What Do LGBTI+s Expect from Health Workers?

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On the occasion of LGBTI+ Health Awareness Week in March 23-29, the BİZ Sexual Orientation and Gender Studies Association and the Turkish Medical Students' International Committee (TURKMSIC) asked the LGBTI+ community their expectations from health workers.
As reported by Kaos GL Association, BİZ Association and TURKMSIC asked the LGBTI+s on Instagram, "What would you like to say to health workers and the ones offering medical services?"
Expectations of LGBTI+s from health workersWe can feel better if we access healthcare with the doctors who have a higher awareness about the LGBTI+. I expect them to not discriminate. I want to be able to express myself freely. In addressing the individuals in their transgender transition process, I expect them to use the gender declared by the individual, not by what is written on the ID card. I expect them to accept DSM-V individuals, who are accepted by science, without making any differentiations based on their orientation, race or religion. I expect them to examine us without attributing a gender or sexual orientation. I expect respect for my statements and an ethical approach to patients. I expect them to have a scientific approach with the awareness that being an LBGTI+ is not a disease. If I share my sexual orientation with them, I expect them to not share it with others without my knowledge. I wish to be addressed with the gender that I declare. I expect them to take my medical history in an approach which is not sexist or phobic. I expect them to respect our sexual orientation and gender identity and to be inclusive. They have to maintain their professionalism when they ask questions about our sex lives. I expect medical services where I can express myself freely about sexual health. I want physicians who know what LGBTI+ is. They should also inform their colleagues about the LGBTI+ so that phobic attitudes will decrease. I wish that they will not forget about the existence of intersex individuals. I feel myself more comfortable when I see rainbow symbols in doctors' rooms. I expect them to have knowledge about LGBTI-related terms. I expect them to take on a comforting attitude about sexuality and I want to tell my problems openly. I want to say my sexual orientation without hesitation. Above all else, I want them to not forget that we are humans, too. I expect doctors to always remain loyal to the Hippocratic Oath. Health workers should not act like LGBTI+s do not exist, they should be conscious. They should not be discriminative about right to health, which is the right of us all. I should not be stigmatized with a sexually transmitted disease just because I am gay. Health is the right of every human being; sexual orientation and gender identity do not change it. Add lessons on LGBTI+ awareness to the curricula of faculties of medicine. I expect them to tell everyone that being an LGBTI+ is not a disease. In that way, we can be faced with less phobia. Introduce healthcare services that include everyone, including LGBTI+s. Be physicians that stay away from all types of phobia and bullying, don't be discriminative. Human-rights-conscious healthcare workers are important for disadvantaged groups. The fact that I am a lesbian does not mean that I do not have an active sex life. Do not forget that. What we call sexual health and reproductive health is not limited to heterosexual relationships. Health workers, do not forget this: A life under the rainbow is possible. I expect them to use a language free from any phobias and stigmatization. Banners, posters, etc. can be hung on the walls of hospitals to inform the public about what LGBTI+ is. I expect them to act with the awareness that they might have LGBTI+ colleagues in their work environment. |