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Universities After The Coup Attempt: 1,617 Suspensions, 284 Detentions, 8 Arrests
After the coup attempt 1,617 staff have been suspended at at least 41 universities. 284 staff have been taken into custody, eight have been arrested at 14 universities. 14 universities have been shut down.
26 July 2016
Attack on Dam in Silvan: 1 Soldier Killed
A soldier has been killed, another one wounded in the rocket attack on the soldiers who are securing the dam building in Diyabakır’s Silvan district.
26 July 2016
Journalist Büşra Erdal Detained
Of the 42 journalists against whom detention warrant has been issued within scope of the probe launched into Gülen Community, Büşra Erdal has been taken into custody.
26 July 2016
Nazlı Ilıcak Taken into Custody
Nazlı Ilıcak who is one of the 42 journalists taken into custody order, within scope of the investigation launched into Gülen Community, has been taken into custody in Bodrum.
26 July 2016
Orhan Kemal Cengiz Speaks of Detention Process
Legist and journalist, Orhan Kemal Cengiz has told bianet of his detention, custody process and prosecution stage.
25 July 2016
Ekin Karaca
Explosion in Mardin: 3 Police Killed
Three police officers have lost their lives resulting by detonation of improvised explosive device planted on the road.
25 July 2016
Curfew in Nusaybin Partially Lifted
The curfew which has been continuing since March 14 in Mardin’s Nusaybin district has been partially lifted except in six neighbourhoods. Curfew will be enforced from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for 30 days.
25 July 2016
953 Staff Including 743 Academics Suspended at 24 Universities
After the coup attempt, 953 staff including 743 academics have been suspended at 24 universities. Also four rectors has been suspended by YÖK.
22 July 2016
3 Police Killed in Conflict in Diyarbakır
Three police have been killed, two others injured in the clash that erupted between PKK and police. Two members killed, according to the DHA, and one person killed, according to the AA.
22 July 2016
Village Headperson not Letting Imam Recite Sala Arrested
The village headperson not allowing the imam to recite sala in Düzce has been reportedly arrested over “promoting coup”. The attorney Eyüboğlu has said there is no such crime in law but the arrests are mostly based on TCK 309 prescribing aggravated life imprisonment.
21 July 2016
167 Academics, 6 Administrative Staff Suspended at 7 Universities
After YÖK’s statement declaring "legal action to be taken against academic and administrative staff in parallel state formation”, the suspensions are continuing.
21 July 2016
Telecommunication Presidency Blocks Access to Wikileaks
TİB has blocked access to Wikileaks, which has released 294,548 AKP e-mails.
20 July 2016
Telecommunication Presidency Blocks Access to Wikileaks
TİB has blocked access to Wikileaks, which has released 294,548 AKP e-mails.
20 July 2016
22 Soldiers on Bosphorus Bridge Released
22 soldiers who were on the Bosphorus Bridge at the night coup attempt occurred, have been released with the ban on leaving the country. Many of them were cadets.
20 July 2016
95 Academics Suspended at İstanbul University, YÖK Suspends 4 Rectors
İstanbul University Presidency has ordered suspension of 95 academic members at different departments following coup attempt; Higher Education Council has suspended four rectors.
20 July 2016
The Police Prevented LeMan from Being Printed
Humor magazine LeMan’s “coup special issue” that was expected to be published today (July 20) has been prevented from being printed.
20 July 2016
Anadolu Agency Updates Number of Dead, Injured, Detention
240 people of whom 62 are police, five are soldier, 173 civilian killed in Ankara, İstanbul, Muğla and Malatya during coup attempt on July 15, according to the Anadolu Agency.
20 July 2016
Russian Journalist Trushinin Has Been Taken into Custody, Deported
Russian journalist Valentin Trushinin who came to Turkey to follow the coup attempt has been taken into custody in Atatürk Airport and then deported.
19 July 2016
Religious Affairs: No Religious Service for Bodies of Coup Plotters
The Presidency of Religious Affairs has declared that funeral won’t be held for those killed in coup attempt.
19 July 2016
Amnesty Highlights Human Rights Violations Following Coup Attempt
The Amnesty has stated that human rights in Turkey are in peril following the coup attempt which resulted in the deaths of at least 208 people and almost 8,000 arrests.
19 July 2016
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Presidential Principal Consultant: Way will be Paved for Purchasing Registered Gun
Presidential Principal Consultant Malkoç has said the way will be paved for civilians to bear arms. Malkoç advocated individual armament by saying “murders are being committed with unregistered guns”.
18 July 2016
Legislative Proposal by MP Nazlıaka: Sign Language Must Be Compulsory in Elementary School
MP Aylin Nazlıaka has submitted a legislative proposal for making sign language compulsory in curriculum of elementary school.
15 July 2016
Curfew Declared in 22 Neighbourhoods in Mardin
Curfew has been declared in 22 Artuklu, Mazıdağı and Derik neighbourhoods of Mardin.
15 July 2016
“Security Department Alerted to a ‘Great Risk’ for Can Dündar”
Aydın Engin, making remarks for bianet on Can Dündar going abroad has noted that authorities from security directorate had informed that Can Dündar was at great security risk and following which Dündar has taken annual leave and has traveled abroad.
13 July 2016
Ekin Karaca
What Remains After Conflicts in Yüksekova: 2 Photographs, 1 Book
Two women, both university students who have lost their houses during the conflicts wanted to find memories from their mother and sister who have passed away 9 years ago. Yet they find nothing but two photographs and one book in the ruins of their house.
11 July 2016
Erdoğan: Dual Citizenship for Syrians
President Erdoğan has commented on granting citizenship to Syrian refugees and noted that action has been taken with regards to confirming Bahoz Erdal getting killed.
11 July 2016
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5 Soldiers Killed in Hakkari
Five soldiers have lost their lives over PKK members detonating improvised explosives planted on the road while military vehicle was passing by in Şemdinli district of Hakkari province.
11 July 2016
Esra Mungan, Can Dündar Run For Sakharov Prize
Can Dündar and Esra Mungan have have been nominated as candidates for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought established by the European Parliament.
8 July 2016
Two Injured in Explosion in Reyhanlı Lose Their Lives
The two Syrian citizens who got injured in the explosion while producing bombs in a house in Reyhanlı district of Hatay have lost their lives in the hospital they had been taken to.
8 July 2016
Peace Marchers Released, March Goes On
Three peace marchers who wanted to walk from Beykoz district of Istanbul to Semdinli district of Hakkari for peace have been taken into custody and released after questioning. The peace march continues.
8 July 2016
Explosion in a House in Reyhanlı
An explosion has occurred in a house in Reyhanlı district of Hatay province. Two injured persons have been discovered in the house after the explosion. It is assumed that the bomb has exploded while being produced.
7 July 2016
Haluk Kalafat
Curfew Lifted in Beytüşşebap
The curfew declared in Şırnak’s Beytüşşebap district two days ago was lifted today.
5 July 2016