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Erol Önderoğlu
Page 24
Press Freedom
Günlük Newspaper Receives 2-Month Publication Ban
An Istanbul court has convicted the daily newspaper of "spreading PKK propaganda." According to journalist Zarakolu, Kurdish media is targeted frequently.
10 June 2009
Publication in Kurdish
Journalist Acquitted after Using Kurdish Letters Q, W and X
A Gaziantep court has acquitted journalist Yetişgen of violating an old law concerning the exclusive use of the Turkish alphabet.
8 June 2009
Freedom of Expression
Turkish Consulate Official Intervenes at IFEX Panel in Oslo
At a panel discussing the denial of an Armenian "genocide", a Turkish consulate official reiterated the argument that Armenians were deported for treason.
5 June 2009
Hrant Dink murder
Three Years Imprisonment for Threatening Agos Newspaper
Since 2007, Karay is the third person to be sentenced for threatening Agos newspaper.
28 May 2009
Mine Clearing Debate
"Cleared Land Should Go to Mine Victims"
People in Nusaybin, a border district with Syria, believe that locals rather than private companies, should make use of any land cleared of mines.
27 May 2009
Court Will Wait Four Months for Statements from DTP
A High Criminal Court in Ankara has decided to wait until September to hear the statements of Kurdish MPs regarding their trials over speeches they have made.
27 May 2009
Freedom of Expression
"Children Being Punished Like Armed Militants"
At the sixth Gathering in Istanbul, Human Rights Watch rapporteur Sinclair Webb expressed worry about the treatment of children in court.
26 May 2009
Ergenekon Investigation
Fugitive Lieutenant Colonel Ecevit Turns Himself in
Following the find of ammunition in Poyrazköy, Istanbul, Lieutenant Colonel Ecevit had been wanted by the police. He has now turned himself in.
26 May 2009
Freedom of Expression
11 Witnesses of Oppression Spoke at Istanbul Gathering
At the sixth Istanbul Gathering, rights activists from Turkey and other countries discussed freedom of expression.
26 May 2009
Malatya Murders
Release of One Suspect in Malatya Trial
The Malatya murder trial continued on Friday. One defendant was released.
25 May 2009
Academics Warn of Hate Speech in Media
A conference organised by the Social Change Association discussed the prevalence of hate discourses in the national media.
22 May 2009
22-24 May
6th Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression
Human rights organisations and activists are gathering in Istanbul to discuss freedom of expression. This is the sixth time that such a gathering is taking place.
21 May 2009
Death of Türkan Saylan: "State Should Apologise"
Prof. Dr. Kaboğlu has demanded that the state issue an apology over its treatment of Prof. Dr. Saylan shortly before her death. Many NGOs expressed their sadness over her death.
19 May 2009
Case of State Council Attack Merged with Ergenekon Trial
An Ankara court has decreed that case of the State council attack in 2007 should be merged with the Ergenekon trial.
19 May 2009
Saylan, President of "Contemporary Living" Association, Passes Away
Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan, for 18 years president of the Association for the Support of Contemporary Living, has passed away. She was well-known for her support of girls' education.
18 May 2009
Ergenekon Investigation
Two Detentions, One Arrest in "Ergenekon"
Two retired soldiers have been taken into custody and one arrested as part of the Ergenekon investigation.
18 May 2009
Hrant Dink Murder
Colonel Öz' Statement: Everyone Guilty, Himself Innocent
Colonel Öz, accused of negligence in not preventing the murder of journalist Hrant Dink, has denied any responsibility.
17 May 2009
Freedom of Expression
Supreme Court Allows Compensation Claims Against Orhan Pamuk
Although a criminal case against him was dropped, the Supreme Court has decreed for the second time that people can claim compensation from the writer.
14 May 2009
Freedom of Expressıon
Writer Demands Annullment of Ministerial Permission to Prosecute Him
Writer Demirer is on trial under Article 301 after the Minister of Justice approved his prosecution. He went to an administrative court to have the approval revoked.
14 May 2009
Press freedom
Call for Release of Journalist Aylin Duruoğlu
The Contemporary Journalists’ Association (ÇGD) has called for the release of Aylin Duruoğlu, editor of the gazetevatan.com website.
13 May 2009
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Ergenekon Trial
Retired General Küçük also “Suspect” in Malatya Murder
At the latest Ergenekon hearing, five defendants were released from detention. Küçük has been questioned in relation to the Malatya murders.
12 May 2009
Former Chıef of Staff Büyükanıt
“I Am Also Victim of Ergenekon…”
Former Chief of Staff Büyükanit appeared in a political talkshow on Channel D and talked to journalists Birand and Akar.
8 May 2009
Court Sentences Mayor of "Terrorist Propaganda"
Diyarbakır Sur district mayor Demişbaş is sentenced to prison for referring to rebel PKK leader as "Mr. Öcalan". Elected in recent local elections, he is striped of the right to serve as public officer by the ruling.
7 May 2009
Hrant Dink Murder
Trial Merger for Eight Negligent Gendarmerie Officers
Colonel Ali Öz and seven other gendarmerie officers will all be tried in a Criminal Court of Peace for negligence in the Hrant Dink murder.
7 May 2009
Hrant Dink Murder
Police Officer’s Court Case against Bianet Continues
A trial against bianet, based on the complaint filed by police officer Muhittin Zenit, is continuing.
5 May 2009
World Press Freedom Day
Lawyers Call for Revision of Penal Code and Fewer Arrests
At a Freedom of Expression Conference in Istanbul, lawyers evaluated the legal basis of the protection and violation of freedom of expression in Turkey.
5 May 2009
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BIA Media Monitoring Report
In Three Months 110 People Tried for Their Thoughts
According to the quarterly Bia Media Monitoring Report, 26 people are on trial under Article 301.
4 May 2009
Journalist On Trial For Dink Murder Book
Nedim Şener of Milliyet daily faces up to 17 years in prison for allegedly disclosing classified information and rendering counter-terrorism forces target in his book on officials' misconduct regarding the killing of his Turkish Armenian colleague.
30 April 2009
Second Weapons Cache on Foundation Land
Three army officers have been arrested in connection with two weapons caches found on land belonging to an educational foundation.
27 April 2009
Alleged "Gang" Weapons Unearthed in Foundation Property
Excavations in Istanbul have led to the find of a weapons cache. Six soldiers, two of them retired, have been detained.
24 April 2009
Cumhuriyet Publishes Journalists’ Letters from Jail
Two letters from journalist Mustafa Balbay have been published in the Cumhuriyet newspaper.
23 April 2009
ECHR Warns: Do Not Prevent Workers from Organising
The ECHR has convicted Turkey for the disciplinary punishments that were handed to trade union members.
23 April 2009