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Article 301
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Elif Shafak makes long list for Orange Prize
"The Bastard of Istanbul," the book which landed Turkish writer Elif Shafak in court under the controversial Article 301, has now won her a nomination for the long list of the prestigious Orange Prize.
20 March 2008
Ciar Byrne
Chief of Army: “I am Open to Criticism”
Chief of General Staff Büyükanit expressed in an interview that he was open to criticism. So how come so many people are taken to court for “denigrating the armed forces”?
13 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Writer Demirer on Trial for "Armenian Genocide"
In protest at Hrant Dink's murder, writer Demirer had called on others to commit the same "crime" as Dink had done, i.e. to recognise the factuality of an "Armenian genocide." He is now facing a trial under Articles 301 and 216.
5 March 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Campaign Calls on Government to Embrace EU Process
A new campaign has called on the government to stop delaying the implementation of EU reforms and to get rid of "democratic scandals" such as Article 301.
4 March 2008
301 Trial of Activist on “Military Request”
The General Staff has sued lawyer and human rights activist Keskin for “denigrating the army”; Keskin said, “I will continue to criticise militarist pressure.”
28 February 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
FIDH: “Turkey Must End Impunity of Political Violence”
Following a mission in Turkey on the occasion of the third hearing of the Hrant Dink murder trial, the FIDH published a report on 13 February, calling for action on human rights.
17 February 2008
RSF: Article 301 is “Enemy of Press Freedom”
In its annual report for 2008, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) criticised Article 301 and the nationalist obstruction of press freedom. The murder of Hrant Dink could have been prevented.
14 February 2008
Academics: We Need Freedom as Well as Laicism
Around 400 academics have signed a statement which calls for democratisation not only around clothing rules at university.
13 February 2008
Tolga Korkut
IPI Condemns Ongoing Censorship under Article 301
Before the anniversary of Hrant Dink’s Murder, IPI criticises the Turkish government's failure to reform Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code.
18 January 2008
For Erdogan, Freedom Means Headscarf Rather Than 301
Erdogan spoke at the Forum of the Alliance of Civilisations in Madrid, discussing the headscarf and Article 301 in a press meeting.
16 January 2008
A. Nilüfer Zengin Kürkçü
Changes in 301 After Dink Murder and 120 Defendants…
After waiting three years to make changes to Article 301, the government is finally taking the article in hand one week before the first anniversary of Dink’s murder.
7 January 2008
Erol Önderoğlu
Activist Keskin's Case Awaits 301 Changes
The court hearing the case of human rights activist Eren Keskin has decided to wait for the announced changes in Article 301.
26 December 2007
Tolga Korkut
Changes in 301 Presented to Cabinet within 15 Days
Minister of Justice Sahin has said that changes in the controversial Article 301 will be presented to the cabinet within 15 days.
26 December 2007
Tolga Korkut
They Did Not Pee at a Wall, But 301 Applies...
Journalists Irfan Ucar and Umur Hozatli are still charged under Article 301 for criticising losses and rights violations. Ferhat Tunc is in court today.
12 December 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
301 For Accusing Village Guards?
After reporting on the claim that village guards were using state bombs to hunt fish, a villager, a reporter and a human rights activist are on trial for "denigrading the state".
30 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Article 301 for Chemical Weapons Claim
Politicians and journalists who have claimed that the army has used chemical weapons in its fight against the PKK have found themselves in court under Article 301.
27 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
301 Defended, DTP Attacked
Ahmet Türk of the DTP has protested against calls to lift MPs' immunity. Meanwhile, Minister of Justice Sahin has announced changes in, but not the abolition of, Article 301: "Many EU countries have similar articles."
14 November 2007
Turkey Strongly Urged to Liberalize Article 301
Rights organisation Freedom House has called for changes in Article 301, as well as a less restrictive application of the new Turkish Penal Code.
12 November 2007
RSF: 301 Needs "Deeds not Words"
In a press release of 7 November, Reporters Without Borders (RWB) have called on the Turkish Minister of Justice to act on promises to change Article 301.
9 November 2007
Arat Dink and Seropyan Sentenced
Agos editor-in-chief Arat Dink and licence holder Serkis Seropyan have been given a deferred one-year prison sentence each under Article 301.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
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"Changing Article 301 an Urgent Necessity"
The EU Progress Report has demanded an urgent change of Article 301 and has expressed worry over the Anti-Terorrism Law.
7 November 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Prosecution Not Letting Go of 301
Despite pressure from the EU and human rights activists internationally and domestically, the prosecution of journalists, writers and activists under the infamous Article 301 continues.
19 October 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
Hrant Dink's Son Sentenced for Father's Speech
Agos editor Arat Dink, the son of murdered journalist Hrant Dink, and the licence holder of the newspaper, Serkis Seropyan, have been on trial for "degrading Turkishness".
12 October 2007
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Article 301: Journalist Bogatekin in Court
Adiyaman journalist and newspaper owner Haci Bogatekin faces a trial for criticising the state.
26 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
One 301 Acquittal Not Enough!
Journalist Sinan Kara has been acquitted in one trial under Article 301, but faces three more trials under 301 and 216. Kara has been to prison three times.
25 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
"Crimes of Thought": 229 Years Imprisonment in Six Months
The Human Rights Association has published its first six-monthly report for 2007: 451 people are on trial.
24 September 2007
Erol Önderoğlu
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Joint Call for Abolition of Article 301
International PEN, Article 19 and IPA have called on Turkey to abolish the controversial Article 301.
11 September 2007
Activists Petition Against 301
The Commission for Freedom of Expression of the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) congregated at the Galatasaray post office in central Istanbul to protest against anti-democratic laws, primarily Article 301.
14 August 2007
Erol Önderoğlu