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A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Page 4
Life Sentences Demanded for Malatya Murders
After the murder of three men in Malatya in April this year, a trial will finally be opened.
17 October 2007
Escalation in Violence:
Newspaper Headlines Agitating Emotions
While most newspaper columnists agree that military operations will not solve the Kurdish question, the frontpage headlines today were highly emotional and many called for revenge.
9 October 2007
Escalation in Violence:
Newspaper Headlines Agitating Emotions
While most newspaper columnists agree that military operations will not solve the Kurdish question, the frontpage headlines today were highly emotional and many called for revenge.
9 October 2007
13 Soldiers Killed in Sirnak Ambush
According to the General Staff, 13 soldiers died in a PKK attack on Sunday.
8 October 2007
39 TV Programmes Stopped in September
The Press Council has announced that the Radio and Televison Supreme Council stopped 39 programmes of 16 channels in September.
5 October 2007
Hrant Dink Murder Trial
Suspect Regrets He Killed Hrant Dink
"I wouldn't have killed him if I knew he had a family" regretted O.S. the suspect for killing journalist Dink. Three of the eight detained suspects were questioned by the defense lawyers. The defendants told conflicting stories.
1 October 2007
Coup General Evren Accused of Hypocrisy
The 78'ers Turkey Initiative has accused retired General Kenan Evren of hypocrisy.
28 September 2007
ECHR: Damages for Torture Victim
The ECHR has awarded damages to a young man who was tortured while in detention in Diyarbakir in 2002.
24 September 2007
ECHR: Damages for Torture Victim
The ECHR has awarded damages to a young man who was tortured while in detention in Diyarbakir in 2002.
24 September 2007
Gül: Should Headscarved Women Stay at Home?
President Gül has rejected comparisons of Turkey with Iran and Malaysia.
21 September 2007
Gül: Should Headscarved Women Stay at Home?
President Gül has rejected comparisons of Turkey with Iran and Malaysia.
21 September 2007
"Erdogan Must Be Joking"
Erdogan had said: "Our intellectuals keep too quiet." Oran and Insel have called on him to "think before talking".
13 September 2007
"The President Cordially Invites..."
A wide variety of people were invited to the President Gül's reception at Cankaya.
11 September 2007
"Other" CHP tells Baykal to Go
While Baykal was celebrating the CHP's 84th anniversary, his opponent Sarigül called for his resignation.
10 September 2007
New Government: Neo-Liberalism Continues
The AKP's new government programme promises a continuation of their neo-liberal policies.
3 September 2007
Abdullah Gül to Wait for Third Ballot
After Abdullah Gül fell short of winning enough votes in the second ballot of the presidential elections on Friday, he will have to wait for the third round on Tuesday, where he is likely to win.
27 August 2007
Turkey Must Rethink Child Abuse Law
Following the recent controversy in France, where a Turkish child was raped by a child abuser released from prison, lawyer Akco evaluates Turkish legal provisions and finds them unsatisfactory.
23 August 2007
Abdullah Gül AKPs Presidential Candidate
At yesterdays meeting of the AKPs central executive council, Gül announced his renewed candidature for the presidency. He was supported by Prime Minister Erdogan. CHP chairperson Baykal reacted furiously.
14 August 2007
AKP Silent Because It Fears Crisis
Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar has spoken with bianet on the AKPs continuing silence surrounding presidential candidates. She has also expressed her fear that the civil constitution under discussion may not become sufficiently democratic.
10 August 2007
Turkey Has Failed Its Promise to Children
Adem Arkadas of the International Childrens Centre says that Turkey has not kept its promise of creating a legal framework congruous with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Independent candidate Bilgen calls for more work on childrens problems.
25 June 2007
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Struggle for power between religion and state
Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar claims that the real issue is not laicism, but a contest for influence. Real laicism would mean neutrality of the state towards all religious groups. Republican rallies are undemocratic.
17 May 2007
Thousands Stuck Between Sharia and Military
Hundreds of thousands flock to streets in Istanbul in support of the secular republic. As the presidential deadlock continues, the army threatens the Islamist-rooted government but demostrators say neither Sharia, nor coup detat.
30 April 2007
Children Rights Reporting Seminar in Kocaeli
BİA² and UNICEF Turkey hold two-day Children Rights News Reporting training meeting in Kocaeli on invitation of Bekirpaşa municipality. Participants included local journalists, NGO representatives and state officers as well as children.
2 April 2007
Girl Dies of Neglience in Road Construction
A five-year-old girl had dropped and drowned in the manhole in Sirinevler district, which has been left nearly open during road construction. Metropolitan Municipality blamed the contractor company but experts says its their responsibility to inspect.
2 March 2007
Woman Judge Attacked at Court
A woman judge has been attacked at the Court of Justice by relatives of a culprit whose demand for acquittal was turned down. Such attacks are a result of the male-dominant mentality and lack of political will to combat violence againts women, Arın said.
21 February 2007
Women Rise to Control Leftist Party
Freedom and Solidarity Partys 5th Congress witnessed a first in Turkey as half the delegates elected to the party assembly are women. They explain how years of struggle led to this result and the importance of quotas for gender equality in politics.
12 February 2007
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Meet Our Women Parliamentarians
For the first time, there are 49 women in parliament. Most of the AKP parliamentarians are lawyers and academics, but there are also directors, pharmacists and architects.
30 January 2007
Municipality Gives Muti-Lingual Services
Sur Municipality approved the proposal to give services in Armenian, Syrian, Arabic and English as well as Turkish and Kurdish. Mayor Demirbas says its important to consider local populations languages for furnishing better services.
8 January 2007