Male Violence January 2013

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 18 women, 3 men and 3 children killed, 11 women raped, 20 injured and 15 harassed in January 2013.
Most battery-assault cases were reported from Kocaeli and Istanbul.
One woman was killed despite a protection order and two others were battered. Another man killed his wife and child after forcing her to withdraw her complaint.
1 January
* In Trabzon province, B.Ş. (28) reportedly kicked a woman who warned him for speaking too loud in a bus.
* In İstanbul province, 103 men were detained for harassment during New Year’s Eve celebrations. 16 were put to further processing.
2 January
* In Kocaeli province, M.E. (28) sexually harassed M.A. as she was walking on a bridge.
3 January
* In İstanbul province, S.S. murdered his ex-wife Gülşan Sarcan (25) and threw her body to a road. S.S. surrendered to the police after the incident.
* In Manisa province, T.Ş. battered his ex-wife K.A. in a cafe. After being discharged from hospital, the woman filed a complaint at a police station.
* In Erzurum province, M.S.U. forced his wife N.U. to prostitution, saying that they were economically doing bad. Upon the woman’s complaint, M.S.U and his friend Z.O. were charged with "encouraging to prostitution” and “forcing to prostitution”.
4 January
* Skiing instructor M.T. (42) raped his student H.H. (33) after taking her to mountain cabin and putting sleeping pills in her drink. Upon the woman’s complaint, a prosecution was launched against M.T.
Child pregnancy
* In Samsun province, S.A. (14) gave birth to a child. Y.K. (20), the father, was detained for sexual harassment. Y.K.'s parents were also detained for abduction charges.
5 January
* In Nevşehir province, 4 men raped high school student F.C.M. They drove her back to her school after the incident. 6 people were detained after the rape was documented at a hospital.
* In Edirne province, 14 suspects were arrested for raping high school student B.Z.K. (15). There were originally 17 suspects. It turned out that 10 arrested suspects were high school students including a boyfriend who were blackmailing her and forcing other men to rape her. Suspects were charged with “sexual assault and threat”.
* In İstanbul province, H.D. (37) assaulted his separation-seeking religiously-wed wife S.A. (21) with a knife, leaving her severely injured. It turned out that H.D. had previous criminal record on battery-assault. Police detained the husband.
7 January
* In Konya province, two men raped sex worker R.K. (19) in a minibus. They ran away after stealing her purse and cell phone.
* In Aksaray province, A.A. (66) battered his mother G.A. (87) and assaulted with a knife. While the woman was hospitalized, police detained A.A.
8 January
* In Malatya province, M.I. (30) murdered his separated wife Gülay I. with a rifle, saying that she refused to compromise. It turned out she left home for his mother’s apartment 5 months ago.
11 January
Murder / Battery-Assault
* In Bursa province, T.I. and his son (17) raided his separated wife’s new apartment with her lover M.Ç. While T.I. murdered M.Ç. with a knife, he also assaulted his wife F.I. and A.Ç. who is M.Ç.’s brother. Police captured T.I. and his son.
12 January
* In Konya province, Y.K. (30) assaulted his wife İ.K. (23) with knife on street. While Y.K. was captures, İ.K. is still being hospitalized.
13 January
* In Bursa province, S.A. has been detained in suspicion with sexually harassing a teenager girl (15) on the street.
* In Adana province, M.K. went to the state protection residence of S.Ç. (15) - a teenager girl whom M.K. allegedly raped and faced pending trial. In April 2012, S.Ç.'s father allegedly sold his daughter out to M.K. in return of his gambling debts. S.Ç. now goes to school with a security guard.
14 January
* In Ankara province, M.C. (39) murdered his divorce seeking wife Gönül Cihangir (34) with a knife at her parents’ apartment. It turned out that the woman previously filed for protection and restraint orders to a court.
* In Aydın province, M.G. (44) murdered his lover Emel Erdogan (39) with a knife and committed suicide.
* In İzmit province, S.E. and his brother A.Ç. battered S.E.'s divorced wife S.C. who came to collect her alimony that S.E. didn’t pay for a year. S.C. filed for protection, saying that S.E. was threatening her.
* In İstanbul province, Ö.Ç., who attempted to commit suicide and got hospitalized due to an alleged rape by her father, claimed that she was harassed by nurses at the hospital. She filed a complaint against the suspected nurses.
15 January
* In Antep province, S.G. (34) murdered his divorce seeking wife Adviye Genç and her mother Emire Şendir with a knife. He also assaulted Adviye Genç‘s male relatives A.K. (47) and A.K. (20) with a knife.
