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310 Institutes in Diyarbakır React Against Urgent Expropriation
310 Organizations including Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, trade chambers and NGOs have urged the Government to withdraw the urgent expropriation decision.
30 March 2016
Easter in Turkey
Easter, the festival and holiday in Christianity celebrating Jesus Christ returning from the dead, has been celebrated in Turkey too as in the whole world.
28 March 2016
Urgent Expropriation in Sur
Urgent Expropriation has been declared in Sur district by a cabinet decision.
25 March 2016
Dündar, Gül Visit Peace Watch for Arrested Academics
Can Dündar and Erdem Gül have visited the Justice Watch in front of Bakırköy Prison demanding freedom for the arrested academics. The Justice Watch will continue today and there will also be one tomorrow in Silivri.
24 March 2016
CHP: Minister Protects Ensar Foundation Instead of Taking Preventive Measures
CHP Woman, Child Right and Violation Inspection and Monitoring Committee, has criticized Minister of Family and Social Policies Ramazanoğlu. It has demanded punishment for delinquents and those who overlook, don’t inspect and don’t take precautions.
23 March 2016
Sciences-Po Paris Cancels Conference Due To Oppression Against Academics
Paris Institute of Political Studies has cancelled the conference “Refugee Question in Europe and Turkey’s Role” planned to be held together with İstanbul Aydın University due to the oppression and rights violations the academics have been exposed to.
23 March 2016
Syrian Refugee Released After 1 Year in Airport
Syrian refugee Fadi Mansour has left the airport where he had been kept for one year for the first time today. Mansour had previously said “My only dream right now is to sleep with the lights off”. It is not certain where he is going to be sent now.
21 March 2016
VIDEO-NEWS: Those in İstiklal Street Tell on First Workday
After the suicide attack which left four people dead, we’ve spoken with the ones at the scene of commemoration, artisans in the shops, tourists, and the ones going to work.
21 March 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu,Beyza Kural
Stories of Those Who Lost Their Lives in İstiklal Bomb Attack
Simha Siman Demri and Avraham Goldman had attended the tour with their spouses. Yonathan Suher was celebrating his 40th birthday, Ali Reza Razmhah was in İstanbul with his wife and child...
21 March 2016
İstiklal Street 1 Day After Bomb Attack
İstiklal street is İstanbul’s one of the most crowded centers that is populous every hour. It is quite empty after the suicide attack launched in front of sub-Governorship building at around 11 a.m. on March 19.
21 March 2016
Nadire Mater
Perpetrator of Bomb Attack on İstiklal Street Revealed
The perpetrator of the bomb attack on İstiklal Street of İstanbul has been identified through DNA test as Mehmet Öztürk. His father and brother have been taken into custody in Antep.
20 March 2016
Academic Stephenson Departs for England Before Deportation Order Issued
Academic Chris Stephenson forced to wait for his deportation order in Kumkapı Repatriation Center accompanied by police has left for England yesterday evening, expressing that he actually did not want to leave.
17 March 2016
Ministry of Interior Affairs Declares Perpetrator of Ankara Blast
In the written statement made by the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the perpetrator of the bomb attack in Ankara killing 37 persons as PKK member Seher Çağla Demir.
15 March 2016
Victim Families’ Reactions Against Government in Funeral of Ankara Explosion Victims
The families of Destina Peri Parlak and Elvin Buğra Arslan among the 37 persons who have lost their lives in the Ankara explosion have reacted against the Government in their funerals crying; “Murderers”, “your dirty politics have killed them”, “you have made mothers cry”.
15 March 2016
Human Chain Protest Against Expert Board in Artvin
People of Artvin have created a human chain to protest against the expert board from Rize Administrative Court regarding the mining activities planned to be put in action in Cerattepe.
15 March 2016
Stories of Those Who Lost Their Lives in Explosion in Kızılay of Ankara
The ones who have lost their lives in the bomb attack yesterday in Kızılay downtown of Ankara.
14 March 2016
International Reactions on Bomb Attack in Ankara
A large number of politicians from many countries and institutions including European Council, the United Nations, NATO, and the US have issued messages of denunciation following the bomb attack in Ankara.
14 March 2016
Curfew Declared in Şırnak
Curfew has been declared in the provincial center of Şırnak province as of today 11 p.m.
14 March 2016
Governorship: 27 Killed in Ankara
Ankara Governorship has in its initial statement announced that 27 people have been killed, 75 others wounded in the explosion.
13 March 2016
Broadcast Ban on Explosion in Ankara
Broadcast ban has been put into effect following the explosion in Ankara. The ban has reportedly includes live broadcasting nearby the scene, footage of the moment when incident occurred and immediate afterwards, and bodies.
13 March 2016
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Explosion in Ankara
Explosion has taken place claiming 27 lives, wounding 75 according to initial statements in Ankara at the evening hours, which made it the third blast in Ankara in the last six months.
13 March 2016
Berkin Elvan Commemorated Upon His Grave
Justice demand has been reiterated in the commemoration of 2nd anniversary of Berkin Elvan’s killing upon his grave.
11 March 2016
Protest in Mersin University for Berkin Elvan
Mersin University Communication Faculty students have reiterated their demand for justice for Berkin Elvan in their demonstration.
9 March 2016
Refugee Boat Sinks in Didim, 18 Killed
A boat carrying refugees to Greece has sunk in Didim district of Aydın province. According to initial findings, 18 have been killed and 15 others rescued.
7 March 2016
First Romani Radio Goes on Air in Turkey
First Romani radio has been established in Turkey. Its first guest Romani MP Özcan Purçu has said; opening a radio was a dream we have had for years.
4 March 2016
Nilay Vardar
Women From Cerattepe Protest With Drums
Artvin Women’s Solidarity Platform has protested against mining activities planned to be put in action in Cerattepe region of Artvin.
3 March 2016
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‘I’ve been Waiting for This Day for 23 Years Since Vartinis Set on Fire’
“When their houses in the village were set on fire, Nasır Öğüt went out of the window in an effort to save his children but soldiers wouldn’t allow, they all burned to death”.
3 March 2016
Ayça Söylemez
Panel on Cooperatives, Food Sovereignty from Brazil to Kadıköy
Panel is being organized by Kadıköy Retail Society on cooperatives and food sovereignty with the participation of national coordination member of the Brazil Landless Workers Movement, Marina dos Santos on March 5.
2 March 2016
State Officials Charged with Burning 9 People Acquitted
Four defendants, of whom one was police and three others were soldiers, have been acquitted. “We have faced with the wall of impunity again”, Lawyer Karaçelik said.
2 March 2016
Ayça Söylemez
1 Police Killed in Nusaybin, 2 Others Injured
One police officer has been killed over bazooka attack on an armoured police vehicle by PKK, two others have been injured in Nusaybin.
29 February 2016
Boğaziçi University: Bomb Call Came Out Hoax
Boğaziçi University Presidency has announced that the bomb call was a hoax, and security officers expressed that there is no explosion device in the vehicle.
26 February 2016
Davutoğlu on Cerattepe: Mining Activities to be Halted until Judicial Process Completed
It has been expressed activities of mining companies will be halted in the copper mine planned to be built in Cerattepe until judicial process is completed.
24 February 2016