"We Will not Allow a Nuclear Power Plant in Akkuyu"

"The politicians and contractors are on their way to Akkuyu with shovels in their hand. Let us say 'stop' to their enthusiasm about nuclear reactors" - this was the theme of a joint statement against the construction of nuclear power plants issued by the Istanbul Environmental Engineers' Chamber (ÇMO) as part of the Turkey Union of Chambers of Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) and the Istanbul Medical Chamber (İTO) belonging to the Turkish Medical Association (TBB).
"Let us stop the Grave Diggers" is the title of the announcement. It stated that the government's zeal to construct nuclear power plants could not be abated by the explosion in Chernobyl or the recent melt downs in the nuclear power plants in Japan. The joint statement especially targets the construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, a small place close to the city of Adıyaman in south-eastern Turkey.
"Felony against humans, nature and life"
Semra Ocak from İTO said on behalf of the group that nuclear power plants could not be advanced in scientific terms. She called the efforts to establish nuclear power plants a felony against humans, nature and life. Ocak pointed to the drawbacks of nuclear power:
* Storage facilities for nuclear waste could still not be established world-wide.
* This waste is nonbiodegradable for millions of years.
* The loss of life and environmental pollution caused by the Chernobyl accident or natural disasters like earthquakes must be considered.
* The cost of establishing nuclear power plants is exceeded by the cost of their maintenance and security.
Ocak claimed that it should be headed towards renewable energy sources instead of nuclear power plants. "We will not permit a nuclear power plant which is almost an equivalent to our mass graves to be built in Akkuyu (...) in front of our eyes in a few weeks".
"They are either ignorant or hiding something"
Ümit Şahin, Co-Spokesman of the Greens Party, answered questioned after the announcement. He indicated official institutions conveyed wrong and incomplete information to the whole world regarding the explosions of nuclear reactors in Japan.
"According to the experts, we are facing a situation that is worse than the Chernobyl explosion. The radiation might be carried to places as far as Europe", Şahin said.
Şahin indicated that even in China plans for new nuclear power plants have been shelved. "The ignorant statements of President Erdoğan and [Energy] Minister Yıldız show that they either did not comprehend the subject or they are hiding something that does not serve their purpose".
"Working principles have not changed"
In an interview with bianet, Ümit Şahin said that the work principles of third generation reactors were not dramatically different from the former principles.
"There is actually no such thing as the third generation. We are just talking about increased security measures for the second generation. The working principles are exactly the same. The system in Japan was rather durable in terms of earthquakes. But in the end, this disaster happened in one of the leading countries in nuclear technology".
Şahin stated that the license to build a nuclear power plant in Akkuyu issued 35 years ago lacks any legal validity. "The very person who issued the license said that it is not valid in fact. Big accidents had not been experienced yet by the time the licence was issued. And the criteria were different. The matter of issuing licenses for locations should be abolished as a whole".
Anti-nuclear activists will build a human chain from Istanbul's Taksim Square all the way down Istiklal Avenue to Galatasaray Square on Saturday (19 March) at 4.00 pm.
Another protest action is scheduled for 24 April in Kadıköy (Asian side of Istanbul) organized by the "Anti-Nuclear Platform". (EÖ/VK)
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