* In Trabzon province, Ö.Y. (34) and G.K. (29) abducted their office neighbor F.Y. (35) with a car. Released briefly after, F.Y. filed complaint against her aggressors.
* In Bursa province, a man battered his lover who wanted to separate after finding out that he was married.
16 January
* In Samsun province, A.T. (67) battered his son’s wife S.T. with a shovel, following an argument on the payment of electricity bill. S.T. filed a complaint.
* In Samsun province, K.E. has been detained by the police as he allegedly harassed his niece (16) for two years in the apartment they are sharing.
* In Malatya province, a hidden camera was found in the ladies section of a cafe.
Male violence towards men
* In Osmaniye province, O.K.(17) and M.Ç. (17) murdered Ö.Ç. (80), saying that he verbally harassed a relative woman.
17 January
* In İzmit province, R.G. murdered his wife Aysel Geniş ve and his three children ages between 1 and 6. Captured after the incident, R.G. pleaded guilty of killing his wife by strangling and his children by razor and strangling. He also told authorities that he tried to commit suicide by swallowing rat poison but later on ran away after failing to do so.
18 January
* In Van province, M.D. strangled his wife Melek Duman (36) to death. M.D. surrendered to the police.
* In İzmir province, S.Y (31) murdered his lover Şerife Uysal (32) with a rifle in a cafe. According to eyewitnesses, S.Y. pointed the rifle after an argument and pulled the trigger for 8 times. The rifle reportedly fired only on the 9th attempt and shot Uysal. Ran away from the scene, S.Y. was captured in Manisa province.
* In Samsun province, U.Ö. (32) and his friend Y.Ö. have been arrested in suspicion with killing U.Ö's lover Tamuna Dundua (31). It turned out that U.Ö. drove wounded Dundua to the hospital and claimed that she shot herself as they were driving.
* In Konya province, a man sexually harassed E.G. (23) on the street. He assaulted her after confronted with resistance. E.G. hit her head and lost conscious. While the man ran away, E.G. was hospitalized.
* In Bursa province, S.A. was detained in suspicion with sexually abusing a 15 year old teenager girl. He was ordered to stand trial.
19 January
* In Sakarya province, 4 men abducted A.Ç. (54), an Alzheimer patient. They battered and raped the woman.
* In İzmit province, police detained bus driver T.D. (45) for sexually harassing M.C.(21) after driving her to a deserted place.
* In İstanbul province, Ü.Y.E. (64), a judge at Istanbul Courthouse, allegedly held court clerk Z.R.D. (30) as hostage and threatened to kill her with a pistol. The woman filed a complaint to Justice Ministry Commission authorities, saying that he has been harassing her for a long time. The judge submitted a request for his retirement. After launching an investigation, ministry officials ordered to suspend his license for three months.
20 January
* A woman was put under protection after sending a tweet message to Family and Social Policies Minister Fatma Şahin, saying that she was subjected to domestic violence.
* In Konya province, N.Ö. murdered his home-leaving wife Medine Özkan (28) with a pistol. He also murdered her partner Mehmet Boztoprak with a knife. N.Ö. and his allegedly collaborator friend İ.Y. were captured in Eskişehir province.
* In Denizli province, K.H. (14) strangled his mother Zahide Çarıklı (40) to death with a rope during her sleep.
21 January
* In Adana province, a man battered his wife V.K., saying that “she went to the supermarket alone”. V.K. moved to his mother’s apartment.
* In Konya province, C.K. complaint that her request to acquire a new identity to protect herself from her violent husband has not been processed for six months. She also added that a protection order is still valid. 22 January
* In İzmit province, V.C. murdered his divorce-seeking wife Mehtap Civelek with a pistol after abducting her for two days by convincing her to meet for a compromise. While V.C. abandoned her gravely wounded body in front of a hospital, police captured V.C. Mehtap Civelek was a beneficiary of panic button system after filing a complaint to a police station.
* In İstanbul province, Sarai Sierra, an American tourist, was reported missing. Sierra's dead body was found by Sarayburnu waterfront in Fatih district on February 2. It turned out that Sierra was battered to death. 21 suspects were ordered to give DNA samples within the investigation. A forensics reports is still being awaited.
* In İzmit province, M.Ö. (29) sexually harassed by E.T. (16) on street by showing her pornographic images on his cell phone. Police detained M.Ö.
