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ECHR Finds Kurdish Newspaper Right After 10 Years
The European Court of Human Rights ordered Turkey to pay 3,333 euros in the case of Bayar and Gürbüz in which Turkey convicted former owner and editor of the daily newspaper Ülkede Özgür Gündem for publishing statements by a PKK leader.
3 February 2015
ECHR Convicts Turkey in Arm-Losing Inmate Case
The European Court of Human Rights convicted to Turkey of failing to complete an effective investigation in the case of Vefa Serdar who lost his arm due to wounds inflicted during Operation Back to Life in 2000.
27 January 2015
Ayça Söylemez
What happened in Güçlükonak?
No judicial progress has been made on the case of Güçlükonak where Gendarmerie forces killed 11 villagers in 1996.
15 January 2015
Turkey Appeals ECHR Verdict on Compulsory Religion Classes
Turkey appealed to the ECHR verdict on compulsory religion classes on its last day of application. The court may either admit or decline the application without any further explanation.
18 December 2014
Turkey Convicted of Torturing 19 y.o. Demonstrator
Mehmet Fidan has been detained during a demonstration in Şırnak province and subjected to torture. ECHR found Turkey guilty of torture.
17 December 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Convicts Turkey of Punishing Funeral Attendance
The European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey of sentencing two individuals who were sentenced to prison for “terrorism propaganda” when they attended the funeral of PKK guerrillas.
2 December 2014
Ayça Söylemez
Işıl Karakaş Elected as ECHR Section President
Işıl Karakaş, an ECHR judge from Turkey, has been elected as Section President, becoming the first Turkish judge to be in the court’s administration.
2 December 2014
ECHR: Turkey Discriminated Cemevis
The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs’s rejection of paying electricity bills of a cemevi is a “violation of right to religion” and “discrimination”.
2 December 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Convicts Turkey Under 3 Different Charges
In 3 different cases, the European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey of torture, ill-treatment and long term imprisonment, ordering the Turkish state to pay a sum of 30,900 euros as damages.
13 November 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Convicts Turkey of Failing to Investigate Woman Murder
The European Court of Human Rights delivered a verdict related to Gülperi O., a young woman whose death was not adequately investigated despite domestic violence. Turkey was found guilty of violating the right to life.
13 November 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Considers Statute of Limitations As “Torture”
The European Court of Human Rights considered the statute of limitations ruling in Demirtaş case as ill-treatment and torture, convicted Turkey.
29 October 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
“Pouring Paint on Atatürk Bust is Within FoE”
The European Court of Human Rights found it “excessive” that Murat Vural was convicted to 22.5 years of prison and removal of his electoral rights for pouring paint on Atatürk busts.
21 October 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Convicts Questioning Without Kurdish Interpreter
The European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey in the case of Baytar where the case concerned the absence of an interpreter during police custody.
14 October 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Convicts Turkey of Violating Right to Fair Trial
The European Court of Human Right convicted Turkey of violating right to fair trial in the case of Cevat Soysal who was convicted to 18 years and 9 months of prison by Turkish courts of being a PKK leader.
23 September 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Warns Turkey: Religion Classes Can’t Ignore Alevis
Issuing a verdict on the application of 14 families with Alevi background, ECHR ruled that “Turkish education system must have a basis respecting the families’ beliefs”.
18 September 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey Convicted From “Halt Warning”
The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment on the case of Yusuf Çoraman, an applicant who was subjected to police fire detention for a traffic offense.
16 July 2014
Ayça Söylemez
Turkey Convicted For Death Under Detention
The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of violating right to life and investigation in the case Yurtsever, an individual who died after police detention in 1998.
9 July 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR: Şık and Şener’s Rights Were Violated
The European Court of Human Rights held that Turkey violated the right to “liberty and security” as well as “freedom of expression” in OdaTV case where prominent journalist Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener were jailed for 375 days.
