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Bello: Blair Government Was Aware of All
Sociologist Bello: Aside from the United States, it is the government of the United Kingdom that clearly must bear the burden of guilt. Prime Minister Anthony Blair must be given top priority for prosecution, alongside President George Bush. Alongside pla
29 June 2005
WTI: Refusal Against Silence
The tribunal places its faith in the consciences of people who do not wish to stand by and watch while the Iraqi people are being subjugated, said Roy from the Jury of Conscience. The tribunal also looks into Turkeys legal responsibility, added Falk.
29 June 2005
Bush and Blair Guilty, Decides WTI
World Tribunal on Iraq, Monday declared its final decision on the behavior of the US and allies in Iraq invasion: Bush and Blair have committed crimes against humanity and shoould be tried by international courts.
27 June 2005
The Attack on Iraq Is on Us All
The Jury of Conscience of the World Tribunal on Iraq, releases the full text of its final verdict on the war crimes and crimes agaisnt humanity commited by the USA and Allies in Iraq.
27 June 2005
How Should Turkey Face Genocide Charges?
Academics urge the government prepare facing the past vis-a-vis Armenian Genocide charges in the Ottoman Empire. Macar advises the state give up denial, while Caglar points to the fact that Turkey needs to consider international community.
21 June 2005
Tolga Korkut
Conscience of The World Convenes in Istanbul
The final hearing of the World Court of Iraq will be held in Istanbul onJune 24-26. The hearing will bring together academicians, intellectuals, journalists and writers from all over the world. Bush and Blair are summoned to court as defendants.
17 June 2005
Elif Kalaycıoğlu
Basic Education Up to the Charitable
The government, via tax allowances, leaves it up to the charitable to provide basic education needs. Milliyet newspaper is organizing the charitable. As major issues are shelved, 1 million children will spend summer in Qoranic courses.
16 June 2005
Erhan Üstündağ
Stop The War Call Intellectuals PKK&State
A group of prominent Turkish intellectuals, scientists, artists and political activists call the Kurdish guerrilla PKK and Turkish government to help bring the recently flaring armed conflict to an end in a public statement on Wednesday.
15 June 2005
Erdogan Assumes New Roles in US Schemes
Experts commented on Prime Minister Erdogans visit to the U.S.. Professor Dedeoglu from Galatasaray University said: The U.S. will ask Turkey to be more active about Syria. Political analyst Kalyon: U.S. is restructuring its relations with Turkey.
9 June 2005
Kemal Özmen
Wrongful Provocation for Honor Crimes
The law, which offers a reduced punishment for honor , was replaced by an article on wrongful provocation. Women are expecting prosecutors and judges to take international agreements into account.
9 June 2005
Ayşe Durukan
Courts Punish Media, ECHR Punishes Turkey
According to the BIA2s quarterly report on freedom of expression, ECHR handed Turkey a fine of 241,000 Euro, reporter Horuz has been serving in prison for four years, 9 reporters are still standing trial. RTUK suspends Radyo Dunya for 30 days.
18 May 2005
Erol Önderoğlu
Nationalist Hysteria Covers-up US Cooperation
In spite of discrepancies regarding US occupation of Iraq, Ankara inks military agreement of USD 1.1 billion value with Washington for upgrading 117 war planes. Ankara covers up collaboration with the aggressor with manipulated nationalism critics say.
28 April 2005
Women of Turkey-Greece Join World March
The European leg of the Worlds Women March, that began on March 8 in Brazil for campaigning against gender based violence and poverty, starts in Turkey on May 9. Women of Turkey and Greece cooperate in the event to further peace between two countries.
26 April 2005
Alev Karakartal
1915s Memory Confuses Turks
Turkish public gives vexed reactions regarding the heated debate on Armenian Question. While some propose: Lets recognize what had happened in the past, this would only credit us, others retort:Europe and the US are attempting at dismembering us.
26 April 2005
AI Calls for Retrial of Torturers
Acquittal of police officers charged with subjecting in 1999 Nazime Ceren Salmanoglu, then 16 years old, and Fatma Deniz Polattas, then 19 years old, to horrific torture including rape, arouses AIs concerns.
25 April 2005
New Criminal Law Threatens Human Rights
The Head of the Turkey Journalists Association Orhan Erinç says that the New Criminal Code retains articles violating the freedom of information: We do not want Turkey topping the list of the countries with most imprisoned journalists.
