‘LGBTI Health’ Goes Online

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Providing information particular to LGBTI individuals on sexual health, lgbtisagligi.org has gone online.
The website built with the support of the European Union within the scope of Think Civilian EU Program Activist Association includes health information such as HIV and other STDs; hygene of sex toys/products; ways to protect from cervical and prostate cancers.
There is also information on the website about the homophobic/transphobic discriminations that the LGBTI individuals face.
The results of the Research on LGBT Individuals’ Social and Economic Problems dated 2014 in Turkey conducted with the participation of over 2,000 people suggest that LGBTI individuals are subjected to number of discriminations in health sector as well and they refrain from going to the doctor.
Stating “Removing the obstacles before LGBTI+ individuals’ access to health is under the responsibility of state, medical institutions, trade bodies and doctors”, lgbtisagligi.org aims to both inform LGBTI individıals about safe sexuality and direct them to reach institutions in which they can have the required medical checks for early diagnosis. (ÇT/TK)