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Chiefs of General Staff Can Now Be Tried
According to retired military judge Kardaş, the amendment means that Chiefs of General Staff could now also be tried.
14 July 2009
UN Convention on Disabled Persons Becomes Effective in Turkey
8 months after its acceptance at the parliament, the convention -which obliges the government to notable improvements- officially becomes a part of Turkey's national legislation.
14 July 2009
Vakit Newspaper Incites Reactionary Protest against Concert
A concert by world-famous pianist Biret in Topkapı Palace was targeted by protesters who were prevented by police from storming the building.
13 July 2009
Four Rights Activists Still on Trial
Four supporters of a conscientious objector are still being tried for "alienating the public against the military".
9 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
"From the Classroom to the News Room" in Its Third Year
BİA education advisor Alankuş talks about three years of the project and the importance of media and communication for students.
9 July 2009
Bawer Çakır
Court Finally Hears Defendant's Threats
The court has warned public officials to cooperate with court, and the joint attorneys have filed a criminal complaint against Samast for threatening them.
7 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Witnesses: "Gunman Was Not Alone"
Witnesses have said that they saw Samast and someone else following Dink days before the murder, and that he was not alone when he shot Dink.
6 July 2009
Tolga Korkut
European Lawyers Will Monitor Every Hearing
Niore of the Paris Bar Association has announced that delegations from different European bar associations will attend every hearing.
6 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
A Chain of Conscience for Hrant Dink
On Saturday, 4 July people will form a chain of conscience to draw attention to the next hearing in the Dink murder case.
3 July 2009
Bawer Çakır
Excavation to Look for Father and Son in Diyarbakır
Human remains have been found near the Dibek village in Diyarbakır. It is likely that they belong to a father and son missing for 12 years.
2 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Victims of Sivas Massacre Commemorated
In İstanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Sivas, crowds are gathering on the 16th anniversary of the Sivas Massacre.
2 July 2009
Erhan Üstündağ
Court Nearly Dropped Case against Suspects in Sivas Massacre
Joint attorneys only found out by coincidence that the statute of limitations was running out on a case against suspects.
1 July 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Turkey Pays for Censorship and Torture: 52,613 Euros
The ECHR has penalised Turkey with over 50,000 Euros in several cases of torture and violation of the freedom of expression.
30 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
"GoogleSites" Hit by Turkey's Censorship
A court in Denizli has banned access to GoogleSites, which contains thousands of sites. The reason for the ban is not known.
30 June 2009
Protesters Demand Trial of Coup Leaders in Front of Parliament
NGOs, political parties and trade unions have called for the abolition of Provisional Article 15 of the Constitution and the prosecution of coup leaders.
30 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
"Propagandation in Kurdish" Is A Crime In İzmir, Not So In Digor
Two DTP mayors in İzmir are on trial for violating the law on political parties, because they addressed the crowds in Kurdish before elections.
30 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
"78'ers" Call for Constitutional Change to Try Coup Leaders
The 78'ers Initiative has demanded that the Provisional Article 15 in the Turkish Constitution be lifted in order to allow for coup leaders to be put on trial.
29 June 2009
Radio Journalist Erdogan in Detention for Third Year
An Istanbul court has refused to release radio journalist Erdoğan, who has been in prison for three years. The trial continues.
28 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Police Officers Accused of Negligence Become Plaintiffs in Book Trial
Journalist Şener faces up to 28 years imprisonment for "turning people on duty against terrorism into public targets".
26 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
MP Tuncel: Parliament Must Consult LGBTT Organisations
MPs Tuncel, Birdal and Sevigen say that parliament is uninformed about gay rights.
26 June 2009
Aran Arslan
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Children Suffer as "Terror" Remains Ambigious in Courts
HRW's Sinclair-Webb talked about the children who are condemned to harsh penalties on terror charges, where participating in a protest is taken as enough evidence for membership.
26 June 2009
Aquittal for Author of "Allah's Daughters"
Writer Gürsel has been acquitted of "denigrating religious values" with his book "Allah's Daughters".
26 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Former Prosecutor: "My Indictment of Coup General is Prepared"
Former prosecutor Kayasu warns that in 2010 it will be too late to bring a case against coup leader Evren or others.
24 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
ECHR Takes Turkey to Account on Missing Persons
The ECHR has accepted the case of Gülmez, who disappeared in military custody 15 years ago. Turkey must answer the court's questions by 22 September.
23 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Detention of 29 DTP Members in Tunceli
A prosecutor from Malatya has ordered the detention of 30 DTP members, all but one of whom are still being questioned.
23 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
Missing Ergul "Found" - Family Demands Trial of Commander
DNA tests have confirmed that bones found in Elazığ belong to Ergul, missing for 14 years. His family demand that Colonel Temizöz and JİTEM member Saluci be tried.
23 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Istanbul Prosecutor: 'Drop Case of "God Delusion" Book'
A prosecutor in Şişli, Istanbul, has asked the court not to prosecute the Turkish translation of Richard Dawkins' book.
22 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Supreme Court Ratifies Acquittal of Police Killing Father and Son
The Supreme Court of Appeals has called the killing of a father and 12-year-old son "legitimate defence". The family is considering an appeal to the ECHR.
19 June 2009
OSCE Urges Turkey to Stop Prosecution of Journalist Şener
Haraszti, media freedom representative of the OSCE, has urged Turkey to drop the case against journalist Şener and to reform laws restricting freedom of expression.
19 June 2009
19 DTP Members in Detention in 5 Provinces
Synchronous police raids in five provinces have led to 19 DTP members being taken into custody.
18 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
ECHR Asks: Why Did You Not Protect Hrant Dink?
The ECHR has granted Turkey until November to answer questions related to the murder of journalist Dink.
18 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Prosecution's Objection Leads to Arrest of Eight KESK Members
Eight KESK members who had been released after being in custody in May have been arrested.
18 June 2009