MP Questions Government on LGBT Murders
"Does your government plans to amend the Article 10 of the constitution as to include LGBT individuals?"
Democratic Society Party (DTP) MP Akın Birdal files a query for PM Erdoğan at the parliament demanding an explanation to mounting number of attacks against gay and transgender citizens in recent months.
Birdal criticizes the silence of the government on the incidents and notes that without a dedicated department on hate crimes within the Police, it's impossible to fully investigate the motive behind those murders and attacks.
Birdal's other questions outlined at the query are as follows:
How many attacks were committed against LGBT individuals during the last year?
Is there any efforts to introduce and define hate crimes at the Penal Code?
Do you plan to amend Article 122 of the Penal Code in order to avoid discrimination against LGBT individuals?(EZÖ/AGÜ)