8 July 2014
Ayça Söylemez
Supreme Court of Appeals Ratifies Kuray’s Life Sentence
Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals announced its verdict on Sarp Kuray, a convict who has been sentenced to life despite ECHR ruling that his trial wasn’t held fairly. Kuray was sentenced to life again.
2 July 2014
Long Term Inmates Apply For Suspension After Sledgehammer Ruling
Hasan Polat and Sami Özbil, two inmates who have been jailed for 23 and 16 years respectively despite ECHR verdict on “lack of fair trial”, have applied for their suspension of arrest term, saying that the recent Sledgehammer ruling on retrial must set example.
30 June 2014
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ECHR: Kumkapı Removal Centre Is “Inhumane”
ECHR found Turkey guilty of violating the “ban of torture and ill-treatment” in the case of Zalim Yarashonen, a Russian citizen who had been kept in Kumkapı Removal Centre in Istanbul for six months.
27 June 2014
Ayça Söylemez
Constitutional Court: Öcalan's Right Was Violated
Constitutional Court ruled that Öcalan's right was violated when his book was seized and burnt in the process of publishing.
25 June 2014
Turkey to Pay 38K Euros For Silencing Press
The European Court of Human Rights ordered Turkey to pay damages to applicants from Evrensel and Dema Nu newspapers for violating the freedom of expression.
19 June 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey Convicted of Conscientious Objection, Death on Compulsory Drafting
The European Court of Human Rights founded Turkey guilty in the case of Aktepe, a young conscript who lost his life during compulsory military service. Turkey was also condemned in the case regarding the imprisonment of four Jehovah's Witnesses conscientious objectors.
4 June 2014
Ayça Söylemez
Torture Convicted After 15 Years
The European Court of Human Rights issued a verdict in the case of Yüksel Yiğitdoğan, an inmate who was tortured in detention and forced to testify without a lawyer. Turkey was convicted for violating ECHR’s “prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment” and right to a fair trial.
4 June 2014
Ayça Söylemez
“Academicians Must Freely Express Their Thoughts”
Turkey will both renounce constitutional law professor Mustafa Erdoğan’s restitution for criticizing the Constitutional Court of Turkey about closing a political party, and also pay him 7,500 Euros for non-pecuniary damages.
27 May 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
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"Turkey Must Pay Penalties to ECHR"
Rıza Türmen, a former judge at ECHR and CHP deputy, evaluated Foreign Minister Davutoğlu’s statement regarding not paying the penalty to ECHR for Cyprus.
14 May 2014
Ekin Karaca
Turkey Convicted of Banning Kurdish in Prison
The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey guilty of violating “right to respect for private and family life and correspondence”, ordering the Turkish state to pay non-pecuniary damages to the applicants.
29 April 2014
Ayça Söylemez
“Kuşkonar Bombardment” Case Dismissed
Military Prosecutor’s Office took over investigation regarding the killing of 38 people by the bombing of Kuşkonar and Koçağılı villages, has ruled that the case has met the statute of limitations. The lawyer Elçi said they will appeal.
21 April 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Convicts Turkey For Disappearance Under Custody
The European Court of Human Rights has issued a verdict on the case of six villagers who who were taken under custody and then disappeared in Görümlü (Bespin) District of Silopi 21 years ago. Turkey was convicted of violating right of life and not being able to conduct active investigation.
16 April 2014
Ayça Söylemez
ECHR Dismisses Complaint on Right to Stand for Election
Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran stood for election as an independent candidate in the Turkish parliamentary elections of 2007. He submitted a complaint about Turkish citizens living abroad not having the right to vote for independent candidates in customs and not being able to campaign on radios and TVs to Strasbourg.
16 April 2014
Erol Önderoğlu
Stalemate Between Unions and Governor as May Day Nears
Throughout the week, the talks between Turkey’s major workers unions and Governor of Istanbul have resulted in a stalemate over the celebration venue for this year’s May Day celebrations. Governor Mutlu recommended Yenikapı Square for May Day, while DISK President Kani Beko stated that they are insistent about celebrating at Taksim.
16 April 2014