Two women at deportation center after women's protest in İstanbul

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Two women who participated in the actions organized in İstanbul on the occasion of November 25, Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and detained, Saida from Azerbaijan and Dalila from Italy who is an Erasmus student were sent to the Selimpaşa Deportation Center in Silivri, a far away district of İstanbul 80 kilometers to the center.
Cemile Baklacı and lawyer Sezen Ezer from Purple Solidarity (Mor Dayanışma) visited the two at the deportation center.
Baklacı told bianet what happened during their visit.
"Our friends who are lawyers were kept waiting from 09:30 until 14:00 and were not let to see the two women kept at the center."
"After the lawyers were able to meet the women, the two described that there is psychological oppression, even if not physical.
"The women were told "you will be deported this evening" while there was no such decision. Later another official, a woman, told them that 'there is no such decision.'
"Saida and Dalila's message to all is that our solidarity is making them stronger.
"We will be monitoring the process against possible deportation or administrative detention.
"We will learn if they will be deported or not tomorrow (Ed.: today-November29)."
#25Kasım’da hukuksuzca gözaltına alınarak sınırdışı edilme tehlikesi yaşayan iki arkadaşımızı bugün ziyaret ettik. Halâ geri gönderme merkezinde tutuluyorlar!
— MorDayanışma (@DayanismaMor) November 28, 2022
Hukuk Komisyonu avukatlarımızdan Av.Sezen Ezer ile süreci takip etmeye devam edeceğiz.#25KasımSınırDışıSebebiOlamaz
Mor Dayanışma's tweet on the event reads:
We visited our two friends who were unlawfully taken into custody on November 25 and who are risking deportation. They are still being kept at the deportation center!
We will continue to follow the process with Lawyer Sezen Ezer from our Legal Committee.
#25KasımSınırDışıSebebiOlamaz (November 25 cannot be a reason for deportation)