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Hrant Dink murder
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Former Intelligence Officer Admits Neglect of Police in Dink Murder
In yesterday's hearing of the case against journalist Şener based on his book about the murder of Turkish-Armenian jounalist Dink, former Head of Intelligence Uzun admitted negligence of the police prior to the assassination. He said the murder could have been prevented.
16 April 2010
Berivan Tapan
Hrant Dink Report Criticised as "Superficial"
The Prime Ministerial Review Committee has evaluated a report by the Ministry of the Interior on the murder of journalist Hrant Dink as "superficial".
26 February 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Two Journalists at Court for Pursuing Dink Murder
The case against Vatan newspaper journalist Kemal Göktaş on the grounds of his book "The Hrant Dink Muder: Media, Judiciary, State" has started. The prosecutor requested time to review whether the case was opened within the prescription period of four months.
17 February 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalists Claim: Government Knew about Hrant Dink Murder
Lawyer Belen claimed that several sources give proof of murder suspect Samast meeting with three people prior to the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Journalist Çalışlar argued: "If the government knew that Damast came to Istanbul, they knew about the murder as well".
22 January 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
'Friends of Hrant' and Nor Zartonk Commemorate Journalist Hrant Dink
On the third anniversary of the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, 'Friends of Hrant' and the Nor Zartonk formation commemorate the Turkish-Armenian journalist. Both groups strongly criticize that the murder case has not been solved yet despite conclusive evidence.
19 January 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Writer's Case Pending for 2 Years
Writer Temel Demirer is still on trial under article 301 for saying that Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was murdered for recognizing the Armenian genocide. At the same time, Demirer is also still waiting for a reply from the administrative court.
16 December 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Prosecution for Books about Dink Murder
Former Intelligence Office Chairman Ramazan Akyürek filed criminal complaints against Nedim Şener and Kemal Göktaş for their books concerning the murder of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Şener's hearing is tomorrow, Göktaş will be in court in February 2010.
15 December 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalists Writing About Hrant Dink Murder under Prosecution
Head of the Police Intelligence Department Akyürek filed a complaint against journalist Kemal Göktaş after he has already taken journalist Nedim Şener to court. Both pressmen published books about the Hrant Dink murder, voicing their critical concerns about the handling of the case.
14 September 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
A Chain of Conscience for Hrant Dink
On Saturday, 4 July people will form a chain of conscience to draw attention to the next hearing in the Dink murder case.
3 July 2009
Bawer Çakır
Hrant Dink Murder
Police Officers Accused of Negligence Become Plaintiffs in Book Trial
Journalist Şener faces up to 28 years imprisonment for "turning people on duty against terrorism into public targets".
26 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink murder
OSCE Urges Turkey to Stop Prosecution of Journalist Şener
Haraszti, media freedom representative of the OSCE, has urged Turkey to drop the case against journalist Şener and to reform laws restricting freedom of expression.
19 June 2009
Hrant Dink Murder
ECHR Asks: Why Did You Not Protect Hrant Dink?
The ECHR has granted Turkey until November to answer questions related to the murder of journalist Dink.
18 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Press Freedom
Journalist Şener in Court for Book Criticising Security Forces
The court case of journalist Şener has begun in Istanbul. IPI and the Turkey Journalists' Society have condemned current legislation, which makes such trials possible.
11 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink Murder
Gendarmerie Major Yıldız Defends Neglection
Finally making a statement in court, gendarmerie major Metin Yıldız defended his inaction when plans of assassinating journalist Hrant Dink emerged.
10 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Dink Murder
Journalist Şener Faces 28 Years Imprisonment for Book
Milliyet journalist Şener, who has written a book concerned about the murder of journalist Hrant Dink, faces up to 28 years imprisonment. Police officers have filed complaints against him.
7 June 2009
Emine Özcan
Hrant Dink murder
Three Years Imprisonment for Threatening Agos Newspaper
Since 2007, Karay is the third person to be sentenced for threatening Agos newspaper.
28 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink Murder
Colonel Öz' Statement: Everyone Guilty, Himself Innocent
Colonel Öz, accused of negligence in not preventing the murder of journalist Hrant Dink, has denied any responsibility.
17 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink Murder
Trial Merger for Eight Negligent Gendarmerie Officers
Colonel Ali Öz and seven other gendarmerie officers will all be tried in a Criminal Court of Peace for negligence in the Hrant Dink murder.
7 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink Murder
Police Officer’s Court Case against Bianet Continues
A trial against bianet, based on the complaint filed by police officer Muhittin Zenit, is continuing.
5 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Dink Murder Suspect Hayal Sentenced in Bombing Trial
On trial as an alleged instigator to the murder of Hrant Dink, Yasin Hayal has been retried in the McDonald’s bombing case in Trabzon. He has been sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment.
9 April 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
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RSF Questions Relations Between Ergenekon and Hrant Dink Murder
Reporters without Borders is supporting the call of Hrant Dink's family and lawyers for a serious investigation into relations between the murder of the journalist and the ultranationalist Ergenekon organisation.
3 April 2009
Gendarmerie Commander in Dink Case Gets away with “Negligence”
A Trabzon court has decreed that Gendarmerie Commander Colonel Öz and five other soldiers will be tried for negligence for not preventing the murder of journalist Hrant Dink.
19 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
No Trial for “We are All Armenian” Slogan
The prosecution has refused to open a trial over the slogans and placards carried at Hrant Dink’s funeral. A complaint had been filed against Istanbul’s Şişli municipality mayor Sarıgül.
10 February 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Ministry Of Justice Gives Permission For Trial Of Writer Demirer Under Article 301
Ministry of Justice gives permission for the trial of writer Temel Demirer under article 301 for saying there was genocide of Armenians in Turkey at a meeting to protest the murder of Hrant Dink on January
9 September 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Investigation Into Yasin Hayal's Connections In Dink’s Murder Case
Although the court refused to combine the Trabzon and Samsun cases about Hrant Dink’s murder with the main case in Istanbul, it did however take some positive steps.
9 July 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Police Officers Who Allowed Ogün Samast Pictures Reach Media Are On Trial
Dink’s lawyers demand that not only those police officers who passed the pictures to the media, but also those who had their pictures taken should be tried as well.
9 July 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
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New Camera Images Show O.S. Was Not Alone When He Murdered Dink
New camera images show two other people at the murder scene, suspected to be lookouts. Although one and a half years passed, their identities have still not been determined yet.
5 June 2008
“High” Trabzon Negligence in Dink’s Murder
Two more gendarmerie officials repeated the same statement of the petty officers Şimşek and Şahin, indicating a high level involvement or negligence.
4 June 2008
Trabzon Gendarmerie Trial Is Tied To Hrant Dink’s Murder Trial
The accused gendarmerie Veysel Şahin on trial in Trabzon makes a deposition for Dink’s murder trial in İstanbul. He says they warned their superiors, but they did not take precautions. The two cases may be combined.
15 May 2008
Dink’s Murder Trial Will Be Opened to The Media
In the next hearing on July 7 Dink's murder suspect O.S. will be 18 and the trial open to the press. An informant-defendant, İğci who has refrained from testifying, will be assigned a lawyer to be heard in the next hearing the judge decided.
29 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Fine for Student Threatening Publisher
Just after Hrant Dink’s murder, high school student Sahin threatened publisher Abay, who had made a statement relating to the murder, with death. He has been given a fine.
3 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Dink Case May Help in Ergenekon Operation
Dink family lawyer Fethiye Cetin believes that the Dink murder trial may help to find those involved in the Ergenekon organisation who are still in official positions.
2 April 2008
Erol Önderoğlu