Male Violence Leaves 18 Women Dead in January

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that 18 women, 3 men and 3 children were reported murdered, 11 raped, 20 wounded and 15 harassed by men in January.
Istanbul and Kocaeli listed as number one in the reporting of male violence cases in January.
Overall this year, male violence left 147 women murdered, 123 raped, 208 wounded and 126 harassed.
Reports say that one woman was brutally murdered along with her son after requesting the removal of court expulsion order for her perpetrator.
In December 2012, 12 women were reported murdered, 14 raped, 17 wounded and 15 harassed by men. Istanbul listed as number one in the reporting of male violence cases in December.
In 2012 overall, 165 women, 14 children, 3 infants and 15 men were reported murdered by men in Turkey.
In January, male perpetrated violence left 18 women and 3 men dead in 13 different cities in Turkey.
1 woman was reported murdered despite the court protection order, while another was slain even though she used the panic button. Another woman and her daughter were brutally murdered by her spouse albeit court expulsion order.
Most of the perpetrators in January were the spouse (6) of slain women.
Other murder perpetrators included separated spouse (3) on divorce, spouse on divorce trial, ex-spouse, lover (3), father, son-in-law and son. The murderer of U.S. citizen Sarai Sierra remained unknown.
The data also rated guns (4) as the most frequent instruments of female murders last month in Turkey. Other murder instruments/methods included knife (6), sharp object (3), rifle (2) and by strangling (3).
Following the murders, some male perpetrators committed suicide (3), while others failed to commit suicide or surrendered to the police (2).
Female murder cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Ankara, Antep, Aydın, Denizli, İstanbul (2), İzmir, Kocaeli (3), Konya, Malatya, Samsun, Uşak and Van.
The murderers were aged between 14 to 70 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 25 to 60.
In January, 11 rape cases were reported in 8 different cities in Turkey.
Most of the rapists in January were unknown by their female victims. January rapists included friend (2), sport teacher, lover and unknown men (7).
Most rape cases were reported in abduction houses (5). Other rape venues included residential houses (3) and car (2). One woman was reported to be forced into prostitution by her spouse.
Following the rape incidents, 17 men were arrested by the police, 8 were prosecuted and 3 were released pending trial. 2 rape cases perpetrators remained unknown.
January rape cases were reported in the following cities: Afyon, Aydın, Edirne, Erzurum, Konya, Nevşehir, Sakarya ve Samsun.
Violence against women
In January, 20 violence against women cases were reported in 11 different cities in Turkey.
3 women were battered despite court expulsion order, official complaint and panic button respectively. Another woman was reported beaten by her spouse after requesting to release court expulsion order.
In January, women suffered from their husbands (9) most in terms of assault. Other perpetrators assaulted women including their ex-spouse (3), son (2), lover, father-in-law and unknown man (3).
The violence methods included assault (15) and stabbing with a knife (5).
Following the violent incidents, male perpetrators were detained (4), arrested. Another man was reported to have a stroke after assaulting 7 women.
The rapists were between 15 to 67 years old while their victims' ages differed from 25 to 87.
Violence against women was reported in the following cities: Adana, Aksaray (2), Bursa, İstanbul (3), İzmir (2), Kocaeli, Konya (3), Manisa, Sakarya, Samsun and Trabzon (4).
In January, 15 violence against women cases were reported in 9 different cities in Turkey.
Notable harassment victims included a rape survivor teenager girl in state shelter, a woman in ongoing hospitalization, another woman under court expulsion protection and a kidnapped woman.
Most harassment perpetrators were identified as men (8) unknown to their victims. Other perpetrators included ex-spouse (2), relative, co-worker, teacher and rapist.
Most harassment cases were reported on the street (6). Other cases included residential houses (2), during commute (3), hospital, workplace and on the phone.
During New Year's Eve celebrations, 103 individuals were detained for charges related to harassment, 16 among which were prosecuted. In other harassment cases, 5 men were detained by the police with 1 being arrested. While 1 woman has been stabbed after being harassed, another woman was hospitalized. One harasser was reported to cut his wrists after being caught by the police.
The harassers were identified between 22 to 64 years old while their victims' ages differed from 15 to 34.
Harassment cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Bursa (2), İstanbul (2), İzmir, Karabük, Kocaeli (4), Konya, Samsun and Trabzon (2).
Regional distribution
In January, 56 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 23 provinces. Most of these incidents were reported in the Marmara region.
November's 56 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (20), Central Anatolia (8), Aegean (10), Mediterranean (3), Black Sea (11), Eastern Anatolia (3) and South-Eastern Anatolia.
Kocaeli marked as the most violent city in January 2013.
Female retaliation to male violence
In January 2013, female victims retaliated to their male aggressors in 7 different cities.
Female retaliation cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Ankara, Osmaniye, Rize, Samsun, Tokat and Van.
One teenager girl was reported to murder his rapist, while another woman stabbed her spouse to death after being subject to male violence.
3 men were reported to kill 2 men who harassed their beloved females ones. While one man was reported to murder his son who battered his spouse and mother, 2 other men were reported to murder male individuals who battered their sisters. (ÇT/BM)