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Gökçe Gündüç
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YÖK's New President: Yusuf Ziya Özcan
President Abdullah Gül has appointed Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Özcan as the new president of the Turkish Council of Higher Education.
12 December 2007
Collaboration for New Constitution
Around 70 organisations came together in a workshop to ensure that the new constitution will not only be shaped by the AKP.
10 December 2007
IPS and Press Now in Giresun
IPS Communications Foundation and Press Now organised a two-day training seminar for journalists from Ordu and Giresun.
27 November 2007
Women Call for Peace
122 women, many of them well-known singers, actresses, writers, academics and journalists have gathered under the slogan "We have promised peace" and published their call for peace on the internet and in newspapers.
23 November 2007
IHD and TIHV: Do Not Close DTP
The human rights organisations argue that elected MPs are only supposed to leave parliament with new elections. They are concerned about antidemocratic attempts to suppress dissident thoughts.
19 November 2007
"Erdogan Against Operations But Not For Peace"
According to TIHV president Önen, Erdogan is stuck between the army and the USA. His anti-operation stance is due to US influence.
19 November 2007
IHD: Be Happy About Hostage Release!
Hüsnü Öndül of the IHD has condemned the public statements of some ministers who have marred the happy occasion of the release of eight soldier hostages.
7 November 2007
Rice and Babacan: PKK is "Common Enemy"
In a joint press briefing, Rice and Babacan outlined their vision for collaboration on the fight against "PKK terrorism". Rice wants Iraq involved.
5 November 2007
Motherhood Has No Ethnicity: The Tears Are The Same
Gürbüz, whose son has been tried and imprisoned for PKK membership, said that she feels the pain of the dead soldiers' mothers: "There should be no death, not in the army and not outside of it".
24 October 2007
Call Against More Violence
Political parties of the left and the Union of Turkish Chambers of Mechanical Engineers have called on the PKK to lay down arms and on Turkey to take urgent steps towards democratisation.
23 October 2007
Referendum on Sunday (21 October)
Activists Will Vote "No" in Referendum
Activists have criticised the upcoming referendum as unnecessary, as a new constitutional draft is being prepared anyway.
19 October 2007
Parliament to Discuss Northern Iraq Operations
Parliamentary approval for Turkish soldiers to carry out cross-border operations in Northern Iraq may be debated in parliament as early as today (15 October).
15 October 2007
Foreign Press Concerned About Cross-Border Operations
Today, newspapers in Britain and the USA covered the possibility of Turkey carrying out cross-border ground operations in Iraq.
10 October 2007
Call to Support Agos Newspaper
The trial of Arat Dink and Sarkis Seropyan under Article 301 continues on 11 October.
10 October 2007
Controversy Reigns Upcoming Referendum
The CHP has called on the AKP to cancel the upcoming referendum for constitutional amendment.
8 October 2007
Women's Quota a Must
Not only Ruanda, but 97 other countries also support a gender quota in political representation. KA-DER has called for the application of a gender quota as a means of overcoming the real inequalities which women face.
5 October 2007
Women "Equal", Not "in Need of Protection"
86 women NGOs gathered and made a joint press statement yesterday to call for women's participation in the preparation of the constitutional draft. They worry that the principle of equality may be taken out.
3 October 2007
Military Hypocrisy in Mothertongue Education Debate
General Basbug opposes education in their mothertongue for "some ethnic groups", but many military and other schools encourage education in a foreign language medium.
26 September 2007
Heinrich Böll Foundation Publication
Turkish Feminists Discuss Effects of Religion on Women
The Heinrich Böll Foundation publication "Gender Discussions in Turkey" offers a timely contribution to the discussion on feminism and religion.
21 September 2007
Gül in Cyprus, Constitutional Draft Before Erdogan
President Gül has travelled to Northern Cyprus. The draft constitution is to be presented to Prime Minister Erdogan.
19 September 2007
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Tugluk and Ata Still on Trial
The continuation of trials against Tugluk and Ata is based on a certain interpretation of Article 14 of the Constitution.
9 September 2007
IPS Journalism Training Programme is the "Missing Link"
On the second day of the "From the Classroom to the News Room" programme, young journalism candidates listened to and discussed with academics and professionals in journalism.
4 September 2007
"New" Cabinet Presented
One of President Abdullah Gül's first duties has been to approve the new cabinet as presented by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This will be the sixtieth government of the Turkish Republic.
31 August 2007
"New" Cabinet Presented
One of President Abdullah Gül's first duties has been to approve the new cabinet as presented by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This will be the sixtieth government of the Turkish Republic.
31 August 2007
ADL: We Cannot Ignore What Happened to Armenians
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) based in the USA has announced that, contrary to Turkish claims of a retraction, it will not hesitate to recognise an "Armenian genocide".
29 August 2007
First Controversial "First Lady"
According to journalist Atikoglu, Hayrünnisa Gül is the first controversial "first lady". Her headscarf, whether intentional or not, is "a wink in the direction of certain group".
29 August 2007
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ADL Retracts Genocide Recognition
Following pressure by Turkey and Israel, the US-based Anti-Defamation League has retracted its recognition of the "Armenian genocide" and has instead called on Turkish-Armenian cooperation to resolve the controversy.
26 August 2007
New Constitution Must Be Pluralist
Parties of the left have reacted to announcements that the AKP has completed a draft of a new, "civil" constitution: All strata of society need to be considered and consulted. Otherwise, this will not be a democratic constitution.
24 August 2007
Reactions to Erdogan's "Go"
After Prime Minister Erdogan said on television that those who could not accept Abdullah Gül as president should give up Turkish citizenship and leave the country, the CHP, the EU and newspaper columnists have reacted.
24 August 2007
Mugla University Needs Democracy Lessons
Trade union Egitim-Sen has pointed to the dismissal of two lecturers as the culmination of rights violations at Mugla University. Other lecturers involved in democratic movements have also been punished.
23 August 2007
Army Will Make Peace with AKP
Assistant Professor Caliskan points out that the AKP and the army are not so different in essence. He does not predict a big crisis, but rather a rapprochement. As the AKP moves to the political centre, the left will either disappear or have to redefine itself.
22 August 2007
Historian Halacoglu's Comments "Racist"
On 18 August, Yusuf Halacoglu, president of the Turkish History Foundation (TTK) had made controversial comments on the ethnic make-up of Turkey at a symposium in Kayseri. Associations have called for his resignation.
21 August 2007