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A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Page 3
Bush and Erdogan Satisfied, Talabani Guarded, Barzani Angry
Erdogan and Bush have agreed on continuing to share intelligence in the fight against terrorism. Barzani condemned the operations, while Talabani's complaint was more muted.
25 December 2007
Earthquake in Ankara
The Bala district of Ankara province experienced an earthquake on Thursday, the first day of the Feast of Sacrifice.
24 December 2007
Another Operation in Northern Iraq
The General Staff announced that it hit further PKK targets in Northern Iraq on Saturday and that"similar operations would continue within the country and across the borders independently of the terrain and the weather."
24 December 2007
General Staff Confirms Ground Operations
The General Staff has confirmed that ground units carried out a small operation on the Turkey-Iraq border in the night from 17 to 18 December.
19 December 2007
Operations: 20 Million Dollars and 1,800 Displaced People
The Hürriyet newspaper estimates that the four-hour operation cost Turkey around 20 million dollars. The UNHCR reports that around 1,800 people have been displaced as a result of the operations.
19 December 2007
Operations: 20 Million Dollars and 1,800 Displaced People
The Hürriyet newspaper estimates that the four-hour operation cost Turkey around 20 million dollars. The UNHCR reports that around 1,800 people have been displaced as a result of the operations.
19 December 2007
Tania: I Only Want Bread, Peace and Health
Academic Ünlütürk Ulutas has researched women who migrate to Turkey from the former Eastern bloc. They miss their children, fear the police, work hard and live secretively.
19 December 2007
DTP Chair Demirtas Arrested by Military Court
Nurettin Demirtas, co-chair of the pro-Kurdish DTP, was arrested at the airport in Ankara on his return from Germany. The DTP has condemned the arrest.
19 December 2007
Invigorating Rotation at bianet
As an experiment in democratisation, our staff are rotating duties. This also means that new areas of expertise are explored.
19 December 2007
Ergil: Operations "Necessary" But Not On Their Own
According to Prof. Dr. Ergil, the PKK will be weakened, but not destroyed by the attacks. A more comprehensive package addressing the Kurdish question is necessary.
18 December 2007
Turkish Armed Forces Attack Sites in Northern Iraq
The General Staff has announced that PKK targets on Kandil mountain have been bombed, and that attacks were not aimed at people living in Northern Iraq. Reuters says that 10 villages were hit, homes and schools ruined.
16 December 2007
Turkish Armed Forces Attack Sites in Northern Iraq
The General Staff has announced that PKK targets on Kandil mountain have been bombed, and that attacks were not aimed at people living in Northern Iraq. Reuters says that 10 villages were hit, homes and schools ruined.
16 December 2007
"Good Guys" Released in Semdinli Trial
A military court in Van has released the three suspects, two of them soldiers, in the Semdinli bombing trial. They will be tried without detention. Joint attorneys walked out of the hearing.
16 December 2007
"Good Guys" Released in Semdinli Trial
A military court in Van has released the three suspects, two of them soldiers, in the Semdinli bombing trial. They will be tried without detention. Joint attorneys walked out of the hearing.
16 December 2007
Büyükanit Calls Human Rights "Psychological Operation"
Speaking of the DTP, Chief of General Staff Büyükanit said, "terrorism has entered parliament." Türk of the DTP said the MPs had been elected in order to take part in democratic politics.
12 December 2007
DTP: Support the Turks in Western Thrace and the Kurds in Turkey
The DTP has reacted to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan's visit of solidarity to the Turks in Western Thrace: "Do not fear Kurds in Turkey".
10 December 2007
“Minister’s Circular Will Not Solve Police Violence”
Prof. Dr. Dogru has argued that the principle of “balancing human rights and security” which the Minister of the Interior wrote about is enshrined in the Penal Code anyway. Effective sanctions are needed to prevent excessive violence.
6 December 2007
Gül Silent on Plans for PKK
In an interview with journalists on the way to France, Gül said, "Democracy isolates terrorism and terrorists."
28 November 2007
Malatya Murder Case Postponed
The next hearing of the trial is in January. There has been a dangerous shift of focus in news reports on the trial.
26 November 2007
Malatya Murder Case Postponed
The next hearing of the trial is in January. There has been a dangerous shift of focus in news reports on the trial.
26 November 2007
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Rally in Diyarbakir: Call for "Dignified Life"
A rally was organised by the DTP in Diyarbakir yesterday. Tens of thousands gathered on the Station Square in Diyarbakir to protest against operations and call for rights.
26 November 2007
Büyükanit and Erdogan Meet to Discuss Operations
Prime Minister Erdogan and Chief of General Staff Büyükanit have met in order to talk about developments concerning possible cross-border operations.
23 November 2007
DTP Support Visit by Peace Parliament
Representatives of the Turkish Peace Parliament yesterday (21 November) visited the Grand National Assembly to support the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP).
21 November 2007
Columnists Against Closure of DTP
Columnists Tinc, Akyol, Tamer and Kahraman all agree that the pro-Kurdish DTP should not be closed, but not because they support the party.
20 November 2007
General Staff Denies Silencing Retired Officers
The General Staff has denied that retired generals have been told to stop talking.
19 November 2007
Baykal Calls for "Neighbourly Relations" with Iraq
Baykal said, "If we have brotherly relations with Iraq, Iraq will behave more responsibly on the issue of exporting terrorism; it will feel the need to behave like a good neighbour."
12 November 2007
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DTP Congress: "Democratic Autonomy"
A "Democratic Society Congress" organised by the DTP in Diyarbakir from 26 to 28 October has called for "democratic autonomy" and has condemned military operations.
31 October 2007
Battles in Southeast: 4 Soldiers, 17 PKK Militants Dead
Military operations in the Southeast are continuing with thousands of soldiers and air support involved.
30 October 2007
Operations in Tunceli: 1 Soldier, 15 PKK Militants Dead
During operations in the province of Tunceli on Sunday, 15 PKK militants and one sergeant were killed.
29 October 2007
12 Soldiers Killed in Hakkari Province
After the recent heavy losses in Sirnak, twelve soldiers were killed in Hakkari last night. Sixteen more are wounded, some of them seriously. More than ten soldiers are said to be missing.
21 October 2007
Parliament Authorises Government's Cross-Border Operations
An overwhelming majority approved a one-year authorisation of cross-border operations into Northern Iraq.
17 October 2007
Parliament Authorises Government's Cross-Border Operations
An overwhelming majority approved a one-year authorisation of cross-border operations into Northern Iraq.
17 October 2007