22 April 2005
HRW Raises Concerns for Threats
The HRW urges that a high-level and public statement be made, affirming the legitimacy and value of the work of human rights organizations, including the Human Rights Association, and condemning the death-threats made against its staff.
21 April 2005
Chief of Staff Signals Crisis With Greece
Chief of Staff Gen. Özkök in his annual evaluation signals soaring relations with Greece. Özkök also indirectly rebuffs the U.S. depictions of Turkey as a model Islamic country. Turkey is a secular republic Özkök says.
21 April 2005
Military Must Vacate the Classrooms
Scenes of violence and hate speech against the Kurds screeened as part of National Security course in a girls high school in Izmir, sparks controversy. This course provokes xenophobia and should be removed off the the curricula, experts agree.
19 April 2005
Environmental Rights Violated, Rules ECHR
The ECHR rules out that Rights to a just trial and healthy environment are violated and court decisions concerning the closure of the gold mine of Ovacik enforced. According to the decision, the gold mine will close, believes local lawyer Terzi.
19 April 2005
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Local Kurdish Broadcast Requests Ignored
While national media disregards broadcasting in other languages than Turkish, Local Diyarbakir Gün TV is yet to receive a reply to begin Kurdish Arts and Culture programs since 15 months now.
19 April 2005
Degrading Treatment Deserves ECHR Attention
Lawyers: The Case Merits the ECHRs Attention According legal experts, demanding pornographic images, consent to medical inspection, and the demeaning process of reporting for exemptions of the gays from military service are against human rights princ
14 April 2005
What Will The ECHR Decide About?
The ECHRs decision regarding the Öcalan case will not be about re-trial, but on the right to a fair trial. Mostly these two are confused.
14 April 2005
Tolga Korkut
Physcians Refuse Instrumentalization
Şebnem Fincancı Korur: The process is totally against deonological guidelines. Physicians must not be instrumentalized in cases like this. Mahmut Şefik Nil: Asking for photos and images is a direct violation of personal integrity.
14 April 2005
Ocalans Retrial On Turkeys Agenda
According to legal experts, Turkey is not legally obliged to retry Ocalan. Yet, there exist flaws in terms of fair trial in Ocalan case. Law specialist Sözüer: Ocalan should be retried even before ECHR decison.
14 April 2005
Tolga Korkut
Conditional Re-trial Leads to Injustice
Turkey has adopted in 2003 the right to re-trial right in cases of violation of rights. The main problem regarding the issue is that the law conditions the right with an eye to exempt Ocalan of this right.
14 April 2005
Tolga Korkut
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Nationalist Violence Spreads
Aggression erupts in Sakarya yesterday, in the wake of nationalist violence targeted at supporters of prisoners rights group TAYAD in Trabzon last week. Members of the Sakarya Youth Association protesting against the incident faces attempted lynching.
13 April 2005
Local Reporters Discuss Flag Crisis
BIA2 Project held its sixth local media training seminar in Mersin. Attendants listened to presentations and participated in workshops on rights reporting and discussed the flag crisis and the new TCK.
8 April 2005
EHCR Rules for Slain Cypriot Journalist
Authorities failed to investigate the possibility that the murder had any link to his work as a journalist the EHCR decided over the murder of Turkish Cypriot journalist Kutlu Adali in 1997. Turkey is to pay his widow 20 thousand euros.
5 April 2005
Those Who Cant Bully USA, Bully Kurds
The real danger is not separation of the country, not secession of the Kurds from Turkey. It is rather secession of those who rule the country, its military force, its social-political and economic control mechanisms from realism and objectiveness.
29 March 2005
Ertuğrul Kürkçü
Confederation Isnt the Solution
Ocalans proposal to form a confederation without a sovereign state, wasnt found feasible. Kurdish intellectuals, who are distant to PKK: Fantasy. Lawyers: It cant be done. DEHAP: It should be debated.
25 March 2005
Alev Karakartal
Palestine Is The Other for Israelis
Pessimistic of the outcome of the truce between Sharon and Abbas, Palestine is the other for the cosmopolite Israeli society says Palestinian human rights activist Sahar Francis. Had they not war with Palestine they would not have peace at home.
24 February 2005
Tolga Korkut,C. Onur Ant