. murdered his separated wife Emeti E. with a knife. Detained by the police, M.E. was arrested by the vacation court.
* In Muğla province, A.A., battered his wife N.A. and threatened to murder her. He prevented her from calling the police by taking her phone. The court issued a restraining order for the husband. N.A. filed for divorce and sued her husband because of his moral and material damages. The couple was married only for 4 months.
* In Rize province, Y.Y. a doctor at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Education and Research Hospital, raped medical nurse A.A.(35) She filed a complaint to the prosecution office. Following the incident, her duty station changed for 3 times. The doctor, Y.Y. continues doing his job at the same hospital.
* In İzmit province an old man harassed a disabled woman in the bathroom of a shopping mall. Police launched an investigation.
2 October
Harassment / Battery
* In Kütahya province, M.Y. verbally harassed his women students and hit S.V. after she denied his dinner offer.
* In Kocaeli province, real estate agent G. K. raped Z.S when she came in for a job interview. It turned out that G.K. was detained for rape and harassment before and was sentenced for 10 years.
Battery / Assault
* In Kocaeli Province A.D. battered his separated wife A.D. with a knife.
3 October
* In Zonguldak province, Y.A. (28) battered his wife with a knife D.Ç. (24) on the street in front of their 3 year old children. It turned out that D.Ç. filed a complaint about his husband recently and a restraint order was issued.
* In Zonguldak province, M.K. (43) was arrested on a claim that he raped his 11 and 12 year old daughters. While his daughters complained about their father to their school teacher, M.K. was arrested and sent to the prison.
4 October
* In Antep province, S.G. (62) murdered his daughter Ayfer G. (18) with a gun, saying that she ran away with her boyfriend. Following the incident, S.G. surrendered to the police.
* In Antalya province, gas station owner M.E. (65) took G.B. (22) into his car saying hat they were going to have dinner. Instead, he threatened her with a gun and checked into a hotel with her. Hotel staff heard her screams and noticed police. M.E. was arrested.
* In Denizli province, Ş.A. (35) battered his wife S.A. (20) with a knife.
6 October
* In İstanbul province, S.S. (40) raped his wife S.S. (38). Following the incident, S.S. filed a complaint against his husband to the prosecution office. A prosecution was launched with a 7 to 12 years sentence charge for the husband.
7 October
*In Batman province, Gülşen Oran (59) was found dead in her house by her husband. She was murdered with a screwdriver and was electro shocked. Murder suspect İ.T. was detained. It turned out that the suspect was a tenant at the same building before and thrown out because he didn’t pay the rent.
* In Afyon province a business man H.M. raped his neighbor’s daughter S.N.Ö. (16) Teenager girl was staying at an orphanage. Police detained H.M. and sent him to the prison. The court issued a protection order for S.N.Ö.
8 October
* In Siirt province, mentally disabled young girl N.G was raped, police detained 40 suspects. N.G. mentioned her parents she has been getting raped for a while. Police detained nine of the suspects, (S.D. (13), F.K. (13), H.E. (13), M.K. (13), H.K. (14), B.A. (13), C.T. (14), K.K. (18), Y.E.E. (13)) There may be more arrests.
9 October
* In Aydın province, police detained S.T. (31), M.D. (28), H.T. (25) and H.Ö. (29) in suspicion of giving orphanage runaways F.Y. (14) and M.A. (16) drugs and raping them. Prosecution office dropped charges on H.T. Suspects M.D. and H.Ö. were released. The court arrested S.T.
10 October
* In Zonguldak province, H.Y. murdered Sanem Kulan with a knife. Police detained H.Y. In the court, he said “We had an affair and I murdered her because of a money issue.”
*In İstanbul Province, 40 teenager girls aged from 10 to 17 were reportedly forced to prostitution at the Care and Social Rehabilitation Center (BSRM). Family and Social Policies Ministry released a statement on their Facebook page: “Sexually abused children stay shortly at these care and social rehabilitation centers. BSRM is not an orphanage or a kindergarten. Our ministry closed this center and transformed it to social services. Managers of the center are suspended and the staff is sent away.”
* In İstanbul province, A.A., battered divorce-seeking and separated wife A.A. (44) from her stomach and leg with a gun. A.A. called his wife to his office to talk, they argued and he battered her. The suspect ran away from his office and the police started the investigation. The women’s situation remains critical.
11 October
* In Muğla province, Z.P. assaulted his religiously-wed and separation seeking wife K.E. (20) for three days. K.E. got battered from both of her legs, ran away from the house to the hospital. Police detained Z.P. and started the investigation.
12 October
* In Diyarbakır province, S.A.(22) murdered his sister Tevrat Ateşal (26) and his mother Bedia Ateşal (60) and battered his father A.A. (62) with a gun.
13 October
* In Batman province, K.B. murdered his fiancée Gülbeyaz Özcan with a gun and committed suicide.
* In Kayseri province, married B.E. murdered his lover Yüksel Erdoğan (46) with a scarf during an argument. B.E. threw the body on a corn field. Police sent B.E. to the vacation court.
* In Adıyaman province, O.A. assaulted his divorce-seeking and separated wife S.A. and threatened to murder her. Following the incident, S.A. was hospitalized.
