Resistance against Coal-Fired Plant in Gerze

About ten thousand people from various provinces and districts of Turkey gathered in Gerze on Saturday (26 November) to protest the construction of a thermal power plant. Gerze is a district of the city of Sinop on the Black Sea coast. The Anadolu Group is planning to build a coal-run power plant in the township.
The demonstration was organized by the Platform for a Green Gerze (YEGEP) and attended by members of the Green Party, the Ecology Collective, Greenpeace and others. The demonstration was carried out and brought to an end peacefully. The protestors chanted slogans like "Gerze does not want coal" and "The people of Gerze do not stand alone".
Pınar Aksoğan, Greenpeace executive of the Mediterranean Climate and Energy Campaign, said at the meeting, "Thousands of people from all over Turkey came to Gerze to take a stance again against the investment of the Anadolu Group for the coal-run thermal power plant. The pollution that is going to be caused by that plant will affect the environment, health, economy, climate and the (people's) livelihood beyond repair. We call on the Anadolu Group and Tuncay Özilhan to listen to the voice of thousands of people and refrain from this investment for a green Gerze before it is too late. We invite you to take a step towards the energy reform with investing in clean wind energy instead and not in out-dated coal".
People of Gerze struggling for three years
The people of Gerze have been struggling against the thermal power plant planned by the Anadolu Group for about three years now. The protest turned into an active resistance when tents were put up on the construction area three months ago. 25 villagers were wounded in a police intervention on 5 September that involved the use of tear gas and truncheons. The villagers are determined to continue their struggle until Tuncay Özlihan, head of the Anadolu Group steering board, will have refrained from his plans for the plant.
Greenpeace launched signature campaign
Greenpeace launched an internet signature campaign against the coal-run thermal power plant. More than 37,000 people supported the campaign with their signature on In the campaign it was claimed that Tuncay Özlihan tried to add a green touch by pointing to energy efficiency targets and investment in solar energy in the scope of the Efes Pilsen brand as part of the Anadolu Group. The campaign drew attention to the contradiction that he wants to establish a coal-fired power plant in Gerze on the other hand.
Data conveyed by Greenpeace suggests the following facts about coal:
- Coal-fired thermal power plants are responsible for 41 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. Coal is the most dangerous fuel since it causes climate change.
- The smoke from coal causes acid rain. Acid rain damages eco systems.
- Coal power plants are the reason for mercury pollution. Mercury causes numerous fatal diseases when mixed with the food chain and the soil.
- Particles and radiation emitted when coal burns are reason for asthma, heart disease and infant mortality.
- Coal mining is dangerous. 2,670 people were killed between 1955 and 2006 in Zonguldak only. 319,792 were injured. (HK/VK)