YSK-RTÜK Cooperation: 176 Suspensions in 3 Months

Pre-election prohibitions on local elections (held on March 30, 2014) started on January 1. During this period, YSK restricted media institutions from one-sided broadcasts. Also, starting from March 20th, they weren’t able to do broadcasts that will affect the elections.
During this period, while Radio and Television High Council was responsible for pre-election prohibitions and preserving broadcasting principles, YSK was responsible of implementing the penalties.
According to the media, YSK handed out 176 suspensions to 22 media institutions until March 17. Many media institutions may receive penalties for their broadcasts from March 18 to March 30, Election Day.
7 channels may receive penalties: On March 29 and 30, the RTUK Expert Reports that were sent to YSK said that 7 TV Channels broadcasted on various parties and started delivering the results of the election before YSK’s announcement time.
The report included the following: 24 TV and TV Net channels broadcasted PM Erdoğan’s March 29 meetings in İstanbul, Ulusal Channel broadcasted Laborer Party candidates on March 29, TV 10 broadcasted BDP candidates on March 29, Halk TV broadcasted CHP’s Kadıköy meeting on the same day, EM TV prime time news broadcasted CHP, MHP and AKP meetings news on March 29 and Halk TV and +1 channels started delivering the results of the election before YSK’s announcement time on March 30 and Koza TV broadcasted AKP’s Adana candidate.
28 Broadcast Preventions to aHaber: YSK delivered aHaber 28 broadcast preventions including their street interviews. aHaber was ordered to pay 76,000 liras monetary fine because there was a smoking person on a live broadcast of aHaber.
Warning to TRT’s biased broadcast: YSK handed out a warning to TRT for broadcasting PM Erdogan’s meetings for 13 hours and 32 minutes and not being objective on other political parties. (March 16)
20 penalties for 7 Shows: RTUK issued 20 penalties to Samanyolu News TV’s 7 programs because they broadcasted on the election period. (March 15)
Samanyolu received the highest penalty for a broadcaasting network history with RTUK’s complaint and YSK’s order. “It’s like our channel is being censored,” said Samanyolu TV Editorial Chief Metin Yıkar. “They’re destroying the democracy and ending the freedom of press,” RTUK member Ali Öztunç stated.
YSK issued the penalty to Samanyolu TV with the claim of violating the prinicipal “networks don't shows take sides or broadcasts one sided on political parties and democratic groups” at the “Derin Bakış” show. (March 3)
Derin Bakış show was aired on February 8 and it hosted Kütahya Independent Deputy İdris Bal, Marmara University faculty member Professor Emre Bağçe and retired prosecutor Gültekin Avcı. The topics on the show were PM Erdoğan’s criticizing comments on the Gülen movement and the government, the backstage of shadow government claim and the interference to the jurisdiction. The show received a second warning because of the criticisms on AKP and the government.
9 Days of Censor to Cem TV: YSK issued 4 days of suspension to Cem TV’s Celal Toprak and Hüsniye Kaya’s “Good morning Turkey” show and 5 days of suspension to Cem TV News Bulletin. (March 3)
The channel was ordered to pay penalties with reason associated with not following the rules during the election time. News manager Pınar Işık Ardor mentioned that they received these penalties because of the two public surveys they shared without the number of subjects. “YSK gave us this penalty because we reported the news. I think want us to stop talking. I think this is a very harsh penalty. Also, they read newspapers in the “Good morning Turkey” show, we couldn’t understand the reason of this 4 day suspension”.
Penalty decisions on YSK’s website
There are 34 election related sanction rulings on YSK’s website during the January 11 – February 15 (Since April 1, 2014). During this period, Beyaz TV was issued 13 program suspensions and 1 warning, Cem TV 7 program suspensions and 1 warning, Channel 5 6 program suspensions and 1 warning, Bugün TV, Halk TV, Samanyolu News, Habertürk and Channel D 1 program suspension and 1 warning, NTV, NTV Europe, EM TV, Ülke TV, a-News, Channel 24, TGRT, Flash TV and Pamukkale TV one warning.
Cases are as follows:
2 program suspensions to Cem TV: YSK ordered 2 program penalties to Cem TV for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions without the subject numbers and finance information on local elections, the Kurdish Question and admired leaders. (February 15)
4 program suspensions to Cem TV: YSKordered 4 program suspensions to Cem TV’s Good Morning Turkey program for reasons associated with broadcasting 3 of 4 vote predictions without the subject numbers and finance information (February 15).
3 program suspensions to Channel 5: Channel 5 was issued 3 program suspensions for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions of CİHAN Agency without the subject numbers and finance information on Presidential elections, December 17 Corruption Probe case and shutting down of training centers. (February 15)
Warning to EM TV: EM TV was issued a warning for reasons associated with broadcasting the vote predictions of Zaman Newspaper lacking information on AKP’s vote ratio on local elections and Erdogan’s chance on Presidential elections. (February 15)
5 program suspensions to Beyaz TV:Beyaz TV was issued 5 program suspension for reasons associated with broadcasting the “Son Söz” program on January 12, 19, 26, 28 and February 4 about the election agenda and constantly inviting AKP Gaziantep deputy Şamil Tayyar. (February 15)
Warning to Ülke TV: YSK ordered a warning to Ülke TV’s February 2 “Haber 17” news bulletin for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions without the subject numbers and finance information on local elections. (February 15)
1 program suspension to Bugün TV: Bugün TV received one program suspension for reasons associated with inviting guests who criticize AKP’s actions on the “Gündem Özel”’s January 9 -16 -23 -30 shows. (February 15)
Warning to NTV Europe: NTV Avrupa’ya uyarı: NTV Europe channel received a warning with the reason of lacking information on vote predictions on the “Yakın Plan” show on February 4 which is hosted by Ahmet Arpat. Guests were AG Research Company manager Adil Gür, writer Muhsin Kızılkaya, Hürriyet writer İsmet Berkan and İstanbul Ticaret University Faculty Member Professor Berat Özipek, their conversation was on “how will the December 17 Corruption Probe case effect elections?” (February 15)
Warning to a News:YSK gave a warning to a News’s “Aklın Yolu” and “Ajans Yeni Gün” programs which were broadcasted on February 7 with the reason of vote predictions lacking information. (February 15)
Warning to NTV: NTV received a warning with the reason of lacking information on vote predictions on the “Yakın Plan” show on February 4 which is hosted by Ahmet Arpat. Guests were AG Research Company manager Adil Gür, writer Muhsin Kızılkaya, Hürriyet writer İsmet Berkan and İstanbul Ticaret University Faculty Member Professor Berat Özipek, their conversation was on “how will the December 17th Corruption Probe case effect elections?” (February 15)
Suspension to Samanyolu News: Samanyolu News television received a suspension with the reason of one-sided broadcasting on the “Gündemin İçinden” program during the January 27-February 7 period.
