Deputy Counts Announced For June 7 Elections

While Turkey’s next general elections were set to June 7, Higher Board of Elections (YSK) announced the deputy counts for each cities.
The distribution of deputies for Turkey’s 3 major cities are as follows: Istanbul 88, Ankara 32 and Izmir 26.
Published on Turkey’s Official Gazette today, cities represented with 18 deputies will have one electoral region, cities represented with 19 to 35 deputies will have two regions and cities represented with 36 and more deputies will have three electoral regions.
According to this, there will be three electoral regions Istanbul (88 deputies), two regions in Ankara (32 deputies) and two regions in Izmir (26 deputies).
Most deputies from Istanbul
The distribution of deputies according to cities is as follows:
Adana 14, Adıyaman 5, Afyonkarahisar 5, Ağrı 4, Amasya 3, Antalya 14, Artvin 2, Aydın 7, Balıkesir 8, Bilecik 2, Bingöl 3, Bitlis 3, Bolu 3, Burdur 3, Bursa 18, Çanakkale 4, Çankırı 2, Çorum 4, Denizli 7, Diyarbakır 11, Edirne 3, Elazığ 4, Erzincan 2, Erzurum 6, Eskişehir 6, Gaziantep 12, Giresun 4, Gümüşhane 2, Hakkari 3, Hatay 10, Isparta 4, Mersin 11, Kars 3, Kastamonu 3, Kayseri 9, Kırklareli 3, Kırşehir 2, Kocaeli 11, Konya 14, Kütahya 4, Malatya 6, Manisa 9, Kahramanmaraş 8, Mardin 6, Muğla 6, Muş 3, Nevşehir 3, Niğde 3, Ordu 5, Rize 3, Sakarya 7, Samsun 9, Siirt 3, Sinop 2, Sivas 5, Tekirdağ 6, Tokat 5, Trabzon 6, Tunceli 2, Şanlıurfa 12, Uşak 3, Van 8, Yozgat 4, Zonguldak 5, Aksaray 3, Bayburt 2, Karaman 2, Kırıkkale 3, Batman 4, Şırnak 4, Bartın 2, Ardahan 2, Iğdır 2, Yalova 2, Karabük 2, Kilis 2, Osmaniye 4, Düzce 3.
Cities with deputy count changes
Compared to 2011 Elections, the following cities have now different deputy counts: Ankara, Elazığ, İstanbul, Kütahya, Manisa, Muş, Ordu and Bayburt.
Bayburt, previously represented with 1 deputy, will now have 2 deputies.
On the other hand, Ankara’s deputies increased from 31 to 32, Istanbul changed from 85 to 88. (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.