Thousands of Trees Cut in Mount Ida for Gold Mine, People on the Watch

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After the images showing the trees cut down in Mount Ida in Çanakkale for the Kirazlı Gold Mine Project were shared on social media and sparked public outrage, the local community and environmental activists have announced that they are standing a "water watch" in the region.
While a call has been made on social media to the camping and watch area near the mineral exploration site in Kirazlı Village, the Municipality of Çanakkale has indicated that they will aid the ones who will keep watch.
The Directorate General of Forestry of the Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture has also released a statement entitled "The False Facts About Çanakkale Kirazlı Mine Site" and announced the number of trees cut down for the project as 13 thousand 400.
Indicating that the allegation of "Mount Ida is being destroyed" as a result of cyanide gold exploration near Atikhisar Dam water basin does not reflect the truth, the Directorate has further claimed that the mine site in question is 40 kilometers away from the Ida Mountains.
'No cyanide is used in exploring or extracting gold'
The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has also released a statement later in the day and announced that the gold exploration works are continuing at Kirazlı Balaban Hill, which is 40 kilometers away from the Ida Mountains. The Ministry has also stated that contrary to allegations, no cyanide is used while exploring or extracting gold in the region.
"The allegation that the water demand of the Kirazı Gold and Silver Mine will be met from Atikhisar Dam is completely unreal", the Ministry has said.
Regarding the trees cut down for the mine project, the Ministry has stated, "As per the related regulation, the company that engages in the mining activities in question has planted 14 thousand trees by forming two memorial forests. The number of trees that have been cut down in the region is 13 thousand 400, not 195 thousand as alleged."
Özoğuz: This nature belongs to us all
Musician Gökhan Özoğuz posted the following tweet under the hashtag #KazDaglarinaDokunma (Don't touch Ida Mountains):
Ülkenin hiçbir yerinde insanların yaşam alanlarına yakın olan yerlerde veya Doğanın Ekolojik sistemini bozacak hiçbir işleme izin vermemeliyiz ! Doğa hepimizin !#KazdaglarinaDokunma
— Gökhan Özoğuz (@gokhanozoguz) July 28, 2019
"In no parts of the country will we allow an action that will harm the ecosystem of nature near living space of humans. Nature belongs to us all."
Actor Şahan Gökbakar has also shared a message on his Instagram account and said, "The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry made a statement... It said, 'Yes, the trees have been destroyed, but we cut 13 thousand trees, not 195 thousand of them. And moreover, it is not the Ida Mountains, it is 40 kilometers away from there." My questions to the Ministry: Are we stupid?"
The Municipality of Artvin province has also posted a message on its Twitter account under the hashtag #KazdağlarıHepimizin (Ida Mountains belong to us all) and stated the following:
Kaz dağları maden arama yeri değil Oksijen alma yeridir!
— Artvin Belediyesi (@artvinbeltr) July 27, 2019
Yaşam pınarıdır!
İda ‘dır ,Sarıkız’dır,Olimpos ‘dur!#KazdağlarıHepimizin#Artvinİçin
"The Mount Ida is not a place to explore mines, it is a place to get oxygen. It is a blessing! It is a spring of life! It is Ida, it is Sarıkız, it is Olimpos." (HA/SD)