Two Women Helping Syrian Refugees Deported

Charlotte Lecaille, Nora Sophia Freitag and Syrian refugees A.F., M.F and A.S who were detained during the marches of Syrian refugees from İstanbul to Edirne province to cross the border have been kept waiting in Repatriation Center in Kumkapı quarter, Fatih district of İstanbul since September 22.
The lawyer of the citizen of France, Lecaille and the citizen of Germany, Freitag, Arzu Aydoğan said they were waiting the decision of Governorship and her clients would be deported today or tomorrow.
It was said that United Nations (BM) would assign lawyers for three Syrian refugees while refugees weren’t allowed to see other lawyers. Syrians may be put into refugee camps since it is not possible to deport them.
Lawyer Aydoğan said:
“My clients are being deported because they are ‘foreigners’ not criminals,” and reminded Lecaille and Freitag were charged with disturbing the peace and they were pointed as targets by media labelling them ‘spies’.
“We talk outside the windows”
Activist Ufuk Ahıska from Migrant Solidarity Network:
“We talk with refugees outside the windows; trying to inform and soothe them and illuminate them about their rights and deportation procedures. We want to be sure UN will care about them.” (ÇT/BD)
* Photo Credit: Abdullah Coşkun, Anadolu Agency.
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