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Explosion in Front of Midyat Security Directorate
An attack has been carried out by a bomb-laden car in Midyat Security Directorate in Mardin province which has lead to follow-up clashes.
8 June 2016
1 Soldier, 1 Police Officer Killed in Nusaybin
One soldier and one police officer have lost their lives in Nusaybin district of Mardin, nine security officers injured one of whom has severe injuries.
26 May 2016
2 Soldiers Killed in Nusaybin
Two soldiers have been killed in Nusaybin district of Mardin province in southeastern Turkey.
9 May 2016
‘Life Stopped’ in Nusaybin, Central Şırnak
Kuzu from the Human Rights Association and Gökalp from Turkish Medical Association have told that services, notably medical services and flow of information have been staggering in Şırnak central and Mardin’s Nusaybin districts that are under curfew for over 1.5 months.
29 April 2016
Police Injured in Nusaybin Loses His Life
Special operations police officer Serkan Yılmaz wounded during an operation in Nusaybin district of Mardin has lost his life in GATA.
11 April 2016
3 Police Officers Killed in Nusaybin
In an attack carried out in the morning hours in Nusaybin district of Mardin province, a police officer has been killed. Two other officers have lost their lives and five others injured in the clash following the attack.
7 April 2016
1 Forest Keeper, 1 Sergeant Killed in Nusaybin
One forest keeper and a specialized sergeant have been killed, two others injured in Nusaybin district of Mardin province.
5 April 2016
Bomb Attack on Recruiting Office in Kızıltepe of Mardin
An attack has been carried out on the Recruiting Office on Kızıltepe-Mardin Highway by PKK members. A night watch Syrian refugee has been killed, 11 others including two soldiers and three children injured.
4 April 2016
Explosion in Nusaybin: 1 Police Killed, 2 Others Wounded
One of the three police officers wounded in the explosion resulting by the improvised explosive device planted on the road be detonated in Nusaybin district, lost his life in the hospital.
18 March 2016
Association of Free Journalists’ Reaction against Fire on Journalists in Nusaybin
Association of Free Journalists has shown reaction against fire on three journalists shooting in a house in Nusaybin. The association has noted that the journalists would now “throw more heart and soul into news tracking in order to dash such attacks”.
7 March 2016
3 Soldiers Killed in Mardin
Three soldiers of whom one was first lieutenant have been killed in the conflict erupted between security forces and YPS members in Mardin’s Dargeçit district.
3 March 2016
1 Police Killed in Nusaybin, 2 Others Injured
One police officer has been killed over bazooka attack on an armoured police vehicle by PKK, two others have been injured in Nusaybin.
29 February 2016
4 Killed in Mardin
Four people have been killed in Kızıltepe district of Mardin province.
13 January 2016
A Woman Killed in Dargeçit
Fatma Kılıç wounded during curfew in Dargeçit district has lost her life in the hospital where she was taken for treatment.
7 January 2016
Photographs of 11-Day Curfew in Nusaybin
Bullet holes remain from the armed conflicts during the curfew in Nusaybin which had lasted 11 days, also water and power lines have been damaged by the armed conflicts.
25 December 2015
Curfew Lifted in Nusaybin
The curfews declared in 15 neighbourhoods in Nusaybin have been lifted, the curfew had been continuing in four of the neighbourhoods for 11 days and in others for four days.
24 December 2015
2 Civilians Killed in Dargeçit
An attack launched on a house in Dargeçit has left two civilians dead.
24 December 2015
Curfew in Another 11 Neighborhoods in Nusaybin
As curfew lasts in four neighborhoods in Mardin’s Nusaybin, sub-Governorship has declared curfew in another 11 neighborhoods, which made it the sixth curfew declaration in the district.
21 December 2015
7-Hour Break for Curfew in Nusaybin
The curfew declared four days ago in four neighbourhoods in Nusaybin district of Mardin province has been temporarily lifted for seven hours.
18 December 2015
Curfew in Nusaybin Again
Curfew has been declared in Nusaybin district of Mardin province as of 4 p.m., which has been the fifth curfew declared in the district.
14 December 2015
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1 Police, 1 Child Killed in Nusaybin
A 15-year-old child and a police officer killed in Mardin’s Nusaybin where curfew has been ongoing for three days.
9 December 2015
3 People Killed, 6 Police Wounded in Turkey’s Southeastern Nusaybin
Three people including a child killed resulted by fire allegedly opened from armored vehicle in Nusaybin, and that six police wounded resulted by a bomb detonated during armored vehicle of security forces driving by.
7 December 2015
Curfew Lifted in Nusaybin
14-day-long curfew has been lifted in Mardin’s Nusaybin district, nine people lost their lives during the curfew.
26 November 2015
Police Attack on Politicians Trying to Enter Nusaybin
HDP deputies from Mardin, and DBP Co-Mayor Ahmet Türk and DBP Co-Chair Emine Ayna who are on hunger strike to protest curfew in Nusaybin have been blocked by police intervention as they tried to enter the district.
23 November 2015
“Civilians Shot on Nusaybin Streets”
HDP deputy from Mardin, Yıldırım in his statement to bianet has said, “People are being shot as I talk to you right now, this morning two more people shot and one of them killed”.
19 November 2015
Ayça Söylemez
Another Person Shot in Nusaybin’s 5th Day of Curfew
65-year-old man has been shot in the leg in Nusaybin in the 5th day of curfew, his condition is not critical.
17 November 2015
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Selamet Yeşilmen’s Autopy Results Announced
It has been announced that Selamet Yeşilmen, mother of five, who was killed in front of her house in Nusaybin, died due to shrapnel pieces hitting her body.
16 November 2015
4th Day of Curfew in Nusaybin, One Dead Four Wounded
During the curfew that is in its 4th day now in Turkey’s southeastern Nusaybin district of Mardin province, a woman has been killed while four people including two children wounded.
16 November 2015
Explosion in Mardin, Municipality Worker Killed
47-year-old municipality worker Ramazan Tari has lost his life resulted by mine planted under the road detonated, and a police officer wounded in Turkey’s southeastern Dargeçit district of Mardin province.
11 November 2015
Curfew in Nusaybin Lasts 5 Days
Declared on October 1 in Nusaybin, the curfew has been lifted this morning.
6 October 2015
Bombing Attack in Hakkari and Mardin Provinces: 5 Policemen Die
Armored police vehicles were attacked in Hakkari and Mardin provinces; five policemen died while three policemen got wounded.
16 September 2015
On Trial for “Unidentified Murders of 13 Villagers”, Now He’s a Major General
Musa Çitil, acquitted of unidentified murders of 13 villagers, was promoted and now he is the Major General.
6 August 2015