14 October
* In Denizli province N.Y. (30) murdered his wife Sevda Yılmaz (19) with a knife. Police detained N.Y. Sevda Yılmaz was forced to marriage at age 17.
16 October
*In Muğla province, T.İ. (47) raid his separated wife’s house, battered his daughter E.İ. with a rifle and killed his son Nazım İşli (17) It turned out that T.İ. stayed in prison before on threatening charges and released 8 months ago.
* In Antalya province, N.B. harassed a woman and showed his genitals to a child. Police detained N.B.
18 October
* In Konya province A.D.K. murdered his lover Ayşe Acar (25) with a knife.
* In Ordu province, M.İ. (45) battered his separation-seeking wife E.İ. (45) with a knife at the park they met. Police detained M.İ.
19 October
* In İstanbul province, Ş.K. raped teenager girl B.A. (16) He threatened her with a knife to take her to his house. At the house, Ş.K.’s brother Y.K. also raped B.A. Prosecution office requested protection for B.A. from her relatives because she became pregnant but the court denied the request.
21 October
* In Iğdır province, O.A. (45) murdered his daughter Meltem Akış (20) and his aunt Güvercin Alcan (50) with a rifle. He battered his mother N.A. (70) and his sister E.A. Following the incident, O.A. committed suicide.
* In İstanbul province, actor E.O., has been arrested in suspicion with harassing G.D. (26) after they met at a bar.
22 October
* In Urfa province, four men assaulted their wives. Women (T.Y., S.K., S.A., F.B.) went to the police station and filed complaints after being hospitalized.
* In İstanbul province, director Y. E., threatened foreigner model O.B with a knife and tried to rape her. He met her in Taksim, pretended that he will shoot a movie and took her home. Y.E.
* In Balıkesir province, high school student F.A. harassed his school friend S.A. at their school’s bathroom. It is suspected that F.A. battered S.A.’s father before he was arrested.
23 October
* In Şırnak province, M.Ü. murdered his wife Emine Üçkaç with a knife. M.Ü. said he murdered his wife in suspicion of cheating, saying that she was in a car accident with another man the week before.
Retaliation to male violence /Suicide
* In Ankara province, B.S. was assaulted by her husband, she cut off his husband’s throat and committed suicide. It turned out that B.S. filed a complaint to Kazan Police Department on his husband before the incident.
* In Zonguldak province, an disclosed man raped B.Y. (34). She murdered her cousin Gülveren Yılmaz with a stone for allegedly helping the rapist.
25 October
* In Uşak province, M.G. murdered his separated and divorce-seeking wife Sevil G. with a knife at her office. Police detained M.G.
*In Ankara province, R.G. murdered his separated wife Nimet Gözübüyük with a gun. Following the incident, R.G. committed suicide.
* In Adana province, M.K. battered his wife C.K. After the incident, C.K. miscarried her 6 month old baby.
26 October
* In Çorum province, N.A. (45) raped his neighbor G.A. (35) at a deserted place. While G.A. was filing a complaint, her husband had a heart attack and lost his life. Police detained N.A.
*In Bursa province, E.Ç. (33) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Sinem Çalışkan (31) with a knife. It turned out that she filed a complaint two days before the incident, saying that he was threatening her. She was under police protection during the incident.
* In Antep province, H.B.Ş. murdered his divorce-seeking wife Gülbeyaz Şentürk with a gun. His daughter B.Ş. (16) said he forced her mother and her to prostitution.
* In Mersin province, R.D. murdered his fiancée Neslihan Kutlu by hitting her head on the rocks.
* In Mersin province, Mehmet Uyar assaulted his wife F.U. with a gun and then committed suicide.
* In Giresun province, M.E. battered his ex-wife F.T. (43) with a gun.
* In Adana province, N.A. (35) battered his divorce-seeking wife E.A. (32) with a knife. It turned out that N.A. had a restraint order from the court.
27 October
*In İzmir province, S.B. (28) murdered his ex-fiancee Nuray Çelik (23) and her father Hasan Çelik (59) with a rifle.
Retaliation to male violence
*In İzmit province, E.Y. (25) battered C.N. with a knife, saying that he harassed her niece.
* In İstanbul province, a man raped his wife S.S. (38) at their apartment. Prosecution office completed the investigation in 7 days and filed a lawsuit for 12 years.
* In İstanbul province, İ.Ö. raped his wife A.Ö. (23) on their wedding day. İ.Ö. will be on trial for 12 years at the penal court.
29 October
* In Aydın province, A.B. (54) murdered his wife Raziye Buruk (37) with a knife. A.B. surrendered to the police after the incident.
30 October
* In Ankara province, H.Y., murdered his lover Emine Biçer (39) with a knife. After the incident, H.Y. hid the body in his house for a week and then surrendered to the police.
31 October
* In Diyarbakır province, D.K., raped his wife’s daughter from her previous marriage G.T.(13) in his house. G.T. explained the situation to her mother and police detained D.K.
* In Bolu province, an identied group of people battered and raped S.Ö. (83) in front of her apartment. After the incident, S.Ö. was taken to the hospital by her neighbors. (EK/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.