Samanyolu News television received a suspension with the reason of one-sided broadcasting because on the “Gündemin İçinden” program guests only criticized AKP’s actions and the topics were against AKP relating to the December 17 Corruption Probe case. (February 15).
Warning to Samanyolu News: Samanyolu News received a warning with the reason of program guests only criticized AKP’s actions and the topics were against AKP relating to the December 17 Corruption Probe case during the show’s January 1 - February 8 period. (February 15)
One suspension to Habertürk: Habertürk TV received one suspension for the program “Gün Ortası” on February 4 with the reason of vote predictions lacking information. (February 15)
Warning to Channel D: YSK gave a warning to Channel D’s “İrfan Değirmenci ile Günaydın” program on February 3 with the reason of broadcasting Zaman newspaper’s survey without the information of the financer. (February 15)
One suspension to Channel D: On the same day, Channel D received a program suspension. The reason was broadcasting Yeni Şafak newspaper’s survey without the information of the financer and number of subjects.
Warning to TGRT: TGRT’s News Bulletin on January 30 received a warning for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions without the subject numbers and finance information on local elections. (February 15)
One suspension to Cem TV: Cem TV’s News Bulletin on January 28 - 30 received a suspension for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions on İstanbul without the subject numbers. (February 8)
Warning to Flash TV: Flash TV received a warning for reasons associated with broadcasting vote predictions which is claimed to belong to Cihan News Agency without the finance information on the February 3 “Gerçek Gündem” program. Warning penalty will be broadcasted from the TV. (February 8)
Suspension to Halk TV: Halk TV received a suspension with the reason of one-sided broadcasting on in favor of CHP mayor candidates on the “Siyaset Rüzgarı” program. (February 8)
Warning to Habertürk: Habertürk received a warning with the reason of broadcasting public researches held in 30 different cities without the subject numbers on the “Türkiye’nin Nabzı” program on January 28. (February 28)
2 program suspensions to Channel: YSK delivered 2 program suspensions to Channel 5 with the reason of supporting ruler party’s opinion and broadcasting vote predictions on local elections without the subject numbers and finance information on the “Moderatör” program on January 27. (February 8)
Warning to Bugün TV: Bugün TV received a warning with the reason of broadcasting December 17 Corruption Probe case constantly, criticizing AKP’s actions and violating the objectivity principle on the “Güne Bakış” program between January 27-31 (February 8).
Warning to Channel 24: Channel 24 received a warning with the reason of one-sided broadcasting the attack on MHP Esenyurt election office and broadcasting mostly on AKP related news between January 24 - 31. Channel will be broadcasting the penalty on air. (February 8)
Warning to Halk TV: YSK delivered a warning to Halk TV with the reason of violating the objectivity principle by broadcasting two supporting city hall guests on the January 18 program. (February 1)
4 program suspensions to Beyaz TV: Beyaz TV was issued 4 program suspensions with the reason of broadcasting CHP Ankara Mayor Candidate Mansur Yavaş’s two separate speeches while he was in MHP and having disgracing comments on Yavaş on the “Moderatör” program on January 10. (January 26)
Suspension to Channel 5: Channel 5 received a suspension with the reason of broadcasting the vote predictions on local elections without the subject numbers and finance information with the title “AKP and CHP has 23 points difference” on the News Bulletin on January 18. (January 25)
2 program suspensions to Beyaz TV: Beyaz TV was issued two program suspensions with the reason of broadcasting the vote predictions on local elections without the subject numbers and finance information on the “Basın Kulisi” program on January 15th. (January 25)
Suspension to Beyaz TV: Beyaz TV received a suspension with the reason of violating the confidentiality of private life and disgracing broadcasts on the “Dinamit” program on January 3 and 10. (January 20)
Warning to Channel 5: YSK delivered a warning to Channel 5 for reasons associated with broadcasting the vote predictions “ORC Company” prepared on local elections without the subject numbers and finance information. (January 18)
Warning to Beyaz TV: YSK delivered a warning to Beyaz TV for reasons associated with broadcasting a public research on local elections without the subject numbers and finance information on December 22, 2013. Channel will be broadcasting the penalty on air. (January 11)
Warning to Pamukkale TV: YSK delivered a warning to Pamukkale TV for reasons associated with broadcasting on Denizli Mayor Osman Zolan’s performance and projects on January 2, 2014. Channel will be broadcasting the warning on air. (January 11) (EÖ/ENÜ/BM)
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso and its partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. The project's page: Safety Net for European Journalists. A Transnational Support Network for Media Freedom in Italy and South-east Europe.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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