What are the demands of LGBTI electorate?

bianet interviewed various LGBTI pre-candidates running in the upcoming municipal elections. Now it is time to hear LGBTI electorate!
What are the various demands of LGBTI people about the upcoming municipal elections? In order to find it out, SPoD LGBT assembled LGBTI activists in Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Dersim, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Antep, İstanbul, İzmir and Mersin around Municipal Administrations School of Politics Workshop.
LGBTI activists urged the officials to set conditions for equal and full participation to local administrations and let LGBTI people benefit from municipal services. The demands were listed as follows:
End of discrimination in local administrations
* Cooperation between municipal officials and LGBTI organizations in order to create an equality perspective in municipal administrations. Organizing public events to create awareness on the discrimination against LGBTI people.
* Launching research in municipal human rights commissions regarding the discrimination against LGBTI people. Organizing public training events to combat discrimination with the participation of representatives from LGBTI organizations.
* Running joint campaigns with LGBTI organizations in order to combat violence and discrimination against sexual orientation and identity.
* In-staff training in municipal service locations regarding LGTI rights and discrimination.
* Amendment of an article that will ban the discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity which would require an official investigation and penalties if necessary.
Right to participate in local administrations
* Equal participation of LGBTI people in urban councils and local assemblies.
* Attention to LGBTI demands in municipal advisory councils, commissions and committees as well as equal representation of LGBTI organizations.
* Drafting of an LGBTI-friendly municipality declaration in order to provide inclusive municipal services.
Employment and safe work environments
* Drafting of an anti-discriminatory municipal guidelines concerning municipal services and employment policies.
* Precautions by municipal authorities in order to provide safe environments for sex workers. Anti-homophobia and anti-transphobia trainings to municipal workers.
Social services
* Establishment of call centers and help desks for LGBTI people and their family members. Selection of officer workers in these units according to standards and trainings overseen by LGBTI organizations.
* Allocation of inactive premisses to the activities of LGBTI groups and other under-represented groups in order to create alternative culture centers.
* Reorganization of municipals funds to NGOS which include LGBTI organizations. Municipal support to the activities and gatherings of LGBTI organization.
* Taking of measures in order to provide transport needs of LGBTI individuals equally. Providing anti-discriminatory training to local bus drivers towards LGBTI people. Taking disciplinary measures against those who perform homophobic transphobic acts.
* Reorganization of women shelters according to the needs of LGBTI women in districts with the population over 50,000 people. Allocation of funds for those LGBTI people who need immediate lodging.
* Free healthcare benefits according to the needs of LGBTI people. Workshops in order to create awareness on sexual health. Allocation of local municipality budget in order to provide free and confidential healthcare services in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Cooperation with LGBTI organizations in order to plan and provide these services. (ÇT/BM)
Organizations signing the petition: 7 Renk Mersin LGBTİ, Antalya Pembe Caretta LGBT, Dersim LGBTİ Oluşumu, Dut Ağacı Kolektifi, Queer Adana, Hêvî LGBTİ Oluşumu, KeSKeSoR Diyarbakır LGBTİ Oluşumu, Morel Eskişehir LGBT Oluşumu, Siyah Pembe Üçgen İzmir, SPoD Sosyal Politikalar Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği, ZeugMadi Gaziantep