Lawyers appeal deportation order for two women after November 25 demonstrations

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A deportation and exclusion order was issued for Saida from Azerbaijan and Dalila from Italy, both were sent to a deportation center after being taken into custody during November 25 demonstrations in İstanbul, Türkiye.
The two women who participated in the demonstrations organized in İstanbul on the occasion of November 25, the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women were detained and sent to the Selimpaşa Deportation Center in Silivri, a far district of İstanbul.
Lawyers from the November 25 Platform appealed the decision.
Many women's groups and initiatives participating in the platform expressed their solidarity with Saida from Azerbaijan and Dalila from Italy, who is an Erasmus student in İstanbul.
Cemile Baklacı and lawyer Sezen Ezer from Purple Solidarity (Mor Dayanışma) visited the two at the deportation center on Monday (November 28).
November 25 Platform shared a tweet where they said, "Deportation order was issued for two women taken into custody unlawfully on November 25.
"Just like male violence, the struggle against violence does not have any nationality!
"November 25 cannot be a reason for deportation!
"Our lawyers have appealed the decision, we have our solidarity in the face of such arbitrary treatment."
25 Kasım'da hukuksuzca gözaltına alınan iki kadın hakkında sınır dışı kararı verildi!
— 25 Kasım Kadın Platformu (@25KasimKadin) November 29, 2022
Erkek şiddetinin olmadığı gibi şiddete karşı mücadelenin de uyruğu yoktur!
25 Kasım sınırdışı sebebi olamaz!
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