"Everyone's Worries Should Be Obviated for a Solution to the Kurdish Issue"
Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry chair Galip Ensarioğlu said "Kurds want to live together. What we're discussing is to ensure this or not," during the Dialogue for a Solution Conference held in Bilgi University on 6 June.
Some of the points made by Ensarioğlu during the conference organized by Turkey's Peace Assembly are as follows:
Unemployment rate is 40 percent in the region. 400 billion dollars are spent during the conflict. The total cost exceeds a trillion dollars. 40 thousand are dead. Turkey can't afford to waste human and money capital as such.
The president made the right move -stating that there's no more time to loose. If there will be a solution, everyone's worries should cease -even the nationalist MHP's. It's not right to mention the Scottish model or a Kurdish parliament at this stage. If the people agree to a solution, the army's resistance wouldn't be important as much as today.
The demands are clear: The definition of Turkish citizenship should include all. Anyone could be able to broadcast in Kurdish. Changed names of villages should be reinstated. Education in the mother language should be free.
If the PKK -Kurdish rebel group- persists, there would be no solution. An unconditional amnesty is a must. Ordinary rebels should be allowed back to social life. House arrest for PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan may be an option. His proposal due to be announced at the end of July is important.(TK/AGÜ)
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