* In Karabük province, T.C. (40) sexually harassed his former student A.S. (16) as he was driving her. A police arrested T.C.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Van province, G.U. (16) murdered her rapist K.H. (26) with a gun. It turned out that G.U. was placed to a women’s shelter in Van and her rape-related pregnancy was terminated with abortion.
* In Tokat province, İ.K. (22) murdered N.Ş. (52) with a rifle, saying that he harassed his wife.
23 January
* In Afyon province, R.U., G.A. and A.G. randomly buzzed a an apartment door. Broke inside, they raped S.A.(50), Z.D. and Ş.D. (16). They were arrested after the incident.
* In İzmit province, Ş.T. (42) murdered his wife Hanife Telli (36) with a pistol. After the incident, Ş.T. committed suicide.
* In İzmir province, K.H. seuxally harassed O.B. (19) in a minibus. Detained by the police, H.K. cut his wrists on the way. While he was hospitalized with no serious condition, it turned out that K.H. had three previous criminal records on sexual harassment.
* In Sakarya province, G.C.A. (15) assaulted his mother N.A. (44) with a knife. Hospitalized, N.A. suffered from grave wounds.
* In İstanbul province, S.A. (83) was assaulted by a stranger on her way back home. While the aggressor ran away, the woman lost one of her eyes despite hospitalization.
24 January
Retaliation to male violence
* In Rize province, M.Ş. (85) murdered his son H.Ş. (61) with a shotgun, saying that he was battering his wife and mother S.Ş.
* In Ankara province, E.E. murdered his violent husband M.E. with a knife. Police transferred E.E. to a court.
* In Samsun province, S.Ö. (21) assaulted C.E. (25) on the street with a knife, saying that he was battering his sister. While C.E. was hospitalized, police detained S.Ö.
* In İstanbul province, Ş.K. (50) assaulted his wife M.K. (50) with a knife, leaving her with 11 coups. Previously, she allegedly filed a complaint on domestic violence, an application that did not result with a protection order. While M.K. was hospitalized in serious condition, police seeking Ş.K.
* In İzmir province, V.U. battered his wife S.U., saying that she argued with her mother-in-law. While S.U. was discharged from a hospital after her treatment, V.U. was released pending a trial after being detained by gendarmerie.
* In İzmir province, Ü.K. battered his wife R.K. While R.K. was hospitalized, a court ordered a 3 month restriction order for Ü.K.
25 January
* In Konya province, A.İ. (45) battered his wife M.İ. (44). While A.İ. had a stroke during the incident, A.İ. called for an ambulance. Hospitalized in the same medical center, M.İ. didn’t file a complaint on her violent husband.
* In Aksaray province, two men battered M.Y. (68) after breaking into her apartment pretexting an address inquiry. It turned out that they stole her belongings as well.
* In Aydın province, E.F.B. raped M.M. after forcing to his apartment with a machete in his hand. Detained by the police, the suspect was released pending a trial.
26 January
* In Samsun province, Z.G. raped Ö.A. (33) after abducting her. Following the incident, he also stole her cellphone. Detained by the order of prosecutor, Z.G. was released after his testimony.
29 January
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, H.B. murdered his sister’s husband with a knife, saying that he was beating her.
* In Trabzon province, S.C. (31) went to the apartment of his wife N.C. (24) despite court restraint order. Detained by the police, an assize court arrested S.C.
* In Trabzon province, A.K. (34) renewed her protection request after withdrawing one due to fear of husband’s reaction. It turned out that husband G.K. (37) maintained his violent attitude.
* In İzmit province, U.C. (22) sexually harassed B.T. (22) who was waiting at a bus stop. Detained by the police, U.C. had previous criminal records on similar incidents.
* In Trabzon province, An investigation was launched by the demand of A.A.(34) who said she was leaving apart from her husband E.A. (40) due to domestic violence. She added that her husband resumed threatening her over the phone and a court previously issued a 6 months restriction order.
* In Trabzon province, M.Y. (37) threatened his divorce-seeking and separated wife Ö.Y. (33) after breaking into her apartment in the pretext of seeing his children. While Ö.Y. filed a complaint, an investigation is underway.
31 January
* In Adana province, H.Ş. (70) murdered his wife Selvinaz Şahin (60) and daughter Ayşe Şahin by smashing their heads with meat club. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In Uşak province, M.Ö. murdered his ex-wife Nermin Şen (48) with a knife in her office. It turned out that they were divorced for 17 years and she benefitted from protection measures upon request.. M.Ö. was released from a prison only 10 days before the incident. He was convicted of threatening Nermin Şen who wanted to marry another person. (BK/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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