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Erol Önderoğlu
Page 33
Malatya Murders Orchestrated by Nationalist Organisations?
According to information given separately to the prosecution and the police, the murder suspects in the Malatya case were directed by nationalist organisations.
10 December 2007
Camera "Not Working" in Dink And Zirve Cases
In both the Hrant Dink murder case and the Malatya murder cases, recorded evidence has "disappeared".
7 December 2007
Publisher Zarakolu Supported by Writer Jerjian
Writer George Jerjian has written a letter of support for publisher Ragip Zarakolu, who is on trial for publishing his book. Ferhat Tunc's case continues in December.
6 December 2007
Three Conscientious Objection Activists Acquitted
Three supporters of conscientious objector Halil Savda have been acquitted of "putting the public off military service". Turkey has still not changed its legislation.
5 December 2007
Lawyer Erdal Dogan in "Insult" Trial
Following a criminal complaint by lawyer Fuat Turgut, lawyer Erdal Dogan is on trial for insulting the former.
5 December 2007
"Free Radio" Vindicated at ECHR
The Özgür (Free) Radio station which had been given a broadcasting ban for a year after playing a song called "Nurhak" was vindicated at the ECHR.
5 December 2007
State Connection in Malatya Murders?
Disturbing connections between the murder suspects in the Malatya murders and the military and the state have emerged after the first hearing of the case.
5 December 2007
Prison Sentence Demanded for DTP Politicians
A Diyarbakir prosecutor is demanding prison sentences for MP Aysel Tulguk and province party chair Hilmi Aydogdu for a speech they made on Peace Day.
4 December 2007
301 For Accusing Village Guards?
After reporting on the claim that village guards were using state bombs to hunt fish, a villager, a reporter and a human rights activist are on trial for "denigrading the state".
30 November 2007
Prosecution Turns Plaintiff into "Suspect"
The Bakirköy prosecution dismissed proceedings after historian Akcam filed a complaint against journalist Cölasan and called the plaintiff a "suspect".
30 November 2007
TGC: Journalists Are Not Informants
The Journalists' Society (TGC) has protested against the trial of journalist Emin Bal for not informing authorities.
28 November 2007
Aydin Dogan Sues Two Websites
Aydin Dogan has sued two news websites for an article about him and his petrol company POAS.
28 November 2007
ECHR Overrules Turkish Censorship
The ECHR has sentenced Turkey to compensate for the confiscation of the "Pontus Culture" book and has found the six-month closure of Nur Radio and TV groundless.
28 November 2007
Article 301 for Chemical Weapons Claim
Politicians and journalists who have claimed that the army has used chemical weapons in its fight against the PKK have found themselves in court under Article 301.
27 November 2007
Journalist Ergündogan Sentenced
A court decreed that Ergündogan's article in the "Birgün" newspaper contained an insult. Ergündogan will appeal.
26 November 2007
Activist Keskin Sentenced for Saying “Kurdistan”
Human rights activist Eren Keskin has faced two trials for the use of “Kurdistan”. In one proceedings were dropped, in the second one she was sentenced.
21 November 2007
In Malatya not Murders but "Missionary Activity" on Trial!
The trial concerning the murder of three men working for Zirve Publications starts on 23 November. Of the 32 investigation files only eight are on the murders, the rest on "missionary activities".
21 November 2007
Acquittal after Remembering Student Death
Ayse Karakaya, mother of student Ertugrul Karakaya who was shot by gendarmerie thirty years ago, has been acquitted of "praising a crime and criminal".
19 November 2007
MHP: DTP Immunity Should Be Lifted
Former CHP politician Karakas has called the MHP's attempt to lift the DTP politicians' immunity "anti-democratic".
16 November 2007
Two Journalists May Face Prison in New Year
Journalists Önal in Tekirdag and Koyuncu in Afyonkarahisar both face a continuing trial in the new year. In both cases the prosecution is calling for prison sentences.
16 November 2007
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Journalist On Trial For Last Five Years
Journalist Ersen Korkmaz, owner of the Demokrat Iskenderun newspaper, has been on trial under Article 159, now succeeded by Article 301, for the last five years.
14 November 2007
Gün TV: Kurdish Broadcasts Difficult
The Diyarbakir Gün TV channel has been broadcasting in Kurdish, but has faced many difficulties due to RTÜK stipulations.
14 November 2007
Newspaper Confiscated for "Anti-Military" Article
The 32nd issue of a local Gaziantep newspaper was confiscated after an article entitled "Mother, Don't Send Me to the Army" was published.
14 November 2007
Broadcasting and Print Ban on Hostage Investigation
After the State Council rejected a broadcasting ban on the PKK attack in Daglica on 21 October, a military court has now announced a broadcasting and print ban on the prosecution of the eight soldiers released from PKK captivity.
14 November 2007
No Trial against Journalist Umur Talu
Istanbul Press Prosecutor Nurten Altinok has decided to drop proceedings against journalist Umur Talu who had described the dissatisfaction of sergeants in the army.
13 November 2007
Malatya Murder Case To Start 23 November
After three employees of the Zirve publishing house were killed in their office in Malatya seven months ago, the trial of sevem of the suspects starts in ten days.
13 November 2007
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Two Gendarmerie to be Tried for Negligence in Dink Murder
The Trabzon Prosecution has opened a trial against two gendarmerie officers for not acting on information about the planned murder of journalist Hrant Dink.
12 November 2007
Protests against Cumhuriyet Journalist's Dismissal
The "We Want Our Future" Istanbul Initiative protested against the dismissal of journalist Erdogan Aydin; the Tunceli Bar Association has called for a review of the decision.
12 November 2007
Local TV in Diyarbakir Fined by RTÜK
RTÜK has fined the Diyarbakir Gün TV a total of 200,000 YTL for "broadcasts violating truth and neutrality".
9 November 2007
Multilingual Diyarbakir Municipality on Trial
After offering municipal services in three languages apart from Turkish, mayor Abdullah Demirbas from the Sur municipality in Diyarbakir was taken from office and his municipal council was dissolved. The trial against Demirbas and twenty others has started.
9 November 2007
Journalist Talu "Warned"
After "Sabah" newspaper journalist Umur Talu wrote a column entitled "He Was the Politest Politician, But Look What Happened", lawyers from the Dogan Media Group issued a refutation and rectification statement.
7 November 2007
Judges and Prosecutors Criticise Prime Minister
The Union of Judges and Prosecutors has condemned Erdogan’s criticism of the State Council’s decision to stop a broadcasting ban on the Hakkari/Daglica attack.
7 November 2007