Message from Greta Thunberg: Ida Mountains Belong to us All

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16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg from Sweden has posted a video on social media to react against the destruction of nature in Ida Mountains for a gold mine. Attending the Smile for Future summit in Lausanne, Switzerland, Thunberg has said, "Ida Mountains belong to us all" in Turkish.
Climate activists from Turkey Selin Gören and Atlas Sarrafoğlu have also met Thunberg at the summit in Lausanne:
Geçen sene ağustos ayında tek başınaydı. Şimdi Greta’nın yanında milyonlarca çocuk var. Yani biz varız!
— Atlas Sarrafoğlu (@AtlasSarrafoglu) August 7, 2019
She was alone on last August. But now there's millions of kids with Greta. There is us!#fridaysforfuture #iklimkrizi #SmileForFuture @fridaysforfuture_tr @GretaThunberg
Sharing a picture with Greta Thunberg on his Twitter account, Atlas Sarrafoğlu has said, "She was alone on last August. But now there's millions of kids with Greta. There is us!"
Greta says Hi to all the Turkish climate strikers/Greta'nın tüm iklim grevcilerine selamı var @GretaThunberg @AtlasSarrafoglu @FridaysTurkey @fff_europe @Fridays4future #gretathunberg #FridaysForFurture #schoolstrike4climate #ClimateJustice #earthwarriors#SmileForFuture
— Selin Gören (@selingorenden) August 7, 2019
Sharing the same picture on her Twitter account, Selin Gören has also said, "Greta says Hi to all the Turkish climate strikers."