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Bones of 2 Children Lost in Custody Found After 21 Years
Medical Forensic Institution has confirmed that the bones found in excavation works in Dargeçit belong to 13-year-old Davut Altınkaynak and 16-year-old Nedim Akyön.
4 May 2016
Ayça Söylemez
Rocket Launched on Kilis Drop in City Center
Another rocket was launched on Kilis today. The rocket hitting the city center wounded people.
3 May 2016
2 Soldiers Killed in Şemdinli
PKK members have attacked on Hapuşt Tepe Üs area in Hakkari’s Şemdinli, two soldiers killed in the conflict.
3 May 2016
Curfew Declared in 11 Villages in Lice
Sub-Governorship in Lice district of Diyarbakır has declared curfew as of yesterday in 11 villages until further notice.
3 May 2016
What Do Romans Say About Strategy Document?
Roman strategy document and action plan waited for six years is out. While Foggo from ROMFO finds it becoming a state policy important, CHP’s Purçu criticized lack of solid solution offer, and Tutal from Roman Association criticized lack of budget.
2 May 2016
Nilay Vardar
Doğuş University Fires Academic Signing Peace Declaration
Doğuş University has annulled the contract of Assist. Prof. Dr. Aslı Vatansever who had signed the declaration entitled “We will not be a party to this crime”.
2 May 2016
Beyza Kural
Broadcast Ban on Bomb Attack in Diyarbakır
Attack has been launched on Gendarmerie Battalion Commandership in Diyarbakır’s Dicle by bomb-laden vehicle. One specialized sergeant killed, a huge building damage. Broadcast ban has been imposed on the news as to the attack.
2 May 2016
Anarchists in İzmir Explain Why They Undressed
Anarchists in İzmir have said, “We haven’t taken off our clothes only but also ethnic, religious, sexual, biological and many more identities that the system dictated on us”.
2 May 2016
TAK Claims Responsibility for Suicide Attack in Bursa
The TAK has claimed responsibility for the suicide attack launched at Grand Mosque in Bursa.
2 May 2016
Bomb Attack in Antep
An explosion has occurred yesterday in front of Antep Police Department killing two police officers.
2 May 2016
3 Soldiers Killed in Nusaybin
Three soldiers have been killed, 14 others wounded in the attack of PKK members in Mardin’s Nusaybin.
2 May 2016
bianet, TGS Sign Collective Labor Agreement
Personal rights, editorial independence, social gender equality have been guaranteed by Collective Labor Agreement signed for the first time with a news site. Employees living with animals at their homes in addition to kindergarten aid have taken place in the agreement.
29 April 2016
‘Life Stopped’ in Nusaybin, Central Şırnak
Kuzu from the Human Rights Association and Gökalp from Turkish Medical Association have told that services, notably medical services and flow of information have been staggering in Şırnak central and Mardin’s Nusaybin districts that are under curfew for over 1.5 months.
29 April 2016
Rocket Hits Kilis Again This Morning
Rocket launched from an ISIS-held territory has hit Kilis this morning. The rockets have dropped on an empty field.
29 April 2016
Video - ‘2nd Round’ Immunity Negotiations in Parliament
During the negotiations meeting in the Parliamentary Constitutional Commission with regards to the immunities, the MPs have pounded each other up. The meeting has been postponed to next week.
29 April 2016
1 First Lieutenant Killed in Şırnak
The first lieutenant got heavily wounded in the attack launched by YPS members against military unit in Şırnak Central lost his life despite all the efforts at the hospital into where he was taken for treatment.
28 April 2016
Efkan Ala: 15 Under Custody Regarding Attack in Bursa
Minister of Internal Affairs Efkan Ala, has stated that 15 persons have been taken into custody with regards to the suicide attack in Bursa and added that the suicide bomber had left Urfa and arrived in Bursa three days ago.
28 April 2016
Those Losing Their lives on May 1, 1977 Commemorated
In the commemoration of those losing their lives on May 1, 1977 held at Kazancı Yokuşu in İstanbul’s Taksim, demand for forming truth commission to investigate into the May 1, 1977 massacre has been reiterated.
28 April 2016
Beyza Kural
LGBTIs Call For Solidarity on 24th İstanbul Pride Week
24th İstanbul LGBTI Pride week will be between July 20-26 this year. Volunteers of the pride week say pride week is the time when the visibility of the LGBTI persons is at its utmost, thus may the people not spare their support.
28 April 2016
Journalist Hakan Bülent Attacked
Journalist Hakan Bülent Yardımcı from Adana has been attacked by an unknown assailant. Yardımcı given incapacity report of 30 days has said he was asked “Are you an enemy of Hüseyin Sözlü”.
28 April 2016
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6 People Including Ankaragücü Chairperson Testify Over Attacking Amedspor Executives
Six people one of whom was Ankaragücü Chairperson, Mehmet Yiğiner have been taken into custody and testified as to battering Amedspor executives.
28 April 2016
Suicide Attack in Bursa
A suicide attack has taken place by the Grand Mosque in Bursa. The Ministry of Health has declared that 13 wounded are under treatment.
27 April 2016
Military Vehicle Kills 1 Woman, Police Attack People in Diyarbakır
Military armored vehicle has crashed a woman to death in Diyarbakır’s Ofis. Police have attacked with pressured water and pepper gas on people protesting the killing.
27 April 2016
Civilian Killings Increase by 7,682% in Turkey
Action on Armed Violence suggests 33,307 civilians killed in the explosions all over the world in 2015, which means 30 civilians have lost their lives per day.
27 April 2016
Regulations of Right to Work for Refugees Issued on Official Gazette
The Association of Bridging Peoples İstanbul Representative Attorney Gülsüm Karacan, has noted that the new regulation on work permit for refugees was pleasant and underlined that its application needed to be monitored.
26 April 2016
Beyza Kural
Raid on Houses of Özgür Gelecek Weekly Employees, Readers
Police have conducted raid on houses of Özgür Gelecek weekly employees and readers. Three employees of the newspaper have been taken into custody.
26 April 2016
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Can Dündar Sentenced to Punitive Fine of 8,750 Euro
Journalist Can Dündar has been sentenced to a punitive fine of 8,750 Euro on charges of defaming President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Bilal Erdoğan and some other businesspersons in his article series.
25 April 2016
Released Academics Kaya, Camcı Speak
Esra Mungan and Kıvanç Ersoy have been greeted by their students at their universities following their release. Assist. Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Kaya and Assist. Prof. Dr. Meral Camcı discharged for signing the peace declaration couldn’t return to school.
25 April 2016
Beyza Kural
Curfew in 16 Villages of Lice
Curfew has been declared as of Saturday morning in 16 villages of Lice within the scope of operation launched against the PKK.
25 April 2016
Curfew in Silopi Reduced to Half Day
The curfew declared in Silopi district of Şırnak province in southeastern Turkey on April 5 has been reduced to half day and will be in effect in evening hours.
25 April 2016
2 Soldiers Killed in Nusaybin
Two soldiers have lost their lives resulting by YPS members detonating the improvised explosive device in Mardin’s Nusaybin, three others wounded.
25 April 2016
Armenians Banished to Anatolia From İstanbul Commemorated
Armenians consisting mostly of intellectuals, journalists, writers and scientists who have been taken into custody, exiled to Anatolia from Haydarpaşa and killed have been commemorated in Haydarpaşa.
25 April 2016