'Turkey should recognize Ezidi massacre as genocide'

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People's Democratic Party (HDP) Batman MP Feleknas Uca, presented a legislative proposal in the parliament on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the Ezidi massacre and proposed that Turkey should recognize this massacre as genocide.
The massacre of Ezidis by ISIS in the Sinjar area of northern Iraq was recognized as genocide by Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.
"Turkey should take responsibility for protecting Ezidi people"
Feleknaz Uca stated in her proposal, "Turkey should be a country that takes responsibility in order to prevent the extinction of the Ezidi belief and culture through massacres and genocides as one of the countries that contain part of the holy lands of the ancient Yezidi society.
The MP also said, "Unfortunately, the world was very late in identifying the genocide of the Ezidi people."
"Turkey, one of the homelands of the Ezidis, has not yet recognized the massacre of the Ezidis carried out by the terrorist organization called ISIS in the Sinjar and Şêxan region where 800-900 thousand Ezidi-Kurds were living.
"Turkey should recognize this genocide of the Ezidi-Kurds in its eighth year and play its historical role by waging an effective struggle against ISIS," Uca said.
The bill proposed and submitted by the Ezidi-origin MP of HDP reads, "Turkey recognizes the systematic violence by the terrorist organization ISIS, where tens of thousands of Ezidis were killed, hundreds of thousands forced to migrate, five to seven thousand Ezidi women and children were captured, Ezidi children assimilated, aiming at making the Ezidi identity and belief extinct as genocide and as a crime against humanity."