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Child Labour Debated in Parliament
DTP MP Bayındır has called for a committee to investigate child labour and for preventative measures to be put in place.
18 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Report: 53 People Killed by Police in Two Years
The Turkey Human Rights Foundation has published a report on police violence, which it claims has risen since amendments were made to a law on duties and rights of the police.
17 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Controversial Mine Clearing Law in Effect
President Gül has ratified the law on mine clearance which has caused a lot of inter-party debate.
17 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Turkish Army Needs to Become Transparent"
Retired military judge Kardaş comments on allegations that army made plans against the ruling AKP.
15 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
100th Hearing of Ergenekon Trial Approaching
The Ergenekon trial is in its 7th month, and the State Council attack case has been merged with it.
11 June 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
"Journalists Should Refrain From Labeling Children"
Social worker Karatay criticizes media coverage of a 12-year-old, who allegedly killed her mother in Adana.
10 June 2009
Emine Özcan
7 Shipyard Workers Die in 6 Months
The death of a shipyard worker on 8 June is only the last in a long list of accidents and deaths. The trade union LİMTER-İŞ lists 124 deaths since 1992.
10 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
People of Dikmen Escape Official Plunder
Ankara Metropolitan Mayor ceases the urban transformation project after four years of struggle by the residents.
9 June 2009
Bawer Çakır
From the Expert: How to Clear Mines
Casey-Maslen from Landmine Monitor explains how Turkey and other countries should proceed in landmine clearance.
4 June 2009
"Mıne Vıctıms Must Benefıt from Cleared Land"
Steve Goose from HRW believes that NGOs are effective in mine clearing programmes. He calls on Turkey to remember the victims of mines.
2 June 2009
Tolga Korkut
Virtual Discussions about Karabulut Murder Turn into Actual Protests
People who met on the Internet to express their concern over the unsolved murder of 18-year-old Münevver Karabulut organised a protest in Taksim on Sunday.
1 June 2009
Emine Özcan
"Cleared Land Should Go to Mine Victims"
People in Nusaybin, a border district with Syria, believe that locals rather than private companies, should make use of any land cleared of mines.
27 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Engineers Find Many Faults at Hospital after Fire
According to a preliminary examination by engineers, the Bursa hospital where a fire broke out was not prepared for an emergency.
27 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
Fugitive Lieutenant Colonel Ecevit Turns Himself in
Following the find of ammunition in Poyrazköy, Istanbul, Lieutenant Colonel Ecevit had been wanted by the police. He has now turned himself in.
26 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
LGBT Activists Demonstrate Against Killings
LGBT rights activists protested yet another killing of a transgender individual in Ankara. They urge the government to tackle "hate crimes".
26 May 2009
"Mined Land too Precious to Give to Companies"
According to the farmers' union Çiftçi-Sen, the land bordering Syria that is full of mines is extremely fertile.
26 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
"Clearing Mines Does Not Cost More than a Human Life"
Destroying a mine takes 100 hours and costs 1,000 dollars, so Öğreten from the Initiative for a Turkey without Mines.
25 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
Minister Arınç Has Asked Akman to Leave Office
Following allegations of his involvement in the "Lighthouse" association embezzlement scandal, Akman, president of RTÜK, has been asked to step down.
22 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Ankara Court Rules that President Gül May Be Tried
An Ankara Court has decreed that current President Abdullah Gül may face trial for his involvement in a corruption scandal in the 1990s. The presidency has rejected such a possibility.
20 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Children's Situation in Diyarbakır Prison is "Desperate"
A province human rights delegation has called for drastic improvements in conditions for children in prison in Diyarbakır.
19 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
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Case of State Council Attack Merged with Ergenekon Trial
An Ankara court has decreed that case of the State council attack in 2007 should be merged with the Ergenekon trial.
19 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Two Detentions, One Arrest in "Ergenekon"
Two retired soldiers have been taken into custody and one arrested as part of the Ergenekon investigation.
18 May 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
“Light House” Money Said to Have Financed Political Party in Turkey
Kılıç of the CHP has said that around 900 million Euros were collected in Germany in the last decade. He is asking where the money went.
14 May 2009
Tolga Korkut
Nothing to Celebrate in Disability Awareness Week
Disabled representative Küçükarslan says that a change in health report regulations mean fewer people are counted as disabled.
12 May 2009
Emine Özcan
Kurdish MP Brings Police Violence to Parliament
DTP MP Kurtulan has called for an investigation into police violence against children. She reminded parliament of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
10 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
"State's Duty to Protect Children in Mardin"
Social worker Altuğgil explains why children of the massacred families should stay with relatives. "An analysis of the feudal relations necessary to protect children from abuse."
8 May 2009
Bawer Çakır
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1971-1972: Last Days of Young Revolutionaries before Execution
37 years ago, three student revolutionary leaders were executed on 6 May. Here is an account of the days leading up to their deaths.
6 May 2009
Semra Çelebi
PM Announces Cabinet Reshuffle
In a press briefing yesterday evening (1 May), Erdoğan told the media about changes in the cabinet.
2 May 2009
"Detained Generals Innocent until Proven Guilty" Says Gen. Başbuğ
Chief of Staff General Başbuğ expressed "support for democracy" and criticised the media for damaging the image of the Turkish Armed Forces.
30 April 2009
Explosion in Diyarbakır Province Kills 9 Soldiers
An explosion near Lice, Diyarbakır, killed nine soldiers in a military vehicle at 6.30 am this morning.
29 April 2009
Emine Özcan
Small Earthquake in Marmara Sea
Last night some people in Istanbul felt the three-second shake originating in the Marmara Sea.
28 April 2009
Ministry of Health Takes Precautions Against Swine Flu
Authorities declare precautions against the flu, which left more than a hundred dead in Mexico. Pamphlets will be distributed at airports.
27 April 2009